How to use two SPI busses with CB1 on Manta M8P

Was able to find the solution, extracting the bits ans pieces @Sineos gave me:

|     ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ KIAUH Settings ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~     |
| Klipper:                                              |
|   ● Repository:                                       |
|     garethky/klipper (load-cell-probe-community-testing)|
| Install unstable releases:                            |
|     Mainsail: ● false          Fluidd: ● false        |
| Backup before updating: ● true                        |
| 1) Set custom Klipper repository                      |
|                                                       |
| 2) Allow unstable Mainsail releases                   |
| 3) Allow unstable Fluidd releases                     |
|                                                       |
| 4) Disable automatic backups before updates           |
|         B) « Back         |        H) Help [?]        |

the solution is:



and select it in the KIAUH Settings

But the version looks a bit strange:

|     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ KIAUH ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     |
|        Klipper Installation And Update Helper         |
|     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     |
|     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ Update Menu ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     |
| a) [Update all]        |               |              |
|                        | Installed:    | Latest:      |
| Klipper & API:         |---------------|--------------|
|  1) [Klipper]          | v0.9.1-2078   | v0.9.1-2078  |

and it seems i have to update the MCUs again…

…which I did. Mainsails Update Manager shows now:


Unofficial remote url:

Repo not on offical remote/branch, expected: origin/master, detected: origin/load-cell-probe-community-testing

And the Klipper message still apperars:

Klipper meldet: SHUTDOWN

Internal error during ready callback: Failed to set ADS1220 register [0x0] to [0xe, 0x94, 0x0, 0x0]: got [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]. This may be a connection problem (e.g. faulty wiring)

Maybe I’m running in the completely wrong direction with my KIAUH experiment!?