How to use two SPI busses with CB1 on Manta M8P

Hi mykepredko,

thank you for your reply and for the clarification. That is a quite valuable information if it ever comes to design an actual PCB for my toolhead. So far I’m just juggling with the Chinese breakout boards for ADXL and ADS and a flying wiring around my toolhead.

I think it might be better to follow the way of separation both devices at the moment, since i already had to make a bunch of consessions here and it seems to make the whole thing less wonky than having an OR-Gate tangling around. :slight_smile:

Or what was your Question aiming at?

I don’t use the EXP1/EXP2 for anything. But as far as i can figure out here the tft35 would use spidev1.1. Correct me if I’m wrong but that would be connected to EXP1/EXP2?

Anyway I’m already using spidev1.1 for connecting the ADXL via the GPIO, so it might not be a solution to connect there?