===== Config file ===== [virtual_sdcard] path = ~/printer_data/gcodes on_error_gcode = CANCEL_PRINT [exclude_object] [display_status] [pause_resume] [stepper_x] step_pin = PE2 dir_pin = PB4 enable_pin = !PC11 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 40 endstop_pin = ^PF3 position_endstop = 386 position_max = 386 position_min = 0 homing_speed = 50 homing_retract_dist = 15 [stepper_y] step_pin = PF12 dir_pin = PF11 enable_pin = !PB3 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 40 endstop_pin = ^PF4 position_endstop = 370 position_max = 390 position_min = 0 homing_speed = 50 homing_retract_dist = 28 [extruder] step_pin = PD7 dir_pin = !PD6 enable_pin = !PF10 microsteps = 16 full_steps_per_rotation = 200 rotation_distance = 4.637 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 filament_diameter = 1.75 max_extrude_only_distance = 1000 max_extrude_only_velocity = 120 max_extrude_cross_section = 5.0 pressure_advance = 0.04 pressure_advance_smooth_time = 0.04 smooth_time = .50 heater_pin = PE3 max_power = 1.0 sensor_type = ATC Semitec 104GT-2 pullup_resistor = 4700 sensor_pin = PA1 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 300 control = pid pid_kp = 29.700 pid_ki = 2.152 pid_kd = 102.464 [stepper_z] step_pin = PD3 dir_pin = PD2 enable_pin = !PD5 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 4 endstop_pin = PC2 position_endstop = 2 position_max = 400 position_min = -3 homing_speed = 20 second_homing_speed = 5 homing_retract_dist = 3 [stepper_z1] step_pin = PC9 dir_pin = !PC8 enable_pin = !PD1 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 4 [stepper_z2] step_pin = PA10 dir_pin = !PA14 enable_pin = !PA15 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 4 [stepper_z3] step_pin = PD11 dir_pin = PD9 enable_pin = !PD15 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 4 [heater_bed] heater_pin = PB5 sensor_pin = PA0 sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F min_temp = 0 max_temp = 130 control = pid pid_kp = 57.282 pid_ki = 2.464 pid_kd = 332.949 [heater_fan hotend_fan] max_power = 1.0 fan_speed = 1 kick_start_time = 0.1 heater = extruder heater_temp = 35 pin = PE6 [fan] pin = !PE0 max_power = 1 shutdown_speed = 0 cycle_time = 0.002 hardware_pwm = false kick_start_time = .25 [controller_fan stepper_fan] pin = PE4 idle_timeout = 60 idle_speed = 1 heater = extruder, heater_bed stepper = stepper_x, stepper_y, stepper_z [mcu] canbus_uuid = 470895d943da [input_shaper] shaper_freq_x = 72 shaper_type_x = mzv shaper_freq_y = 51.4 shaper_type_y = mzv damping_ratio_x = 0.1 damping_ratio_y = 0.1 [printer] kinematics = corexy max_velocity = 1000 max_accel = 15000 max_z_velocity = 20 max_z_accel = 1000 [board_pins] aliases = EXP1_1=PE9, EXP1_2=PE10, EXP1_3=PE11, EXP1_4=PE12, EXP1_5=PE13, EXP1_6=PE14, EXP1_7=PE15, EXP1_8=PB10, EXP1_9=, EXP1_10=<5V>, EXP2_1=PB14, EXP2_2=PB13, EXP2_3=PF7, EXP2_4=PB12, EXP2_5=PE7, EXP2_6=PB11, EXP2_7=PE8, EXP2_8=, EXP2_9=, EXP2_10=PC5 [tmc2209 extruder] uart_pin = PF9 diag_pin = PF5 run_current = 0.80 hold_current = .05 stealthchop_threshold = 0 driver_tbl = 0 driver_hend = 6 driver_hstrt = 7 driver_toff = 4 interpolate = true sense_resistor = 0.11 [tmc2209 stepper_z] uart_pin = PD4 diag_pin = PC0 run_current = 0.650 stealthchop_threshold = 999999 [tmc2209 stepper_z1] uart_pin = PD0 run_current = 0.650 stealthchop_threshold = 999999 [tmc2209 stepper_z2] uart_pin = PF8 run_current = 0.6500 stealthchop_threshold = 999999 [tmc2209 stepper_z3] uart_pin = PD14 run_current = 0.6500 stealthchop_threshold = 999999 [tmc5160 stepper_x] cs_pin = PC10 spi_software_miso_pin = PA6 spi_software_mosi_pin = PA7 spi_software_sclk_pin = PA5 run_current = 1.7 hold_current = .5 stealthchop_threshold = 0 diag1_pin = PF3 [tmc5160 stepper_y] cs_pin = PF13 spi_software_miso_pin = PA6 spi_software_mosi_pin = PA7 spi_software_sclk_pin = PA5 run_current = 1.7 hold_current = .5 stealthchop_threshold = 0 diag1_pin = PF4 [quad_gantry_level] gantry_corners = -26.5, 15.5 392, 343.3 points = 10,0 10, 310 367, 310 367, 0 speed = 50 horizontal_move_z = 15 max_adjust = 5 retries = 5 retry_tolerance = .05 [respond] default_type = echo default_prefix = echo: [delayed_gcode clear_display] gcode = M117 [gcode_button sensor_fs] pin = PF5 press_gcode = {% if (printer.print_stats.state == "printing") %} filament_change_state1 {% else %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=0 {% endif %} UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_loadbusy DURATION=2 UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_unloadbusy DURATION=2 SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=filamentpresent VALUE=0 release_gcode = {% if (printer.print_stats.state != "printing") %} filament_load {% else %} M117 Printing! Can't load filament right now! M118 Printing! Can't load filament right now! UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_display DURATION=10 {% endif %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=filamentpresent VALUE=1 UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_changebusy DURATION=2 [gcode_button sensor_fu] pin = PC0 release_gcode = {% if (printer.print_stats.state != "printing")%} filament_unload {% else %} M117 Printing! Can't unload filament right now! M118 Printing! Can't unload filament right now! {% endif %} press_gcode = [delayed_gcode clear_changebusy] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_change_state1 VARIABLE=changebusy VALUE=0 M118 Clear Load busy! [delayed_gcode set_loadbusy] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=1 M118 Set Load busy! [delayed_gcode clear_loadbusy] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=0 M118 Clear Load busy! [gcode_macro filament_change_state1] variable_changebusy = 0 gcode = {% if changebusy == 0 %} PAUSE purge_bucket SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_change_state1 VARIABLE=changebusy VALUE=1 M118 Filament runnout! M117 Filament runnout! filament_change_state2 {% else %} {% endif %} [gcode_macro filament_change_state2] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=1 M118 Unloading filament... M117 Unloading filament... M82 G92 E0 {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower != 'true' %} M118 Hotend heating! M109 S235 T0 {% endif %} G0 E-5 F3600 G0 E-70 F300 M400 M117 Load new filament! Wait until is loaded, then resume printing. M118 Load new filament! Wait until is loaded, then resume printing. UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=set_loadbusy DURATION=2.5 [gcode_macro M600] gcode = filament_change_state1 [gcode_macro filament_load] variable_loadbusy = 0 gcode = {% if loadbusy == 0 %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=1 SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=unloadbusy VALUE=1 {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower != 'true' %} M104 S235 T0 {% endif %} M117 Filament loading! M118 Filament loading! M82 G92 E0 G4 P2000 FORCE_MOVE STEPPER=extruder DISTANCE=15 VELOCITY=5 ACCEL=1000 {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower != 'true' %} M118 Hotend heating! M109 S235 T0 {% endif %} G1 E100 F300 M400 M117 Filament load complete! M118 Filament load complete! UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_display DURATION=10 UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_unloadbusy DURATION=2 {% else %} M118 Filament already loaded! {% endif %} [gcode_macro filament_unload] variable_unloadbusy = 0 variable_filamentpresent = 0 gcode = purge_bucket {% if unloadbusy == 0 %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=unloadbusy VALUE=1 SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=1 M118 Filament unloading! M117 Filament unloading! M82 G92 E0 {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower != 'true' %} M118 Hotend heating! M109 S235 T0 {% endif %} G0 E-15 F3600 G0 E-70 F300 M400 M118 Filament unload complete! M117 Filament unload complete! UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_display DURATION=10 {% else %} M118 Nothing to unload! {% endif %} [delayed_gcode clear_unloadbusy] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=unloadbusy VALUE=0 M118 Clear Unload busy! [gcode_macro START_PRINT] gcode = M104 S0 {% set BED_TEMP = params.BED_TEMP|default|float %} {% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default|float %} {% set CHAMBER_TEMP = params.CHAMBER_TEMP|default(0)|int %} BEDFANSSLOW M140 S{BED_TEMP} {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xy" %} G28 X0 G28 Y0 {% endif %} {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "z" %} G28 Z0 {% endif %} HOME_POSITION M190 S{BED_TEMP} BEDFANSFAST BEDBLOWSLOW chamber_temp_wait CHAMBER_TEMP={CHAMBER_TEMP} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED=0 M109 S175 quad_gantry_level G90 SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.0 calibrate_z M104 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} purge_bucket M109 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} ADAPTIVE_PURGE [gcode_macro END_PRINT] gcode = SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE heater="Heater_Chamber" target=0 BEDFANSOFF SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED=0 G91 G1 E-5 Z+10 F3000 G90 G1 X188.5 Y370 M104 S0 M140 S0 M84 SET_TEMPERATURE_FAN_TARGET temperature_fan="chamber" target=30 [gcode_macro M109] rename_existing = M99109 gcode = {% set s = params.S|float %} M104 {% for p in params %}{'%s%s' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} {% if s != 0 %} TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=extruder MINIMUM={s} MAXIMUM={s+1} {% endif %} [gcode_macro LOAD_FILAMENT] gcode = {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(300) %} {% set max_velocity = printer.configfile.settings['extruder'].max_extrude_only_velocity %} SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=load_state M300 G91 G92 E0 G1 E350 F{max_velocity} G1 E25 F{speed} M300 M300 RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=load_state [gcode_macro UNLOAD_FILAMENT] gcode = {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(300) %} {% set max_velocity = printer.configfile.settings['extruder'].max_extrude_only_velocity %} SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=unload_state G91 M300 G92 E0 G1 E25 F{speed} G1 E-420 F{max_velocity} M300 M300 RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=unload_state [gcode_macro purge_bucket] gcode = {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %} G28 X0 Y0 {% endif %} G90 G1 X40 F2000 G1 Y380 F2000 [gcode_macro Clean_nozzle] gcode = {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %} G28 X0 Y0 {% endif %} {% set wipe_count = 8 %} SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=clean_nozzle_state G90 {% for wipe in range(wipe_count) %} {% for coordinate in [(70, 375),(110, 375)] %} G0 X{coordinate[0]} Y{coordinate[1] + 0.25 * wipe} F20000 {% endfor %} {% endfor %} RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=clean_nozzle_state [gcode_macro ADAPTIVE_PURGE] description = A purge macro that adapts to be near your actual printed objects variable_adaptive_enable = True variable_z_height = 0.4 variable_tip_distance = 15 variable_purge_amount = 15 variable_flow_rate = 10 variable_x_default = 10 variable_y_default = 10 variable_size = 20 variable_distance_to_object_x = 15 variable_distance_to_object_y = 0 variable_travel_speed = 300 gcode = {% if adaptive_enable == True %} {% set all_points = printer.exclude_object.objects | map(attribute='polygon') | sum(start=[]) %} {% set x_origin = (all_points | map(attribute=0) | min | default(x_default + distance_to_object_x + size)) - distance_to_object_x - size %} {% set y_origin = (all_points | map(attribute=1) | min | default(y_default + distance_to_object_y + size)) - distance_to_object_y - size %} {% set x_origin = ([x_origin, 0] | max) %} {% set y_origin = ([y_origin, 0] | max) %} {% else %} {% set x_origin = x_default | float %} {% set y_origin = y_default | float %} {% endif %} {% set purge_move_speed = 2.31 * size * flow_rate / (purge_amount * 2.405) %} {% set prepurge_speed = flow_rate / 2.405 %} { action_respond_info( "x: " + x_origin|string + " y: " + y_origin|string + " purge_move_speed: " + purge_move_speed|string + " prepurge_speed: " + prepurge_speed|string ) } G92 E0 G0 F{travel_speed*60} G90 G0 X{x_origin} Y{y_origin+size/2} G0 Z{z_height} M83 G1 E{tip_distance} F{prepurge_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.285} Y{y_origin+size} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.789} Y{y_origin+size} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.250} Y{y_origin} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.711} Y{y_origin} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size} Y{y_origin+size/2} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.80} Y{y_origin+size/2} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 E-.5 F2100 G92 E0 [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT] description = Cancel the actual running print rename_existing = CANCEL_PRINT_BASE gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set allow_park = client.park_at_cancel|default(false)|lower == 'true' %} {% set retract = client.cancel_retract|default(5.0)|abs %} {% set park_x = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_x|default(none) is none) else "X=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_x %} {% set park_y = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_y|default(none) is none) else "Y=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_y %} {% set custom_park = park_x|length > 0 or park_y|length > 0 %} {% if printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout > 0 %} SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout} {% endif %} {% if (custom_park or not printer.pause_resume.is_paused) and allow_park %} _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {park_x} {park_y} {% endif %} _CLIENT_RETRACT LENGTH={retract} TURN_OFF_HEATERS M106 S0 {client.user_cancel_macro|default("")} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=idle_state VALUE=False SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER ENABLE=0 SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER ENABLE=0 LAYER=0 CANCEL_PRINT_BASE [gcode_macro PAUSE] description = Pause the actual running print rename_existing = PAUSE_BASE gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set idle_timeout = client.idle_timeout|default(0) %} {% set temp = printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].target if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' else 0 %} {% set restore = False if printer.toolhead.extruder == '' else True if params.RESTORE|default(1)|int == 1 else False %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=last_extruder_temp VALUE="{{'restore': restore, 'temp': temp}}" {% if idle_timeout > 0 %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=restore_idle_timeout VALUE={printer.configfile.settings.idle_timeout.timeout} SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={idle_timeout} {% endif %} PAUSE_BASE {client.user_pause_macro|default("")} _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {rawparams} [gcode_macro RESUME] description = Resume the actual running print rename_existing = RESUME_BASE variable_last_extruder_temp = {'restore': False, 'temp': 0} variable_restore_idle_timeout = 0 variable_idle_state = False gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %} {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) %} {% set runout_resume = True if client.runout_sensor|default("") == "" else True if not printer[client.runout_sensor].enabled else printer[client.runout_sensor].filament_detected %} {% set can_extrude = True if printer.toolhead.extruder == '' else printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %} {% set do_resume = False %} {% set prompt_txt = [] %} {% if printer.idle_timeout.state|upper == "IDLE" or idle_state %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=idle_state VALUE=False {% if last_extruder_temp.restore %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"Restoring \"%s\" temperature to %3.1f\u00B0C, this may take some time" % (printer.toolhead.extruder, last_extruder_temp.temp) }' M109 S{last_extruder_temp.temp} {% set do_resume = True %} {% elif can_extrude %} {% set do_resume = True %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}' {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %} {% endif %} {% elif can_extrude %} {% set do_resume = True %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}' {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %} {% endif %} {% if runout_resume %} {% if do_resume %} {% if restore_idle_timeout > 0 %} SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={restore_idle_timeout} {% endif %} {client.user_resume_macro|default("")} _CLIENT_EXTRUDE RESUME_BASE VELOCITY={params.VELOCITY|default(sp_move)} {% endif %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]}' {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]) %} {% endif %} {% if not (runout_resume and do_resume) %} RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_begin RESUME aborted !!!" {% for element in prompt_txt %} RESPOND TYPE=command MSG='{"action:prompt_text %s" % element}' {% endfor %} RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_footer_button Ok|RESPOND TYPE=command MSG=action:prompt_end|info" RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_show" {% endif %} [gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER] description = Enable a pause if the next layer is reached gcode = {% set pause_next_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_next_layer %} {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|default(1)|int != 0 %} {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(pause_next_layer.call, True) %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO VARIABLE=pause_next_layer VALUE="{{ 'enable': ENABLE, 'call': MACRO }}" [gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER] description = Enable/disable a pause if a given layer number is reached gcode = {% set pause_at_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_at_layer %} {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|int != 0 if params.ENABLE is defined else params.LAYER is defined %} {% set LAYER = params.LAYER|default(pause_at_layer.layer)|int %} {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(pause_at_layer.call, True) %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO VARIABLE=pause_at_layer VALUE="{{ 'enable': ENABLE, 'layer': LAYER, 'call': MACRO }}" [gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO] rename_existing = SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO_BASE description = Overwrite, to get pause_next_layer and pause_at_layer feature variable_pause_next_layer = { 'enable': False, 'call': "PAUSE" } variable_pause_at_layer = { 'enable': False, 'layer': 0, 'call': "PAUSE" } gcode = {% if pause_next_layer.enable %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_next_layer" % pause_next_layer.call}' {pause_next_layer.call} SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER ENABLE=0 {% elif pause_at_layer.enable and params.CURRENT_LAYER is defined and params.CURRENT_LAYER|int == pause_at_layer.layer %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_at_layer [%d]" % (pause_at_layer.call, pause_at_layer.layer)}' {pause_at_layer.call} SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER ENABLE=0 {% endif %} SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO_BASE {rawparams} [gcode_macro _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL] description = Helper: park toolhead used in PAUSE and CANCEL_PRINT gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %} {% set use_custom = client.use_custom_pos|default(false)|lower == 'true' %} {% set custom_park_x = client.custom_park_x|default(0.0) %} {% set custom_park_y = client.custom_park_y|default(0.0) %} {% set park_dz = client.custom_park_dz|default(2.0)|abs %} {% set sp_hop = client.speed_hop|default(15) * 60 %} {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) * 60 %} {% set origin = printer.gcode_move.homing_origin %} {% set act = printer.gcode_move.gcode_position %} {% set max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum %} {% set cone = printer.toolhead.cone_start_z|default(max.z) %} {% set round_bed = True if printer.configfile.settings.printer.kinematics is in ['delta','polar','rotary_delta','winch'] else False %} {% set z_min = params.Z_MIN|default(0)|float %} {% set z_park = [[(act.z + park_dz), z_min]|max, (max.z - origin.z)]|min %} {% set x_park = params.X if params.X is defined else custom_park_x if use_custom else 0.0 if round_bed else (max.x - 5.0) %} {% set y_park = params.Y if params.Y is defined else custom_park_y if use_custom else (max.y - 5.0) if round_bed and z_park < cone else 0.0 if round_bed else (max.y - 5.0) %} _CLIENT_RETRACT {% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} G90 G1 Z{z_park} F{sp_hop} G1 X{x_park} Y{y_park} F{sp_move} {% if not printer.gcode_move.absolute_coordinates %} G91 {% endif %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Printer not homed' {% endif %} [gcode_macro _CLIENT_EXTRUDE] description = Extrudes, if the extruder is hot enough gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set use_fw_retract = (client.use_fw_retract|default(false)|lower == 'true') and (printer.firmware_retraction is defined) %} {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.unretract)|default(1.0)|float %} {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_unretract)|default(35) %} {% set absolute_extrude = printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude %} {% if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' %} {% if printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %} {% if use_fw_retract %} {% if length < 0 %} G10 {% else %} G11 {% endif %} {% else %} M83 G1 E{length} F{(speed|float|abs) * 60} {% if absolute_extrude %} M82 {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"\"%s\" not hot enough" % printer.toolhead.extruder}' {% endif %} {% endif %} [gcode_macro _CLIENT_RETRACT] description = Retracts, if the extruder is hot enough gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.retract)|default(1.0)|float %} {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_retract)|default(35) %} _CLIENT_EXTRUDE LENGTH=-{length|float|abs} SPEED={speed|float|abs} [gcode_macro Home_Position] gcode = {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %} G28 {% endif %} G90 G1 X188.5 Y185 Z150 F2000 [gcode_macro Set_Z_Offset] gcode = M109 S180 {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %} G28 {% endif %} calibrate_z [probe] pin = ^PC1 x_offset = 0 y_offset = -18 z_offset = 11 speed = 5 samples = 2 samples_result = median sample_retract_dist = 5.0 samples_tolerance = 0.01 samples_tolerance_retries = 3 lift_speed = 30 [gcode_macro _User_Variables] variable_verbose = True variable_debug = False variable_travel_speed = 200 variable_move_accel = 5000 variable_dock_speed = 50 variable_release_speed = 75 variable_z_drop_speed = 20 variable_safe_z = 15 variable_enable_z_hop = True variable_max_bed_y = 370 variable_max_bed_x = 377 variable_z_endstop_x = 358 variable_z_endstop_y = 371 variable_docklocation_x = 295 variable_docklocation_y = 380 variable_docklocation_z = -128 variable_enable_dock_servo = False variable_servo_name = 'NAME' variable_servo_deploy = 10 variable_servo_retract = 11 variable_servo_delay = 250 variable_dockmove_x = 30 variable_dockmove_y = 0 variable_dockmove_z = 0 variable_attachmove_x = 0 variable_attachmove_y = 20 variable_attachmove_z = 0 variable_umbilical = False variable_umbilical_x = 15 variable_umbilical_y = 15 variable_park_toolhead = False variable_parkposition_x = 125 variable_parkposition_y = 125 variable_parkposition_z = 30 variable_version = 1 variable_attachmove2_x = 0 variable_attachmove2_y = 0 variable_attachmove2_z = 0 variable_home_backoff_x = 10 variable_home_backoff_y = 10 variable_override_homing = '' variable_dock_on_zhome = True gcode = {% set Mx = printer['configfile'].config["stepper_x"]["position_max"]|float %} {% set My = printer['configfile'].config["stepper_y"]["position_max"]|float %} {% set Ox = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["x_offset"]|float %} {% set Oy = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["y_offset"]|float %} {% set Oz = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["z_offset"]|float %} {% if z_endstop_x != 0 or z_endstop_y != 0 %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=z_endstop_x VALUE={ z_endstop_x } SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=z_endstop_y VALUE={ z_endstop_y } {% else %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=z_endstop_x VALUE={ (Mx * 0.5) - Ox } SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=z_endstop_y VALUE={ (My * 0.5) - Oy } {% endif %} [gcode_macro _Probe_Variables] variable_probe_attached = False variable_probe_state = False variable_probe_lock = False variable_probe_z_homed = False variable_z_endstop_x = 0 variable_z_endstop_y = 0 gcode = [gcode_macro _klicky_check_variables_version] gcode = {% set version = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].version|default(0) %} {% if version != 1 %} { action_raise_error("Please update your klicky variables, there are some functionality changes") } {% endif %} [gcode_macro _KlickyDebug] gcode = {% set message = params.MSG %} {% set debug = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].debug|default(False) %} {% if debug %} { action_respond_info(message) } {% endif %} [gcode_macro _exit_point] gcode = {% set function = 'pre_' ~ params.FUNCTION %} {% set move = params.MOVE|default(0) %} {% set speed = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed %} M400 SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT ACCEL={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel} SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT ACCEL_TO_DECEL={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel_to_decel} RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME={function} MOVE={move} MOVE_SPEED={speed} [gcode_macro _entry_point] gcode = {% set function = 'pre_' ~ params.FUNCTION %} {% set move_accel = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].move_accel|default(1000) %} M400 SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME={function} SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0 G90 SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT ACCEL={move_accel} [gcode_macro _Homing_Variables] gcode = {% set reset = params.RESET|default(0) %} {% if reset %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_lock VALUE={ False } {% endif %} [gcode_macro Attach_Probe_Lock] description = Attaches Klicky Probe, can only be docked after unlocking gcode = Attach_Probe _Probe_Lock [gcode_macro Dock_Probe_Unlock] description = Docks Klicky Probe even if it was locked gcode = _Probe_Unlock Dock_Probe [gcode_macro _Probe_Unlock] description = Unlocks Klicky Probe state gcode = _KlickyDebug msg="_Probe_Lock setting probe_lock variable to False" SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_lock VALUE={ False } [gcode_macro _Probe_Lock] description = Locks Klicky Probe state gcode = _KlickyDebug msg="_Probe_Lock setting probe_lock variable to True" SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_lock VALUE={ True } [gcode_macro _DeployKlickyDock] description = Deploys Klicky servo-controlled dock gcode = {% set enable_dock_servo = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].enable_dock_servo|default(False) %} {% set servo_delay = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_delay|default(1000) %} {% set servo_name = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_name %} {% set servo_deploy = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_deploy|default(360) %} M400 {% if enable_dock_servo != False %} _KlickyDebug msg="_DeployKlickyDock Klicky servo configuration enabled" {% if servo_deploy == 360 %} { action_raise_error("Klicky: servo active on klicky-variables, but no servo deploy angle specified") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="_DeployKlickyDock SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} ANGLE={servo_deploy|int}" SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} ANGLE={servo_deploy|int} M400 G4 P{servo_delay|int} _KlickyDebug msg="_DeployKlickyDock SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} WIDTH=0" SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} WIDTH=0 {% elif printer["gcode_macro _DeployDock"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_DeployKlickyDock calling _DeployDock" _DeployDock {% endif %} [gcode_macro _RetractKlickyDock] description = Retracts Klicky servo-controlled dock gcode = {% set enable_dock_servo = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].enable_dock_servo|default(False) %} {% set servo_delay = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_delay|default(1000) %} {% set servo_name = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_name %} {% set servo_retract = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_retract|default(360) %} M400 {% if enable_dock_servo != False %} _KlickyDebug msg="_RetractKlickyDock Klicky servo configuration enabled" {% if servo_retract == 360 %} { action_raise_error("Klicky: servo active on klicky-variables, but no servo retract angle specified") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="_RetractKlickyDock SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} ANGLE={servo_retract|int}" SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} ANGLE={servo_retract|int} M400 G4 P{servo_delay|int} _KlickyDebug msg="_RetractKlickyDock SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} WIDTH=0" SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} WIDTH=0 {% elif printer["gcode_macro _RetractDock"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_RetractKlickyDock calling _RetractDock" _RetractDock {% endif %} [gcode_macro Attach_Probe] description = Attaches Klicky Probe gcode = {% set goback = params.BACK|default(0) %} {% set probe_attached = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].probe_attached %} {% set probe_lock = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].probe_lock %} {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} {% set dockmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_x|default(0) %} {% set dockmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_y|default(0) %} {% set dockmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_z|default(0) %} {% set docklocation_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_x %} {% set docklocation_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_y %} {% set docklocation_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_z %} {% set attachmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_x|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_y|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_z|default(0) %} {% set attachmove2_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove2_x|default(0) %} {% set attachmove2_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove2_y|default(0) %} {% set attachmove2_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove2_z|default(0) %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z %} {% set enable_z_hop = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].enable_z_hop %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set dock_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dock_speed * 60 %} {% set release_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].release_speed * 60 %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set bypass_probe_docking = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].bypass_probe_docking|default(False) %} _entry_point function=Attach_Probe {% if bypass_probe_docking == False %} {% if not 'xy' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} { action_raise_error("Must Home X and Y Axis First!") } _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe Axis homed" {% elif not probe_attached and not probe_lock %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe going to attach probe" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Attaching Probe") } {% endif %} _KLICKY_STATUS_BUSY {% if not 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Resetting Z position to zero") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe Z not homed, setting position as X=Y=Z=0" SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z=0 {% if not enable_z_hop %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe z_hop disabled" {% set safe_z = 0 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe toolhead too low, raising it to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if not 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Resetting Z position to zero, duplicate?") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe Z not homed, setting position as X=Y=Z=0" SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z=0 {% endif %} {% if printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe toolhead too low, raising it to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _Umbilical_Path _entry_point function=Attach_Probe_intern _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving near the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{travel_feedrate} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving near the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int - attachmove2_z|int} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int - attachmove2_z|int} F{dock_feedrate} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving near the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{dock_feedrate} {% endif %} _DeployKlickyDock {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z} F{dock_feedrate} {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{dock_feedrate} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving from the dock to G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{z_drop_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving from the dock to G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate} _RetractKlickyDock {% if ((printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z) or (docklocation_z != -128 and docklocation_z < safe_z ))%} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to a safe Z position: G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _Park_Toolhead _CheckProbe action=attach _exit_point function=Attach_Probe_intern move={goback} _KLICKY_STATUS_READY {% elif probe_lock %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Probe locked!") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe probe locked not attaching probe" _CheckProbe action=query {% else %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Probe already attached!") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe probe already attached, doing nothing" _CheckProbe action=query {% endif %} _exit_point function=Attach_Probe {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe probe docking bypassed, doing nothing" {% endif %} [gcode_macro Dock_Probe] description = Docks Klicky Probe gcode = {% set goback = params.BACK|default(0) %} {% set probe_attached = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].probe_attached %} {% set probe_lock = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].probe_lock %} {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} {% set dockmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_x|default(0) %} {% set dockmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_y|default(0) %} {% set dockmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_z|default(0) %} {% set docklocation_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_x %} {% set docklocation_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_y %} {% set docklocation_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_z %} {% set attachmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_x|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_y|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_z|default(0) %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set dock_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dock_speed * 60 %} {% set release_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].release_speed * 60 %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set bypass_probe_docking = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].bypass_probe_docking|default(False) %} {% if bypass_probe_docking == True %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe probe docking bypassed, doing nothing" {% endif %} {% if bypass_probe_docking != True %} _entry_point function=Dock_Probe {% if probe_attached and not probe_lock %} _KLICKY_STATUS_BUSY {% if printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe toolhead too low, raising it to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _Umbilical_Path _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving near the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving near the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{dock_feedrate} {% endif %} _DeployKlickyDock _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving to the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z} F{dock_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving from the dock to G0 Z{docklocation_z|int + dockmove_z|int} F{release_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int + dockmove_z|int} F{release_feedrate} {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving from the dock to G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate} _RetractKlickyDock _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving away from the dock to G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate} {% if (printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z) %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving to a safe Z position: G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _Park_Toolhead G4 P1000 _CheckProbe action=dock _KLICKY_STATUS_READY {% elif probe_lock %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Probe locked") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe probe locked not docking probe" _CheckProbe action=query {% else %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Probe already docked") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe probe already docked, doing nothing" _CheckProbe action=query {% endif %} _exit_point function=Dock_Probe move={goback} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe probe docking bypassed, doing nothing" {% endif %} [gcode_macro PROBE_CALIBRATE] rename_existing = _PROBE_CALIBRATE description = Calibrate the probes z_offset with klicky automount gcode = {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set max_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].max_bed_x|float %} {% set max_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].max_bed_y|float %} {% set probe_offset_x = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["x_offset"]|float %} {% set probe_offset_y = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["y_offset"]|float %} {% set bypass_probe_docking = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].bypass_probe_docking|default(False) %} {% if not 'xyz' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} { action_raise_error("Must Home X, Y and Z Axis First!") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate Axis homed" _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate Variables max_x={max_x},max_y={max_y},probe_offset_x={probe_offset_x},probe_offset_y={probe_offset_y}" {% if printer['gcode_move'].position.y > (max_y - probe_offset_y) or printer['gcode_move'].position.y < - probe_offset_y or printer['gcode_move'].position.x > (max_x - probe_offset_x) or printer['gcode_move'].position.x < - probe_offset_x %} { action_raise_error("Must perform PROBE_CALIBRATE with the probe above the BED, check klicky_variables bed size!") } {% endif %} {% if bypass_probe_docking == False %} _CheckProbe action=query G90 Attach_Probe back=1 _KLICKY_STATUS_CALIBRATING_Z _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate calling klipper probe_calibrate" _PROBE_CALIBRATE {% for p in params %}{'%s=%s ' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} M118 moving the toolhead 20 mm from the bed _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate Moving Z up by 20mm" TESTZ Z=20 M118 remove manually the probe and continue calibration _KLICKY_STATUS_READY {% else %} _KLICKY_STATUS_CALIBRATING_Z _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate calling klipper probe_calibrate" _PROBE_CALIBRATE {% for p in params %}{'%s=%s ' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} _KLICKY_STATUS_READY {% endif %} [gcode_macro PROBE_ACCURACY] rename_existing = _PROBE_ACCURACY description = Probe Z-height accuracy at current XY position with klicky automount gcode = {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set max_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].max_bed_x|float %} {% set max_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].max_bed_y|float %} {% set probe_offset_x = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["x_offset"]|float %} {% set probe_offset_y = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["y_offset"]|float %} {% if not 'xyz' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} { action_raise_error("Must Home X, Y and Z Axis First!") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="probe_accuracy Axis homed" _KlickyDebug msg="probe_accuracy Variables max_x={max_x},max_y={max_y},probe_offset_x={probe_offset_x},probe_offset_y={probe_offset_y}" _entry_point function=PROBE_ACCURACY {% if printer['gcode_move'].position.y > (max_y - probe_offset_y) or printer['gcode_move'].position.y < - probe_offset_y or printer['gcode_move'].position.x > (max_x - probe_offset_x) or printer['gcode_move'].position.x < - probe_offset_x %} { action_raise_error("Must perform PROBE_ACCURACY with the probe above the BED, check klicky_variables bed size!") } {% endif%} _CheckProbe action=query Attach_Probe back=1 _KlickyDebug msg="probe_accuracy calling klipper probe accuracy" _PROBE_ACCURACY {% for p in params %}{'%s=%s ' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} Dock_Probe back=1 _exit_point function=PROBE_ACCURACY move=1 [force_move] enable_force_move = true [homing_override] axes = xyz gcode = _User_Variables {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z %} {% set enable_z_hop = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].enable_z_hop %} {% set kinematic_z = 0 %} {% set dock_on_zhome = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dock_on_zhome|default(True) %} {% set attachmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_x|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_y|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_z|default(0) %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set home_backoff_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].home_backoff_x|default(0) %} {% set home_backoff_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].home_backoff_y|default(0) %} {% set override_homing = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].override_homing|default('') %} _klicky_check_variables_version _CheckProbe action=query {% set home_x, home_y, home_z, leave_probe_attached = False, False, False, False %} {% if 'PROBE_LOCK' in params%} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("PROBE_LOCK = True") } {% endif %} {% set leave_probe_attached = True %} {% endif %} {% if not 'X' in params and not 'Y' in params and not 'Z' in params %} {% set home_x, home_y, home_z = True, True, True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home all axes" {% else %} {% if 'X' in params %} {% set home_x = True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home X" {% endif %} {% if 'Y' in params %} {% set home_y = True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home Y" {% endif %} {% if 'Z' in params %} {% set home_z = True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home Z" {% endif %} {% if 'X' in params and 'Y' in params and 'Z' in params %} _Homing_Variables reset=1 _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home all axes" {% endif %} {% endif %} _entry_point function=homing_override _KLICKY_STATUS_HOMING {% if 'z' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if enable_z_hop == False %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override z_hop disabled" {% set kinematic_z = safe_z %} {% set safe_z = safe_z %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 'x' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes and 'y' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes and 'z' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes%} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("No axis homed") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override no axis homed, setting position as X=Y=0 Z={kinematic_z}" SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION X=0 Y=0 Z={kinematic_z} M400 _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% if home_z != True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override clearing axis homed state if not already homing Z" M84 {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if home_z %} {% if 'x' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes and 'y' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes%} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("X or Y not homed, forcing full G28") } {% endif %} {% set home_x, home_y, home_z = True, True, True %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if ((attachmove_y == 0 and override_homing == '' ) or (override_homing == 'Y'))%} {% if home_y %} {% if override_homing == 'Y' %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Y homing first override, due to override_homing = Y" {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Y homing first override, due to attachmove_y = 0" {% endif %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Homing Y") } {% endif %} {% if 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm in Y homing seq" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if printer["gcode_macro _HOME_Y"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override calling _HOME_Y external script to handle the Y homing" _HOME_Y {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Homing Y G28 Y0" G28 Y0 {% if home_backoff_y != 0 %} {% if (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop > (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_min|default(0) + printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_max)/2) %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off Y endstop, G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop-home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop - home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off Y endstop, G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop + home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop + home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {%endif %} {%endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% set home_y = False %} {% endif %} {% if home_x %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Homing X") } {% endif %} {% if 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm in X homing seq" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if printer["gcode_macro _HOME_X"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override calling _HOME_X external script to handle the X homing" _HOME_X {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Homing X, G28 X0" G28 X0 {% if home_backoff_x != 0 %} {% if (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop > (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_min|default(0) + printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_max)/2) %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off X endstop, G0 X{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop - home_backoff_x|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop - home_backoff_x|int} F{travel_feedrate} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off X endstop, G0 X{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop + home_backoff_x|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop + home_backoff_x|int} F{travel_feedrate} {%endif %} {%endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if home_y %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Homing Y") } {% endif %} {% if 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm in Y homing seq" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if printer["gcode_macro _HOME_Y"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override calling _HOME_Y external script to handle the Y homing" _HOME_Y {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Homing Y, G28 Y0" G28 Y0 {% if home_backoff_y != 0 %} {% if (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop > (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_min|default(0) + printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_max)/2) %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off Y endstop, G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop - home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop - home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off Y endstop, G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop + home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop + home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {%endif %} {%endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if home_z %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Homing Z") } {% endif %} {% if 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm in Y homing seq" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if 'z_virtual_endstop' in printer['configfile'].config["stepper_z"]["endstop_pin"] %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override probe configured as a virtual Z endstop attaching probe" Attach_Probe {% if leave_probe_attached %} _Probe_Lock {% endif %} {% elif dock_on_zhome == True %} Dock_Probe {% endif %} _Home_Z_ {% if 'z_virtual_endstop' in printer['configfile'].config["stepper_z"]["endstop_pin"] %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override probe no longer required, docking probe" Dock_Probe {% elif dock_on_zhome == False %} Dock_Probe {% endif %} {% endif %} _CheckProbe action=query _Park_Toolhead _exit_point function=homing_override _KLICKY_STATUS_READY [gcode_macro _Umbilical_Path] gcode = {% set umbilical = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].umbilical %} {% set umbilical_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].umbilical_x %} {% set umbilical_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].umbilical_y %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% if umbilical %} _entry_point function=Umbilical_Path _KlickyDebug msg="_Umbilical_Path moving to G0 X{umbilical_x} Y{umbilical_y} Z{safe_z} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{umbilical_x} Y{umbilical_y} Z{safe_z} F{travel_feedrate} _exit_point function=Umbilical_Path {% endif %} [gcode_macro _Home_Z_] gcode = {% set z_endstop_x = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].z_endstop_x %} {% set z_endstop_y = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].z_endstop_y %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} _entry_point function=Home_Z {% if not 'xy' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} { action_raise_error("Must Home X and Y Axis First!") } {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ XY Axis homed" {% if not 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Resetting Z position to zero") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ Z not homed, setting position as X=Y=Z=0" SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z=0 {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ moving to Z endstop position G0 X{z_endstop_x} Y{z_endstop_y} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{z_endstop_x} Y{z_endstop_y} F{travel_feedrate} _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ Homing Z G28 Z" G28 Z0 _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ toolhead too low, raising it to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _exit_point function=Home_Z [gcode_macro _CheckProbe] variable_probe_state = 0 gcode = Query_Probe _SetProbeState action={ params.ACTION } [gcode_macro _SetProbeState] gcode = {% set query_probe_triggered = printer.probe.last_query %} {% set action = params.ACTION|default('') %} {% if query_probe_triggered %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_attached VALUE={ False } {% else %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_attached VALUE={ True } {% endif %} {% if action == 'query' %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_state VALUE={ query_probe_triggered } {% endif %} {% if not query_probe_triggered and action == 'dock' %} { action_raise_error("Probe dock failed!") } {% endif %} {% if query_probe_triggered and action == 'attach' %} { action_raise_error("Probe attach failed!") } {% endif %} [gcode_macro _Park_Toolhead] gcode = {% set park_toolhead = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].park_toolhead %} {% set parkposition_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].parkposition_x %} {% set parkposition_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].parkposition_y %} {% set parkposition_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].parkposition_z %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} _entry_point function=Park_Toolhead {% if park_toolhead and 'xyz' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Parking Toolhead") } {% endif %} {% if parkposition_z == -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Park_Toolhead moving to G0 X{parkposition_x} Y{parkposition_y} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{parkposition_x} Y{parkposition_y} F{travel_feedrate} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Park_Toolhead moving to G0 X{parkposition_x} Y{parkposition_y} Z{parkposition_z} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{parkposition_x} Y{parkposition_y} Z{parkposition_z} F{travel_feedrate} {% endif %} {% endif %} _exit_point function=Park_Toolhead [gcode_macro _klicky_status_ready] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_ready'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_ready activating the LED STATUS_READY" STATUS_READY {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_busy] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_busy'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_busy activating the LED STATUS_BUSY" STATUS_BUSY {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_leveling] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_leveling'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_leveling activating the LED STATUS_LEVELING" STATUS_LEVELING {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_homing] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_homing'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_homing activating the LED STATUS_HOMING" STATUS_HOMING {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_cleaning] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_cleaning'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_cleaning activating the LED STATUS_CLEANING" STATUS_CLEANING {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_meshing] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_meshing'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_meshing activating the LED STATUS_MESHING" STATUS_MESHING {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_calibrating_z] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_calibrating_z'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_calibrating_z activating the LED STATUS_CALIBRATING_Z" STATUS_CALIBRATING_Z {% endif %} [gcode_macro QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL] rename_existing = _QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL description = Conform a moving, twistable gantry to the shape of a stationary bed with klicky automount gcode = {% set V = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} {% if V %} { action_respond_info("QG Level") } {% endif %} _CheckProbe action=query G90 Attach_Probe _KLICKY_STATUS_LEVELING _QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL {% for p in params %}{'%s=%s ' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} Dock_Probe [z_calibration] nozzle_xy_position = 358,371 switch_xy_position = 359,350 bed_xy_position = 188.5,185 wiggle_xy_offsets = 1,0 switch_offset = 0.25 offset_margins = 5 speed = 200 probing_first_fast = false before_switch_gcode = ATTACH_PROBE end_gcode = DOCK_PROBE [gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS] variable_threshold = 85 variable_innerfast = 0.8 variable_outerfast = 0.8 variable_innerslow = 0.4 variable_outerslow = 0.4 gcode = [fan_generic BedInner] pin = PC12 kick_start_time = 0.5 [fan_generic BedOuter] pin = PE5 kick_start_time = 0.5 [gcode_macro BEDFANSSLOW] gcode = {% set INNERSLOW = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].innerslow|float %} {% set OUTERSLOW = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].outerslow|float %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedInner SPEED={INNERSLOW} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedOuter SPEED={OUTERSLOW} [gcode_macro BEDFANSFAST] gcode = {% set INNERFAST = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].innerfast|float %} {% set OUTERFAST = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].outerfast|float %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedInner SPEED={INNERFAST} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedOuter SPEED={OUTERFAST} [gcode_macro BEDFANSOFF] gcode = SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedInner SPEED=0 SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedOuter SPEED=0 [gcode_macro M190] rename_existing = M99190 gcode = {% set S = params.S|int %} {% set THRESHOLD = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].threshold|int %} {% if S >= THRESHOLD %} BEDFANSSLOW {% else %} BEDFANSOFF {% endif %} M140 {% for p in params %}{'%s%s' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} {% if S != 0 %} TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=heater_bed MINIMUM={S|int} MAXIMUM={S|int + 5} {% endif %} {% if S >= THRESHOLD %} BEDFANSFAST {% endif %} [gcode_macro M140] rename_existing = M99140 gcode = {% set S = params.S|float %} SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE HEATER=heater_bed TARGET={S} [gcode_macro TURN_OFF_HEATERS] rename_existing = _TURN_OFF_HEATERS gcode = BEDFANSOFF _TURN_OFF_HEATERS [temperature_fan chamber] pin = PB8 tachometer_pin = PC14 max_power = 1.0 shutdown_speed = 1.0 kick_start_time = 5.0 cycle_time = 0.01 off_below = 0.1 sensor_type = NTC 100K MGB18-104F39050L32 sensor_pin = PA2 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 90 max_delta = 5.0 target_temp = 30 control = watermark [gcode_macro chamber_fan_set_temp] gcode = {% set CHAMBER_TEMP = params.CHAMBER_TEMP|default(0)|float %} SET_TEMPERATURE_FAN_TARGET temperature_fan="chamber" target={CHAMBER_TEMP} [gcode_macro chamber_temp_wait] gcode = {% set CHAMBER_TEMP = params.CHAMBER_TEMP|default(0)|float %} SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE HEATER=Heater_Chamber TARGET={CHAMBER_TEMP} SET_TEMPERATURE_FAN_TARGET temperature_fan="chamber" target={CHAMBER_TEMP} TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR="heater_generic Heater_Chamber" MINIMUM={CHAMBER_TEMP-1} TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR="temperature_fan chamber" MINIMUM={CHAMBER_TEMP-1} [heater_generic Heater_Chamber] heater_pin = PB6 max_power = 1 sensor_type = NTC 100K MGB18-104F39050L32 sensor_pin = PA3 control = watermark max_delta = 1.0 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 90 pwm_cycle_time = 0.0166 [verify_heater Heater_Chamber] max_error = 150 check_gain_time = 150 hysteresis = 5 heating_gain = 1 [gcode_macro TEST_SPEED] gcode = {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_velocity)|int %} {% set iterations = params.ITERATIONS|default(5)|int %} {% set accel = params.ACCEL|default(printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel)|int %} {% set bound = params.BOUND|default(20)|int %} {% set smallpatternsize = SMALLPATTERNSIZE|default(20)|int %} {% set x_min = printer.toolhead.axis_minimum.x + bound %} {% set x_max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x - bound %} {% set y_min = printer.toolhead.axis_minimum.y + bound %} {% set y_max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y - bound %} {% set x_center = (printer.toolhead.axis_minimum.x|float + printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float ) / 2 %} {% set y_center = (printer.toolhead.axis_minimum.y|float + printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float ) / 2 %} {% set x_center_min = x_center - (smallpatternsize/2) %} {% set x_center_max = x_center + (smallpatternsize/2) %} {% set y_center_min = y_center - (smallpatternsize/2) %} {% set y_center_max = y_center + (smallpatternsize/2) %} SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=TEST_SPEED { action_respond_info("TEST_SPEED: starting %d iterations at speed %d, accel %d" % (iterations, speed, accel)) } SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT VELOCITY={speed} ACCEL={accel} ACCEL_TO_DECEL={accel / 2} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} Z{bound + 20} F{speed*60} {% for i in range(iterations) %} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_max} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_max} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_max} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_max} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} {% endfor %} SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT VELOCITY={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_velocity} ACCEL={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel} ACCEL_TO_DECEL={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel_to_decel} RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=TEST_SPEED G0 X115 Y115 Z30 [gcode_macro _BEDBLOWVARS] variable_threshold = 85 variable_fast = 0.4 variable_slow = 0.2 gcode = [gcode_macro BEDBLOWSLOW] gcode = {% set SLOW = printer["gcode_macro _BEDBLOWVARS"].slow|float %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED={SLOW} [fan_generic Bed_Blower] pin = PB9 tachometer_pin = PC15 max_power = 1 shutdown_speed = 0 kick_start_time = 0.1 off_below = 0.10 [gcode_macro M106] rename_existing = G106 gcode = {% if params.P is defined %} {% if params.P|int == 2 %} {% if params.S is defined %} {% if params.S|int == 255 %} {% set realspeed = 1 %} {% else %} {% if params.S|int == 0 %} {% set realspeed = 0 %} {% else %} {% set realspeed = params.S|float/255 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% set realspeed = 1 %} {% endif %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED={realspeed} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if params.S is defined %} G106 S{params.S} {% else %} G106 S255 {% endif %} {% endif %} [gcode_macro M107] rename_existing = G107 gcode = {% if params.P is defined %} {% if params.P|int == 2 %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED=0 {% endif %} {% else %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED=0 G107 {% endif %} [gcode_arcs] resolution = 0.1 [temperature_sensor CB1] sensor_type = temperature_host min_temp = 0 max_temp = 100 [temperature_sensor M8P] sensor_type = temperature_mcu min_temp = 0 max_temp = 100 [bed_mesh default] version = 1 points = -2.126698, -2.415448, -2.499198, -2.527948, -2.489198, -2.504198, -2.370448 -2.465448, -2.565448, -2.637948, -2.654198, -2.635448, -2.630448, -2.612948 -2.611698, -2.690448, -2.745448, -2.735448, -2.710448, -2.702948, -2.665448 -2.730448, -2.782948, -2.811698, -2.826698, -2.789198, -2.816698, -2.731698 -2.784198, -2.871698, -2.882948, -2.889198, -2.874198, -2.852948, -2.796698 -2.901698, -2.925448, -2.971698, -2.949198, -2.911698, -2.900448, -2.849198 -2.915448, -3.010448, -3.037948, -3.030448, -2.964198, -2.944198, -2.867948 x_count = 7 y_count = 7 mesh_x_pps = 0 mesh_y_pps = 0 algo = direct tension = 0.2 min_x = 6.05 max_x = 364.67 min_y = 45.07 max_y = 308.72 [bed_mesh Whole bed] version = 1 points = -2.126698, -2.415448, -2.499198, -2.527948, -2.489198, -2.504198, -2.370448 -2.465448, -2.565448, -2.637948, -2.654198, -2.635448, -2.630448, -2.612948 -2.611698, -2.690448, -2.745448, -2.735448, -2.710448, -2.702948, -2.665448 -2.730448, -2.782948, -2.811698, -2.826698, -2.789198, -2.816698, -2.731698 -2.784198, -2.871698, -2.882948, -2.889198, -2.874198, -2.852948, -2.796698 -2.901698, -2.925448, -2.971698, -2.949198, -2.911698, -2.900448, -2.849198 -2.915448, -3.010448, -3.037948, -3.030448, -2.964198, -2.944198, -2.867948 x_count = 7 y_count = 7 mesh_x_pps = 0 mesh_y_pps = 0 algo = direct tension = 0.2 min_x = 6.05 max_x = 364.67 min_y = 45.07 max_y = 308.72 ======================= Loaded MCU 'mcu' 114 commands (v0.12.0-9-gbb4711c5 / gcc: (15:8-2019-q3-1+b1) 8.3.1 20190703 (release) [gcc-8-branch revision 273027] binutils: (2.35.2-2+14+b2) 2.35.2) MCU 'mcu' config: ADC_MAX=4095 BUS_PINS_i2c1_PA9_PA10=PA9,PA10 BUS_PINS_i2c1_PB6_PB7=PB6,PB7 BUS_PINS_i2c1_PB8_PB9=PB8,PB9 BUS_PINS_i2c2_PB10_PB11=PB10,PB11 BUS_PINS_i2c2_PB13_PB14=PB13,PB14 BUS_PINS_i2c3_PB3_PB4=PB3,PB4 BUS_PINS_spi1=PA6,PA7,PA5 BUS_PINS_spi1a=PB4,PB5,PB3 BUS_PINS_spi2=PB14,PB15,PB13 BUS_PINS_spi2a=PC2,PC3,PB10 BUS_PINS_spi3=PB4,PB5,PB3 CANBUS_BRIDGE=1 CLOCK_FREQ=64000000 MCU=stm32g0b1xx PWM_MAX=255 RECEIVE_WINDOW=192 RESERVE_PINS_CAN=PD12,PD13 RESERVE_PINS_USB=PA11,PA12 RESERVE_PINS_crystal=PF0,PF1 STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256 STEPPER_BOTH_EDGE=1 Configured MCU 'mcu' (1024 moves) Args: ['/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/klippy.py', '/home/biqu/printer_data/config/printer.cfg', '-I', '/home/biqu/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial', '-l', '/home/biqu/printer_data/logs/klippy.log', '-a', '/home/biqu/printer_data/comms/klippy.sock'] Git version: 'v0.12.0-61-gb50d6669-dirty' Untracked files: klippy/extras/z_calibration.py Branch: master Remote: origin Tracked URL: https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper CPU: 4 core ? Python: '3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) \n[GCC 10.2.1 20210110]' webhooks client 281472746224320: {'program': 'Moonraker', 'version': 'v0.8.0-245-g27a0295'} =============== Log rollover at Sun Jan 14 09:51:14 2024 =============== Stats 120.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=4753 bytes_read=28263 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=436 receive_seq=436 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000858 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=28.8 sysload=1.58 cputime=9.123 memavail=674628 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=18.5 pwm=1.000 Heater extruder approaching new target of 195.000 Stats 121.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=4789 bytes_read=28591 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=439 receive_seq=439 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000856 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.3 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=29.0 sysload=1.58 cputime=9.169 memavail=674372 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=18.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 122.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=4795 bytes_read=28880 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=440 receive_seq=440 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000854 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.0 M8P: temp=29.1 sysload=1.58 cputime=9.203 memavail=674868 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=18.5 pwm=1.000 Stats 123.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4801 bytes_read=29184 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=441 receive_seq=441 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000852 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.9 M8P: temp=28.9 sysload=1.58 cputime=9.239 memavail=674396 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=19.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 124.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4823 bytes_read=29507 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=443 receive_seq=443 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000853 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=29.0 sysload=1.58 cputime=9.280 memavail=673740 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=20.5 pwm=1.000 Stats 125.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4829 bytes_read=29796 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=444 receive_seq=444 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000854 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.8 M8P: temp=29.1 sysload=1.45 cputime=9.318 memavail=673716 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=22.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 126.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4835 bytes_read=30085 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=445 receive_seq=445 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000852 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.9 M8P: temp=29.1 sysload=1.45 cputime=9.357 memavail=673788 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=24.7 pwm=1.000 Stats 127.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4841 bytes_read=30403 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=446 receive_seq=446 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000852 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.5 M8P: temp=29.0 sysload=1.45 cputime=9.397 memavail=673568 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=27.0 pwm=1.000 Stats 128.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4863 bytes_read=30712 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=448 receive_seq=448 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000850 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.1 M8P: temp=29.1 sysload=1.45 cputime=9.434 memavail=673080 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=29.9 pwm=1.000 Stats 129.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4869 bytes_read=31001 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=449 receive_seq=449 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000852 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=29.3 sysload=1.45 cputime=9.467 memavail=672832 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=32.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 130.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4875 bytes_read=31319 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=450 receive_seq=450 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000851 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=29.2 sysload=1.34 cputime=9.504 memavail=672588 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=34.3 pwm=1.000 Stats 131.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4881 bytes_read=31596 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=451 receive_seq=451 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000851 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.8 M8P: temp=29.4 sysload=1.34 cputime=9.538 memavail=672588 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=37.5 pwm=1.000 Stats 132.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4887 bytes_read=31865 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=452 receive_seq=452 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000849 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.3 M8P: temp=29.2 sysload=1.34 cputime=9.572 memavail=672588 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=39.7 pwm=1.000 Stats 133.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4909 bytes_read=32182 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=454 receive_seq=454 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000847 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.1 M8P: temp=29.1 sysload=1.34 cputime=9.607 memavail=672336 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=42.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 134.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4915 bytes_read=32452 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=455 receive_seq=455 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000845 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.4 M8P: temp=29.1 sysload=1.34 cputime=9.644 memavail=673320 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=45.1 pwm=1.000 Stats 135.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4921 bytes_read=32730 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=456 receive_seq=456 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000844 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.2 M8P: temp=29.3 sysload=1.23 cputime=9.679 memavail=672056 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=47.3 pwm=1.000 Stats 136.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4927 bytes_read=33048 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=457 receive_seq=457 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000846 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=29.3 sysload=1.23 cputime=9.714 memavail=672056 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=49.5 pwm=1.000 Stats 137.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4949 bytes_read=33342 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=459 receive_seq=459 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000845 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.5 M8P: temp=29.4 sysload=1.23 cputime=9.751 memavail=671744 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=52.4 pwm=1.000 Stats 138.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4961 bytes_read=33662 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=461 receive_seq=461 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000842 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=29.4 sysload=1.23 cputime=9.789 memavail=671824 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=54.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 139.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4967 bytes_read=33980 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=462 receive_seq=462 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000840 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=29.4 sysload=1.23 cputime=9.828 memavail=671572 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=56.7 pwm=1.000 Stats 140.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4973 bytes_read=34269 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=463 receive_seq=463 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000839 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=29.6 sysload=1.13 cputime=9.865 memavail=671392 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=59.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 141.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=4995 bytes_read=34563 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=465 receive_seq=465 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000838 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.5 M8P: temp=29.7 sysload=1.13 cputime=9.901 memavail=671104 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=61.7 pwm=1.000 Stats 142.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5001 bytes_read=34881 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=466 receive_seq=466 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000841 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.4 M8P: temp=29.7 sysload=1.13 cputime=9.937 memavail=670468 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=63.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 143.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5007 bytes_read=35185 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=467 receive_seq=467 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000840 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.0 M8P: temp=29.4 sysload=1.13 cputime=9.973 memavail=670268 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=66.5 pwm=1.000 Stats 144.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5013 bytes_read=35474 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=468 receive_seq=468 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000839 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.9 M8P: temp=29.6 sysload=1.13 cputime=10.007 memavail=670292 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=68.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 145.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5035 bytes_read=35797 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=470 receive_seq=470 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000837 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.0 M8P: temp=29.5 sysload=1.12 cputime=10.043 memavail=669908 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=70.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 146.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5041 bytes_read=36086 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=471 receive_seq=471 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000836 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=29.6 sysload=1.12 cputime=10.077 memavail=670196 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=73.3 pwm=1.000 Stats 147.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5047 bytes_read=36375 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=472 receive_seq=472 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000835 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.7 M8P: temp=29.6 sysload=1.12 cputime=10.112 memavail=670196 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=75.3 pwm=1.000 Stats 148.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5053 bytes_read=36708 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=473 receive_seq=473 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000835 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.1 M8P: temp=29.6 sysload=1.12 cputime=10.147 memavail=669972 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=77.3 pwm=1.000 Stats 149.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5075 bytes_read=37002 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=475 receive_seq=475 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000833 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.2 M8P: temp=29.7 sysload=1.12 cputime=10.180 memavail=669792 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=79.9 pwm=1.000 Stats 150.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5081 bytes_read=37291 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=476 receive_seq=476 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000832 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=29.7 sysload=1.03 cputime=10.214 memavail=669092 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=81.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 151.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5087 bytes_read=37609 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=477 receive_seq=477 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000831 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.7 M8P: temp=29.8 sysload=1.03 cputime=10.249 memavail=669940 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=83.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 152.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5093 bytes_read=37898 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=478 receive_seq=478 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000831 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.2 M8P: temp=29.7 sysload=1.03 cputime=10.283 memavail=669676 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=86.3 pwm=1.000 Stats 153.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5099 bytes_read=38202 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=479 receive_seq=479 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000830 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=29.9 M8P: temp=29.6 sysload=1.03 cputime=10.317 memavail=669780 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=88.3 pwm=1.000 Stats 154.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5121 bytes_read=38525 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=481 receive_seq=481 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000828 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.0 M8P: temp=29.8 sysload=1.03 cputime=10.353 memavail=670020 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=90.1 pwm=1.000 Stats 155.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5127 bytes_read=38814 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=482 receive_seq=482 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000827 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.0 M8P: temp=29.8 sysload=1.27 cputime=10.388 memavail=668964 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=92.7 pwm=1.000 Stats 156.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5133 bytes_read=39103 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=483 receive_seq=483 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000827 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=29.8 sysload=1.27 cputime=10.421 memavail=668652 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=94.5 pwm=1.000 Stats 157.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5139 bytes_read=39421 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=484 receive_seq=484 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000827 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.2 M8P: temp=29.7 sysload=1.27 cputime=10.456 memavail=668580 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=96.4 pwm=1.000 Stats 158.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5161 bytes_read=39730 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=486 receive_seq=486 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000827 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=29.7 sysload=1.27 cputime=10.493 memavail=664424 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=98.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 159.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5167 bytes_read=40019 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=487 receive_seq=487 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000827 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=32.3 M8P: temp=29.9 sysload=1.27 cputime=10.529 memavail=667956 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=100.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 160.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5173 bytes_read=40337 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=488 receive_seq=488 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000825 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=30.0 sysload=1.25 cputime=10.567 memavail=667336 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=102.4 pwm=1.000 Stats 161.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5179 bytes_read=40626 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=489 receive_seq=489 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000829 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=30.0 sysload=1.25 cputime=10.602 memavail=667380 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=104.9 pwm=1.000 Stats 162.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5201 bytes_read=40935 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=491 receive_seq=491 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000827 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=29.9 sysload=1.25 cputime=10.637 memavail=667452 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=106.7 pwm=1.000 Stats 163.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5207 bytes_read=41253 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=492 receive_seq=492 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000826 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.1 M8P: temp=30.1 sysload=1.25 cputime=10.671 memavail=667508 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=108.5 pwm=1.000 Stats 164.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5213 bytes_read=41542 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=493 receive_seq=493 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000826 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=30.0 sysload=1.25 cputime=10.706 memavail=666604 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=110.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 165.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5219 bytes_read=41846 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=494 receive_seq=494 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000829 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=30.2 sysload=1.47 cputime=10.744 memavail=667028 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=112.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 166.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5241 bytes_read=42154 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=496 receive_seq=496 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000828 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=30.0 sysload=1.47 cputime=10.781 memavail=667700 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=114.3 pwm=1.000 Stats 167.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5247 bytes_read=42443 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=497 receive_seq=497 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000830 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.1 M8P: temp=30.0 sysload=1.47 cputime=10.816 memavail=667700 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=116.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 168.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5253 bytes_read=42762 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=498 receive_seq=498 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000831 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=30.2 sysload=1.47 cputime=10.851 memavail=667852 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=118.4 pwm=1.000 Stats 169.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5259 bytes_read=43065 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=499 receive_seq=499 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000830 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=30.0 sysload=1.47 cputime=10.886 memavail=668092 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=120.0 pwm=1.000 Stats 170.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5281 bytes_read=43359 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=501 receive_seq=501 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000830 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.3 M8P: temp=30.3 sysload=1.43 cputime=10.920 memavail=668508 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=122.3 pwm=1.000 Stats 171.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5287 bytes_read=43660 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=502 receive_seq=502 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000830 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=30.2 sysload=1.43 cputime=10.955 memavail=667764 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=124.0 pwm=1.000 Stats 172.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5293 bytes_read=43960 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=503 receive_seq=503 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000828 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=30.0 sysload=1.43 cputime=10.989 memavail=668152 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=125.7 pwm=1.000 Stats 173.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5299 bytes_read=44260 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=504 receive_seq=504 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000827 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=30.2 sysload=1.43 cputime=11.023 memavail=668912 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=127.9 pwm=1.000 Stats 174.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5305 bytes_read=44561 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=505 receive_seq=505 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000826 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.1 M8P: temp=30.2 sysload=1.43 cputime=11.058 memavail=669124 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=129.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 175.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5327 bytes_read=44880 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=507 receive_seq=507 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000825 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=30.4 sysload=1.32 cputime=11.092 memavail=669124 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=131.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 176.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5333 bytes_read=45166 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=508 receive_seq=508 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000828 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=30.3 sysload=1.32 cputime=11.128 memavail=668916 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=133.4 pwm=1.000 Stats 177.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5339 bytes_read=45467 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=509 receive_seq=509 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000829 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.1 M8P: temp=30.2 sysload=1.32 cputime=11.164 memavail=668916 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=135.1 pwm=1.000 Stats 178.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5345 bytes_read=45781 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=510 receive_seq=510 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000828 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=30.4 sysload=1.32 cputime=11.198 memavail=668964 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=137.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 179.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5362 bytes_read=46067 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=511 receive_seq=511 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000836 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.3 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.1 M8P: temp=30.2 sysload=1.32 cputime=11.234 memavail=668716 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=138.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 180.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5368 bytes_read=46368 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=512 receive_seq=512 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000837 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=30.2 sysload=1.21 cputime=11.269 memavail=668812 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=140.4 pwm=1.000 Stats 181.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5374 bytes_read=46667 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=513 receive_seq=513 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000835 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=30.5 sysload=1.21 cputime=11.305 memavail=668352 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=142.5 pwm=1.000 Stats 182.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5380 bytes_read=46953 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=514 receive_seq=514 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000833 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.0 M8P: temp=30.2 sysload=1.21 cputime=11.341 memavail=668144 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=144.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 183.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5402 bytes_read=47274 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=516 receive_seq=516 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000833 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=30.4 sysload=1.21 cputime=11.377 memavail=668328 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=145.7 pwm=1.000 Stats 184.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5408 bytes_read=47573 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=517 receive_seq=517 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000832 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.5 M8P: temp=30.3 sysload=1.21 cputime=11.413 memavail=668380 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=147.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 185.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5414 bytes_read=47859 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=518 receive_seq=518 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000831 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.2 M8P: temp=30.5 sysload=1.11 cputime=11.447 memavail=668136 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=149.4 pwm=1.000 Stats 186.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5420 bytes_read=48160 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=519 receive_seq=519 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000833 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=30.5 sysload=1.11 cputime=11.483 memavail=668380 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=150.9 pwm=1.000 Stats 187.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=5442 bytes_read=48464 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=521 receive_seq=521 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000831 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.0 M8P: temp=30.4 sysload=1.11 cputime=11.518 memavail=668708 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=153.0 pwm=1.000 Stats 188.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5448 bytes_read=48765 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=522 receive_seq=522 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000829 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=30.6 sysload=1.11 cputime=11.553 memavail=668712 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=154.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 189.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5454 bytes_read=49066 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=523 receive_seq=523 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000830 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.2 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=1.11 cputime=11.590 memavail=668480 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=156.1 pwm=1.000 Stats 190.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5460 bytes_read=49365 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=524 receive_seq=524 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000828 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=30.6 sysload=1.02 cputime=11.626 memavail=669328 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=158.1 pwm=1.000 Stats 191.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5482 bytes_read=49656 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=526 receive_seq=526 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000830 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=30.5 sysload=1.02 cputime=11.662 memavail=668824 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=159.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 192.4: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5488 bytes_read=49957 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=527 receive_seq=527 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000829 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.0 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=1.02 cputime=11.696 memavail=668792 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=161.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 193.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5494 bytes_read=50271 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=528 receive_seq=528 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000827 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=1.02 cputime=11.731 memavail=668416 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=163.1 pwm=1.000 Stats 194.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5500 bytes_read=50557 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=529 receive_seq=529 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000826 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=30.5 sysload=1.02 cputime=11.767 memavail=667832 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=164.7 pwm=1.000 Stats 195.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5506 bytes_read=50872 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=530 receive_seq=530 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000827 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.2 M8P: temp=30.6 sysload=0.94 cputime=11.802 memavail=667664 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=166.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 196.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5528 bytes_read=51162 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=532 receive_seq=532 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000826 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.94 cputime=11.839 memavail=667548 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=168.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 197.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5534 bytes_read=51448 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=533 receive_seq=533 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000825 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.94 cputime=11.874 memavail=666828 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=169.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 198.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5546 bytes_read=51780 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=535 receive_seq=535 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000823 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=30.5 sysload=0.94 cputime=11.912 memavail=667964 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=171.2 pwm=1.000 Stats 199.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5552 bytes_read=52045 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=536 receive_seq=536 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000822 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.94 cputime=11.946 memavail=667564 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=173.1 pwm=1.000 Stats 200.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5574 bytes_read=52317 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=538 receive_seq=538 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000820 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.87 cputime=11.981 memavail=668176 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=174.6 pwm=1.000 Stats 201.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5580 bytes_read=52611 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=539 receive_seq=539 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000820 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=30.6 sysload=0.87 cputime=12.018 memavail=667512 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=176.1 pwm=1.000 Stats 202.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5586 bytes_read=52887 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=540 receive_seq=540 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000819 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.87 cputime=12.053 memavail=668032 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=178.0 pwm=1.000 Stats 203.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5592 bytes_read=53188 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=541 receive_seq=541 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000818 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=30.9 sysload=0.87 cputime=12.088 memavail=667904 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=179.4 pwm=1.000 Stats 204.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5614 bytes_read=53508 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=543 receive_seq=543 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000817 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.9 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.87 cputime=12.123 memavail=667740 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=180.8 pwm=1.000 Stats 205.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5668 bytes_read=53808 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=547 receive_seq=547 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000816 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.80 cputime=12.159 memavail=667500 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=182.7 pwm=0.923 Stats 206.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5725 bytes_read=54119 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=551 receive_seq=551 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000825 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.1 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.80 cputime=12.205 memavail=667304 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=184.2 pwm=0.788 Stats 207.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5763 bytes_read=54444 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=554 receive_seq=554 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000823 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.80 cputime=12.244 memavail=667652 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=185.6 pwm=0.782 Stats 208.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5817 bytes_read=54759 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=558 receive_seq=558 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000822 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.2 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.80 cputime=12.286 memavail=667416 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=187.5 pwm=0.602 Stats 209.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5839 bytes_read=55050 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=560 receive_seq=560 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000824 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=30.9 sysload=0.80 cputime=12.321 memavail=667244 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=188.6 pwm=0.671 Stats 210.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5861 bytes_read=55370 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=562 receive_seq=562 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000823 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=30.9 sysload=0.73 cputime=12.357 memavail=667364 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=189.7 pwm=0.606 Stats 211.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5899 bytes_read=55665 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=565 receive_seq=565 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000822 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=30.9 sysload=0.73 cputime=12.391 memavail=667412 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=191.1 pwm=0.582 Heater extruder within range of 195.000 Stats 212.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5953 bytes_read=55966 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=569 receive_seq=569 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000821 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.4 M8P: temp=30.9 sysload=0.73 cputime=12.429 memavail=667360 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=192.1 pwm=0.443 Stats 213.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5975 bytes_read=56301 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=571 receive_seq=571 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000820 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.73 cputime=12.465 memavail=667304 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=192.7 pwm=0.547 Stats 214.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=5997 bytes_read=56591 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=573 receive_seq=573 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000818 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.73 cputime=12.501 memavail=667452 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=193.6 pwm=0.382 Stats 215.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6035 bytes_read=56887 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=576 receive_seq=576 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000817 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=31.0 sysload=0.67 cputime=12.536 memavail=667468 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=194.0 pwm=0.460 Stats 216.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6089 bytes_read=57217 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=580 receive_seq=580 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000816 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.5 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.67 cputime=12.574 memavail=667632 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=194.5 pwm=0.402 Stats 217.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6127 bytes_read=57512 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=583 receive_seq=583 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000816 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.67 cputime=12.610 memavail=667668 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.0 pwm=0.415 Stats 218.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6133 bytes_read=57828 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=584 receive_seq=584 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000814 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=30.9 sysload=0.67 cputime=12.645 memavail=667088 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.3 pwm=0.415 Stats 219.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6171 bytes_read=58138 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=587 receive_seq=587 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000813 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.5 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=30.9 sysload=0.67 cputime=12.681 memavail=667084 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.6 pwm=0.418 Stats 220.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6193 bytes_read=58443 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=589 receive_seq=589 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000812 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.0 M8P: temp=31.0 sysload=0.62 cputime=12.718 memavail=666904 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.9 pwm=0.331 Stats 221.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6247 bytes_read=58759 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=593 receive_seq=593 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000812 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.9 M8P: temp=30.9 sysload=0.62 cputime=12.754 memavail=666796 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.0 pwm=0.420 Stats 222.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6285 bytes_read=59068 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=596 receive_seq=596 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000812 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.62 cputime=12.792 memavail=666596 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.3 pwm=0.371 Stats 223.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6339 bytes_read=59384 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=600 receive_seq=600 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000812 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.6 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.62 cputime=12.828 memavail=666824 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.5 pwm=0.284 Stats 224.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6361 bytes_read=59690 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=602 receive_seq=602 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000811 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.62 cputime=12.863 memavail=666824 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.5 pwm=0.370 Stats 225.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6399 bytes_read=59999 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=605 receive_seq=605 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=11 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000812 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=30.9 sysload=0.57 cputime=12.900 memavail=667116 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.4 pwm=0.421 Stats 226.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6469 bytes_read=60305 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=610 receive_seq=610 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000813 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.57 cputime=12.936 memavail=666920 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.4 pwm=0.413 Stats 227.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6506 bytes_read=60616 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=613 receive_seq=613 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000812 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.7 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.57 cputime=12.971 memavail=666228 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.6 pwm=0.237 Stats 228.5: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6560 bytes_read=60945 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=617 receive_seq=617 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=11 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000810 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.3 M8P: temp=31.0 sysload=0.57 cputime=13.008 memavail=666292 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.5 pwm=0.268 Stats 229.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6598 bytes_read=61241 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=620 receive_seq=620 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000809 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.5 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.57 cputime=13.043 memavail=666268 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.5 pwm=0.322 Stats 230.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6620 bytes_read=61547 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=622 receive_seq=622 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000808 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.1 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.078 memavail=666300 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.3 pwm=0.424 Stats 231.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6668 bytes_read=61856 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=625 receive_seq=625 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=11 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000810 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.115 memavail=666536 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.3 pwm=0.364 Stats 232.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6738 bytes_read=62162 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=630 receive_seq=630 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000809 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=31.0 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.153 memavail=667024 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.1 pwm=0.463 Stats 233.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6791 bytes_read=62507 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=634 receive_seq=634 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000808 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=31.0 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.190 memavail=667216 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.2 pwm=0.357 Stats 234.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6813 bytes_read=62797 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=636 receive_seq=636 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=11 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000812 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.225 memavail=667584 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.0 pwm=0.293 Stats 235.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6882 bytes_read=63103 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=641 receive_seq=641 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000810 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.9 M8P: temp=31.0 sysload=0.48 cputime=13.260 memavail=667196 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.0 pwm=0.234 Stats 236.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6920 bytes_read=63428 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=644 receive_seq=644 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000810 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.48 cputime=13.297 memavail=667036 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.9 pwm=0.357 Stats 237.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=6988 bytes_read=63733 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=649 receive_seq=649 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000810 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.4 M8P: temp=31.0 sysload=0.48 cputime=13.335 memavail=667132 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=196.0 pwm=0.177 Stats 238.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7021 bytes_read=64039 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=651 receive_seq=651 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000815 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=32.0 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.48 cputime=13.371 memavail=667700 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.8 pwm=0.411 Stats 239.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7058 bytes_read=64364 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=654 receive_seq=654 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000817 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.8 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.1 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.48 cputime=13.407 memavail=667888 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.7 pwm=0.384 Stats 240.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7110 bytes_read=64664 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=658 receive_seq=658 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000815 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.0 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.44 cputime=13.443 memavail=667256 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.7 pwm=0.475 Stats 241.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7132 bytes_read=64955 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=660 receive_seq=660 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000814 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.1 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.44 cputime=13.478 memavail=667372 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.7 pwm=0.249 Stats 242.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7154 bytes_read=65275 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=662 receive_seq=662 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000813 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.44 cputime=13.514 memavail=667324 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.5 pwm=0.421 Stats 243.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7191 bytes_read=65585 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=665 receive_seq=665 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000814 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.44 cputime=13.552 memavail=666920 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.4 pwm=0.396 Stats 244.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7244 bytes_read=65886 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=669 receive_seq=669 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000813 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=31.3 sysload=0.44 cputime=13.589 memavail=666840 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.4 pwm=0.347 Stats 245.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7292 bytes_read=66211 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=672 receive_seq=672 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000813 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.5 M8P: temp=31.3 sysload=0.57 cputime=13.627 memavail=666200 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.3 pwm=0.351 Stats 246.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7346 bytes_read=66511 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=676 receive_seq=676 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000812 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.1 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.57 cputime=13.662 memavail=665988 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.3 pwm=0.307 Stats 247.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7383 bytes_read=66807 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=679 receive_seq=679 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000811 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.57 cputime=13.697 memavail=666452 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.3 pwm=0.327 Stats 248.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7436 bytes_read=67152 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=683 receive_seq=683 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000810 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.3 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.0 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.57 cputime=13.734 memavail=665296 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.4 pwm=0.110 Stats 249.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7485 bytes_read=67447 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=686 receive_seq=686 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000815 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.4 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.57 cputime=13.770 memavail=665316 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.2 pwm=0.407 Stats 250.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7522 bytes_read=67758 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=689 receive_seq=689 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000814 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.0 M8P: temp=31.3 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.807 memavail=665404 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.3 pwm=0.245 Stats 251.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7560 bytes_read=68068 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=692 receive_seq=692 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000813 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=31.3 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.843 memavail=665480 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.3 pwm=0.263 Stats 252.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7588 bytes_read=68374 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=695 receive_seq=695 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000812 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.879 memavail=665800 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.1 pwm=0.574 Stats 253.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7626 bytes_read=68715 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=698 receive_seq=698 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000811 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=31.4 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.917 memavail=666688 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.2 pwm=0.312 Stats 254.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7679 bytes_read=69029 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=702 receive_seq=702 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=11 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000813 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.52 cputime=13.954 memavail=667296 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.0 pwm=0.463 Stats 255.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=7742 bytes_read=69330 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=706 receive_seq=706 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000815 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.3 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=31.0 sysload=0.48 cputime=13.990 memavail=667236 print_time=122.225 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.2 pwm=0.118 FORCE_MOVE extruder distance=15.000 velocity=5.000 accel=1000.000 TMC 'extruder' reports GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset) TMC 'extruder' reports GSTAT: 00000000 Stats 256.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=8172 bytes_read=70049 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=731 receive_seq=731 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000813 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.3 M8P: temp=31.4 sysload=0.48 cputime=14.115 memavail=667396 print_time=263.723 buffer_time=4.867 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.1 pwm=0.331 Stats 257.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.010 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=8253 bytes_read=70409 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=737 receive_seq=737 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000810 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.6 M8P: temp=31.3 sysload=0.48 cputime=14.159 memavail=666980 print_time=263.723 buffer_time=3.863 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.1 pwm=0.356 Stats 258.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.016 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000016 bytes_write=8329 bytes_read=70766 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=742 receive_seq=742 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000808 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.7 M8P: temp=31.6 sysload=0.48 cputime=14.202 memavail=666364 print_time=263.723 buffer_time=2.860 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.1 pwm=0.317 b'stepcompress o=23 i=-313291 c=1 a=0: Invalid sequence' Internal error on command:"M400" Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 211, in _process_commands handler(gcmd) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 608, in cmd_M400 self.wait_moves() File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 477, in wait_moves self._flush_lookahead() File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 356, in _flush_lookahead self.move_queue.flush() File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 176, in flush self.toolhead._process_moves(queue[:flush_count]) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 353, in _process_moves self._advance_move_time(next_move_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 311, in _advance_move_time self._advance_flush_time(flush_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 302, in _advance_flush_time m.flush_moves(flush_time, clear_history_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/mcu.py", line 971, in flush_moves raise error("Internal error in MCU '%s' stepcompress" mcu.error: Internal error in MCU 'mcu' stepcompress Transition to shutdown state: Internal error on command:"M400" Dumping gcode input 0 blocks Dumping 20 requests for client 281472746224320 Received 51.038170: b'{"id": 281473048519488, "method": "register_remote_method", "params": {"response_template": {"method": "shutdown_machine"}, "remote_method": "shutdown_machine"}}' Received 51.043364: b'{"id": 281473049685968, "method": "register_remote_method", "params": {"response_template": {"method": "reboot_machine"}, "remote_method": "reboot_machine"}}' Received 51.052966: b'{"id": 281473049685776, "method": "register_remote_method", "params": {"response_template": {"method": "pause_job_queue"}, "remote_method": "pause_job_queue"}}' Received 51.056678: b'{"id": 281473049685776, "method": "register_remote_method", "params": {"response_template": {"method": "start_job_queue"}, "remote_method": "start_job_queue"}}' Received 51.066346: b'{"id": 281473048743696, "method": "objects/query", "params": {"objects": {"heaters": null}}}' Received 51.067212: b'{"id": 281473048743120, "method": "objects/query", "params": {"objects": {"heaters": null}}}' Received 51.268055: b'{"id": 281473049682128, "method": "objects/subscribe", "params": {"objects": {"webhooks": null, "print_stats": null, "heater_bed": null, "temperature_fan chamber": null, "heater_generic Heater_Chamber": null, "temperature_sensor CB1": null, "temperature_sensor M8P": null, "extruder": null}, "response_template": {"method": "process_status_update"}}}' Received 51.520176: b'{"id": 281473049685968, "method": "objects/subscribe", "params": {"objects": {"webhooks": null, "print_stats": null, "heater_bed": null, "temperature_fan chamber": null, "heater_generic Heater_Chamber": null, "temperature_sensor CB1": null, "temperature_sensor M8P": null, "extruder": null}, "response_template": {"method": "process_status_update"}}}' Received 52.084433: b'{"id": 281473048688432, "method": "info", "params": {}}' Received 52.111600: b'{"id": 281473048309088, "method": "objects/query", "params": {"objects": {"configfile": null}}}' Received 52.349309: b'{"id": 281473048687280, "method": "gcode/help", "params": {}}' Received 52.368688: b'{"id": 281473049259216, "method": "objects/subscribe", "params": {"objects": {"bed_mesh": ["profile_name", "mesh_max", "mesh_min", "probed_matrix", "profiles"], "configfile": ["config"], "display_status": ["progress", "message"], "fan": ["speed"], "gcode_move": ["extrude_factor", "gcode_position", "homing_origin", "speed_factor", "speed"], "idle_timeout": ["state"], "pause_resume": ["is_paused"], "print_stats": null, "toolhead": ["homed_axes", "estimated_print_time", "print_time", "position", "extruder", "max_accel", "max_accel_to_decel", "max_velocity", "square_corner_velocity"], "virtual_sdcard": ["file_position", "is_active", "progress"], "webhooks": null, "firmware_retraction": ["retract_length", "retract_speed", "unretract_extra_length", "unretract_speed"], "motion_report": ["live_position", "live_velocity", "live_extruder_velocity"], "exclude_object": ["current_object", "objects", "excluded_objects"], "manual_probe": ["is_active"], "extruder": null, "heater_bed": null, "heater_generic Heater_Chamber": null, "temperature_sensor CB1": null, "temperature_sensor M8P": null, "temperature_fan chamber": null, "controller_fan stepper_fan": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedInner": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedOuter": ["speed"], "fan_generic Bed_Blower": ["speed"], "heater_fan hotend_fan": ["speed"]}, "response_template": {"method": "process_status_update"}}}' Received 52.396212: b'{"id": 281473048743888, "method": "objects/query", "params": {"objects": {"bed_mesh": null, "configfile": null, "display_status": null, "extruder": null, "fan": null, "gcode_move": null, "heater_bed": null, "idle_timeout": null, "pause_resume": null, "print_stats": null, "toolhead": null, "virtual_sdcard": null, "webhooks": null, "motion_report": null, "firmware_retraction": null, "exclude_object": null, "manual_probe": null, "heater_generic Heater_Chamber": null, "temperature_sensor CB1": null, "temperature_sensor M8P": null, "temperature_fan chamber": null, "controller_fan stepper_fan": null, "fan_generic BedInner": null, "fan_generic BedOuter": null, "fan_generic Bed_Blower": null, "heater_fan hotend_fan": null}}}' Received 52.728587: b'{"id": 281473048687280, "method": "objects/subscribe", "params": {"objects": {"print_stats": null, "webhooks": null, "virtual_sdcard": null, "history": null, "heater_bed": null, "temperature_fan chamber": null, "heater_generic Heater_Chamber": null, "temperature_sensor CB1": null, "temperature_sensor M8P": null, "extruder": null, "bed_mesh": ["profile_name", "mesh_max", "mesh_min", "probed_matrix", "profiles"], "configfile": ["config"], "display_status": ["progress", "message"], "fan": ["speed"], "gcode_move": ["extrude_factor", "gcode_position", "homing_origin", "speed_factor", "speed"], "idle_timeout": ["state"], "pause_resume": ["is_paused"], "toolhead": ["homed_axes", "estimated_print_time", "print_time", "position", "extruder", "max_accel", "max_accel_to_decel", "max_velocity", "square_corner_velocity"], "firmware_retraction": ["retract_length", "retract_speed", "unretract_extra_length", "unretract_speed"], "motion_report": ["live_position", "live_velocity", "live_extruder_velocity"], "exclude_object": ["current_object", "objects", "excluded_objects"], "manual_probe": ["is_active"], "controller_fan stepper_fan": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedInner": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedOuter": ["speed"], "fan_generic Bed_Blower": ["speed"], "heater_fan hotend_fan": ["speed"]}, "response_template": {"method": "process_status_update"}}}' Received 52.800310: b'{"id": 281473048743120, "method": "objects/query", "params": {"objects": {"print_stats": null}}}' Received 97.150076: b'{"id": 281472744598160, "method": "info", "params": {}}' Received 97.152568: b'{"id": 281472744230864, "method": "objects/list", "params": {}}' Received 97.303429: b'{"id": 281472744230432, "method": "objects/subscribe", "params": {"objects": {"gcode": null, "webhooks": null, "configfile": null, "mcu": null, "gcode_move": null, "print_stats": null, "virtual_sdcard": null, "exclude_object": null, "display_status": null, "pause_resume": null, "heaters": null, "heater_bed": null, "heater_fan hotend_fan": null, "fan": null, "stepper_enable": null, "controller_fan stepper_fan": null, "tmc2209 extruder": null, "tmc2209 stepper_z": null, "tmc2209 stepper_z1": null, "tmc2209 stepper_z2": null, "tmc2209 stepper_z3": null, "tmc5160 stepper_x": null, "tmc5160 stepper_y": null, "quad_gantry_level": null, "gcode_button sensor_fs": null, "gcode_button sensor_fu": null, "gcode_macro filament_change_state1": null, "gcode_macro filament_change_state2": null, "gcode_macro M600": null, "gcode_macro filament_load": null, "gcode_macro filament_unload": null, "gcode_macro START_PRINT": null, "gcode_macro END_PRINT": null, "gcode_macro M109": null, "gcode_macro LOAD_FILAMENT": null, "gcode_macro UNLOAD_FILAMENT": null, "gcode_macro purge_bucket": null, "gcode_macro Clean_nozzle": null, "gcode_macro ADAPTIVE_PURGE": null, "gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT": null, "gcode_macro PAUSE": null, "gcode_macro RESUME": null, "gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER": null, "gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER": null, "gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO": null, "gcode_macro _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL": null, "gcode_macro _CLIENT_EXTRUDE": null, "gcode_macro _CLIENT_RETRACT": null, "gcode_macro Home_Position": null, "gcode_macro Set_Z_Offset": null, "probe": null, "gcode_macro _User_Variables": null, "gcode_macro _Probe_Variables": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_check_variables_version": null, "gcode_macro _KlickyDebug": null, "gcode_macro _exit_point": null, "gcode_macro _entry_point": null, "gcode_macro _Homing_Variables": null, "gcode_macro Attach_Probe_Lock": null, "gcode_macro Dock_Probe_Unlock": null, "gcode_macro _Probe_Unlock": null, "gcode_macro _Probe_Lock": null, "gcode_macro _DeployKlickyDock": null, "gcode_macro _RetractKlickyDock": null, "gcode_macro Attach_Probe": null, "gcode_macro Dock_Probe": null, "gcode_macro PROBE_CALIBRATE": null, "gcode_macro PROBE_ACCURACY": null, "gcode_macro _Umbilical_Path": null, "gcode_macro _Home_Z_": null, "gcode_macro _CheckProbe": null, "gcode_macro _SetProbeState": null, "gcode_macro _Park_Toolhead": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_ready": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_busy": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_leveling": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_homing": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_cleaning": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_meshing": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_calibrating_z": null, "gcode_macro QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL": null, "query_endstops": null, "z_calibration": null, "gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS": null, "fan_generic BedInner": null, "fan_generic BedOuter": null, "gcode_macro BEDFANSSLOW": null, "gcode_macro BEDFANSFAST": null, "gcode_macro BEDFANSOFF": null, "gcode_macro M190": null, "gcode_macro M140": null, "gcode_macro TURN_OFF_HEATERS": null, "temperature_fan chamber": null, "gcode_macro chamber_fan_set_temp": null, "gcode_macro chamber_temp_wait": null, "heater_generic Heater_Chamber": null, "gcode_macro TEST_SPEED": null, "gcode_macro _BEDBLOWVARS": null, "gcode_macro BEDBLOWSLOW": null, "fan_generic Bed_Blower": null, "gcode_macro M106": null, "gcode_macro M107": null, "temperature_host CB1": null, "temperature_sensor CB1": null, "temperature_sensor M8P": null, "motion_report": null, "idle_timeout": null, "system_stats": null, "manual_probe": null, "toolhead": null, "extruder": null, "bed_mesh": ["profile_name", "mesh_max", "mesh_min", "probed_matrix", "profiles"], "firmware_retraction": ["retract_length", "retract_speed", "unretract_extra_length", "unretract_speed"], "history": null}, "response_template": {"method": "process_status_update"}}}' Received 97.930996: b'{"id": 281472744227072, "method": "gcode/help", "params": {}}' Received 119.751411: b'{"id": 281472744230192, "method": "gcode/script", "params": {"script": "M104 T0 S195.0"}}' gcode state: absolute_coord=True absolute_extrude=True base_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] last_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0] homing_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] speed_factor=0.016666666666666666 extrude_factor=1.0 speed=5.0 Reactor garbage collection: (257.526341622, 0.0, 0.0) Internal error on command:"M400" Internal error on command:"FILAMENT_LOAD" Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 211, in _process_commands handler(gcmd) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 137, in func = lambda params: origfunc(self._get_extended_params(params)) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/gcode_macro.py", line 189, in cmd self.template.run_gcode_from_command(kwparams) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/gcode_macro.py", line 68, in run_gcode_from_command self.gcode.run_script_from_command(self.render(context)) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 226, in run_script_from_command self._process_commands(script.split('\n'), need_ack=False) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 211, in _process_commands handler(gcmd) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 608, in cmd_M400 self.wait_moves() File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 477, in wait_moves self._flush_lookahead() File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 356, in _flush_lookahead self.move_queue.flush() File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 176, in flush self.toolhead._process_moves(queue[:flush_count]) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 353, in _process_moves self._advance_move_time(next_move_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 311, in _advance_move_time self._advance_flush_time(flush_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 302, in _advance_flush_time m.flush_moves(flush_time, clear_history_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/mcu.py", line 971, in flush_moves raise error("Internal error in MCU '%s' stepcompress" mcu.error: Internal error in MCU 'mcu' stepcompress MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Command request clocksync state: mcu_freq=64000000 last_clock=16750341069 clock_est=(230.968 14924297490 64000808.551) min_half_rtt=0.000181 min_rtt_time=227.993 time_avg=230.968(834.738) clock_avg=14924297490.819(53423899746.844) pred_variance=4999526.828 Dumping serial stats: bytes_write=8373 bytes_read=71049 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=746 receive_seq=746 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 Dumping send queue 100 messages Sent 0 236.975517 236.975517 16: seq: 16, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2439770112 on_ticks=2568293 Sent 1 237.274877 237.274877 16: seq: 17, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2458970112 on_ticks=1862860 Sent 2 237.574917 237.574917 15: seq: 18, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2478170112 on_ticks=1130376 Sent 3 237.838432 237.838432 17: seq: 19, get_clock, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2497370112 on_ticks=1915806 Sent 4 238.475038 238.475038 16: seq: 1a, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2535770112 on_ticks=2627359 Sent 5 238.774880 238.774880 15: seq: 1b, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2554970112 on_ticks=1441844 Sent 6 238.823134 238.823134 6: seq: 1c, get_clock Sent 7 239.074847 239.074847 16: seq: 1d, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2574170112 on_ticks=2460266 Sent 8 239.808261 239.808261 6: seq: 1e, get_clock Sent 9 239.975022 239.975022 15: seq: 1f, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2631770112 on_ticks=913147 Sent 10 240.274862 240.274862 15: seq: 10, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2650970112 on_ticks=1403181 Sent 11 240.574844 240.574844 16: seq: 11, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2670170112 on_ticks=3042553 Sent 12 240.793341 240.793341 6: seq: 12, get_clock Sent 13 241.174858 241.174858 16: seq: 13, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2708570112 on_ticks=1596214 Sent 14 241.777795 241.777795 6: seq: 14, get_clock Sent 15 242.074852 242.074852 16: seq: 15, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2766170112 on_ticks=2691372 Sent 16 242.763188 242.763188 6: seq: 16, get_clock Sent 17 242.975538 242.975538 15: seq: 17, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2823770112 on_ticks=575893 Sent 18 243.274889 243.274889 16: seq: 18, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2842970112 on_ticks=2536265 Sent 19 243.747069 243.747069 6: seq: 19, get_clock Sent 20 243.874734 243.874734 15: seq: 1a, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2881370112 on_ticks=1395480 Sent 21 244.174833 244.174833 16: seq: 1b, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2900570112 on_ticks=3013679 Sent 22 244.474880 244.474880 16: seq: 1c, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2919770112 on_ticks=2217806 Sent 23 244.731246 244.731246 16: seq: 1d, get_clock, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2938970112 on_ticks=1570550 Sent 24 245.074847 245.074847 16: seq: 1e, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2958170112 on_ticks=3015299 Sent 25 245.374891 245.374891 16: seq: 1f, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=2977370112 on_ticks=2248483 Sent 26 245.716217 245.716217 6: seq: 10, get_clock Sent 27 245.974781 245.974781 16: seq: 11, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3015770112 on_ticks=1666155 Sent 28 246.274834 246.274834 16: seq: 12, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3034970112 on_ticks=2780453 Sent 29 246.574932 246.574932 16: seq: 13, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3054170112 on_ticks=1962638 Sent 30 246.700973 246.700973 6: seq: 14, get_clock Sent 31 246.874939 246.874939 15: seq: 15, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3073370112 on_ticks=1291564 Sent 32 247.174872 247.174872 16: seq: 16, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3092570112 on_ticks=2093452 Sent 33 247.685013 247.685013 6: seq: 17, get_clock Sent 34 247.774769 247.774769 16: seq: 18, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3130970112 on_ticks=2980957 Sent 35 248.074920 248.074920 16: seq: 19, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3150170112 on_ticks=2454569 Sent 36 248.374914 248.374914 15: seq: 1a, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3169370112 on_ticks=702073 Sent 37 248.669913 248.669913 17: seq: 1b, get_clock, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3188570112 on_ticks=2751743 Sent 38 248.975439 248.975439 16: seq: 1c, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3207770112 on_ticks=1928807 Sent 39 249.574659 249.574659 16: seq: 1d, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3246170112 on_ticks=2601694 Sent 40 249.654433 249.654433 6: seq: 1e, get_clock Sent 41 249.874910 249.874910 16: seq: 1f, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3265370112 on_ticks=1886936 Sent 42 250.175129 250.175129 15: seq: 10, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3284570112 on_ticks=1566139 Sent 43 250.639328 250.639328 6: seq: 11, get_clock Sent 44 251.074706 251.074706 16: seq: 12, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3342170112 on_ticks=2461922 Sent 45 251.374717 251.374717 16: seq: 13, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3361370112 on_ticks=1682530 Sent 46 251.624074 251.624074 6: seq: 14, get_clock Sent 47 252.574680 252.574680 16: seq: 15, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3438170112 on_ticks=3674969 Sent 48 252.608417 252.608417 6: seq: 16, get_clock Sent 49 252.874742 252.874742 16: seq: 17, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3457370112 on_ticks=2329996 Sent 50 253.474665 253.474665 16: seq: 18, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3495770112 on_ticks=1999061 Sent 51 253.592628 253.592628 6: seq: 19, get_clock Sent 52 253.774795 253.774795 16: seq: 1a, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3514970112 on_ticks=2331429 Sent 53 254.074689 254.074689 16: seq: 1b, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3534170112 on_ticks=2691401 Sent 54 254.374765 254.374765 15: seq: 1c, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3553370112 on_ticks=1546745 Sent 55 254.576780 254.576780 6: seq: 1d, get_clock Sent 56 254.675035 254.675035 16: seq: 1e, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3572570111 on_ticks=2964862 Sent 57 254.975338 254.975338 16: seq: 1f, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3591770111 on_ticks=3514672 Sent 58 255.274693 255.274693 15: seq: 10, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3610970112 on_ticks=1270631 Sent 59 255.561413 255.561413 16: seq: 11, get_clock, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3630170112 on_ticks=757386 Sent 60 255.874708 255.874708 16: seq: 12, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3649370112 on_ticks=2618443 Sent 61 256.136142 256.136142 19: seq: 13, buttons_ack oid=29 count=1, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3668570111 on_ticks=2121146 Sent 62 256.400144 256.400144 27: seq: 14, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03\x080\x80\x00\n\x08\xb8\x87' read=0, queue_digital_out oid=46 clock=3794642416 on_ticks=0 Sent 63 256.404428 256.404428 14: seq: 15, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H \xe4' read=10 Sent 64 256.410654 256.410654 19: seq: 16, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03h0\x80\x00\x12\x08 \xda' read=0 Sent 65 256.414949 256.414949 14: seq: 17, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H \xe4' read=10 Sent 66 256.420861 256.420861 19: seq: 18, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03\x88=\x9a\x04\x1a\x88.\x95' read=0 Sent 67 256.424623 256.424623 14: seq: 19, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H \xe4' read=10 Sent 68 256.430508 256.430508 19: seq: 1a, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03\x082\x80\x10\xca(\xa0\xe5' read=0 Sent 69 256.434379 256.434379 14: seq: 1b, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H \xe4' read=10 Sent 70 256.440245 256.440245 19: seq: 1c, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03h2\x80\x1e\xfa\xef?\xdf' read=0 Sent 71 256.444129 256.444129 14: seq: 1d, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H \xe4' read=10 Sent 72 256.450075 256.450075 19: seq: 1e, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03\x08>\xe4\x1ar\x88\xa4\x85' read=0 Sent 73 256.453907 256.453907 14: seq: 1f, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H \xe4' read=10 Sent 74 256.460767 256.460767 19: seq: 10, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03(2\x80\x00\x02\x88"\xf3' read=0 Sent 75 256.465039 256.465039 14: seq: 11, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H \xe4' read=10 Sent 76 256.472034 256.472034 19: seq: 12, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03\x088\x80\x00\x02\x08 \xba' read=0 Sent 77 256.476423 256.476423 14: seq: 13, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H \xe4' read=10 Sent 78 256.482770 256.482770 14: seq: 14, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03\xe8\xad\xe1' read=10 Sent 79 256.490661 256.490661 14: seq: 15, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03( \xc3' read=10 Sent 80 256.499233 256.499233 42: seq: 16, set_next_step_dir oid=23 dir=0, queue_step oid=23 interval=3801119457 count=1 add=0, queue_step oid=23 interval=55398 count=2 add=-15567, queue_step oid=23 interval=29978 count=6 add=-2401, queue_step oid=23 interval=18548 count=10334 add=0 Sent 81 256.503662 256.503662 19: seq: 17, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03(0\x80\x00\x02( \xd7' read=0 Sent 82 256.507664 256.507664 14: seq: 18, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H \xe4' read=10 Sent 83 256.513465 256.513465 14: seq: 19, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03( \xc3' read=10 Sent 84 256.546270 256.546270 6: seq: 1a, get_clock Sent 85 256.774696 256.774696 16: seq: 1b, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3706970112 on_ticks=3124754 Sent 86 257.074695 257.074695 15: seq: 1c, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3726170112 on_ticks=240241 Sent 87 257.374676 257.374676 16: seq: 1d, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3745370112 on_ticks=2275447 Sent 88 257.520480 257.520480 14: seq: 1e, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03\xe8\xad\xe1' read=10 Sent 89 257.526244 257.526244 14: seq: 1f, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03( \xc3' read=10 Sent 90 257.530634 257.530634 6: seq: 10, get_clock Sent 91 257.974850 257.974850 16: seq: 11, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3783770111 on_ticks=3572045 Sent 92 258.274707 258.274707 15: seq: 12, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3802970112 on_ticks=1243848 Sent 93 258.514971 258.514971 6: seq: 13, get_clock Sent 94 258.521151 258.521151 14: seq: 14, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03\xe8\xad\xe1' read=10 Sent 95 258.527164 258.527164 25: seq: 15, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03( \xc3' read=10, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3822170112 on_ticks=2028815 Sent 96 259.174616 259.174616 16: seq: 16, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3860570111 on_ticks=2479244 Sent 97 259.474602 259.474602 16: seq: 17, queue_digital_out oid=45 clock=3879770111 on_ticks=1657478 Sent 98 259.499246 259.499246 6: seq: 18, get_clock Sent 99 259.512152 259.512152 6: seq: 19, emergency_stop Dumping receive queue 100 messages Receive: 0 255.922859 255.874708 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3655258112 value=31656 Receive: 1 255.969699 255.874708 18: seq: 13, counter_state oid=9 next_clock=3639610112 count=1 count_clock=3397760000 Receive: 2 255.979696 255.874708 18: seq: 13, counter_state oid=10 next_clock=3640250112 count=1 count_clock=3398400000 Receive: 3 256.012820 255.874708 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3661018112 value=31660 Receive: 4 256.022904 255.874708 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3661658112 value=31688 Receive: 5 256.052834 255.874708 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3663578112 value=7548 Receive: 6 256.122848 255.874708 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3668058112 value=3072 Receive: 7 256.135702 255.874708 10: seq: 13, buttons_state oid=29 ack_count=2 state=b'\x02' Receive: 8 256.222873 256.136142 15: seq: 14, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3674458112 value=31682 Receive: 9 256.312812 256.136142 15: seq: 14, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3680218112 value=31659 Receive: 10 256.322920 256.136142 15: seq: 14, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3680858112 value=31684 Receive: 11 256.352871 256.136142 14: seq: 14, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3682778112 value=7555 Receive: 12 256.403021 256.400144 8: seq: 15, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'' Receive: 13 256.408714 256.404428 18: seq: 16, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO \x80\x00\x02(\xa1\xda' Receive: 14 256.413492 256.410654 8: seq: 17, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'' Receive: 15 256.419317 256.414949 18: seq: 18, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO \x80\x00\x02H\xa1\xfd' Receive: 16 256.422990 256.420861 14: seq: 19, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3687258112 value=3072 Receive: 17 256.423521 256.420861 8: seq: 19, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'' Receive: 18 256.428919 256.424623 18: seq: 1a, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO \x80\x00\x02h!\xb9' Receive: 19 256.433284 256.430508 8: seq: 1b, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'' Receive: 20 256.438706 256.434379 18: seq: 1c, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO \x80\x00\x02\x88!\xee' Receive: 21 256.443020 256.440245 8: seq: 1d, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'' Receive: 22 256.448458 256.444129 18: seq: 1e, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO \x80\x00\x02\xa8\xa1\xaa' Receive: 23 256.452781 256.450075 8: seq: 1f, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'' Receive: 24 256.458222 256.453907 18: seq: 10, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO \x80\x00\x02\xc8\xa1\x8d' Receive: 25 256.463571 256.460767 8: seq: 11, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'' Receive: 26 256.469422 256.465039 18: seq: 12, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO \x80\x00\x02\xe8!\xc9' Receive: 27 256.475027 256.472034 8: seq: 13, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'' Receive: 28 256.480764 256.476423 18: seq: 14, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO \x80\x00\x02\x08"\xba' Receive: 29 256.487114 256.482770 18: seq: 15, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfa\xef-\xe0\x02\x02\x08\xa0\xfb' Receive: 30 256.499443 256.490661 18: seq: 16, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfa/ \x80\x00\x02( \xcd' Receive: 31 256.506444 256.503662 8: seq: 18, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'' Receive: 32 256.512051 256.507664 18: seq: 19, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO \x80\x00\x02(\xa2\xfe' Receive: 33 256.517705 256.513465 18: seq: 1a, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfa/ \x80\x00\x02\x08\xa0\x89' Receive: 34 256.522868 256.513465 15: seq: 1a, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3693658112 value=31659 Receive: 35 256.546664 256.546270 11: seq: 1b, clock clock=3676444687 Receive: 36 256.612786 256.546270 15: seq: 1b, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3699418112 value=31669 Receive: 37 256.622843 256.546270 15: seq: 1b, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3700058112 value=31687 Receive: 38 256.652856 256.546270 14: seq: 1b, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3701978112 value=7550 Receive: 39 256.722849 256.546270 14: seq: 1b, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3706458112 value=3082 Receive: 40 256.822868 256.774696 15: seq: 1c, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3712858112 value=31662 Receive: 41 256.912849 256.774696 15: seq: 1c, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3718618112 value=31662 Receive: 42 256.922826 256.774696 15: seq: 1c, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3719258112 value=31683 Receive: 43 256.952786 256.774696 14: seq: 1c, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3721178112 value=7552 Receive: 44 256.970186 256.774696 18: seq: 1c, counter_state oid=9 next_clock=3703642112 count=1 count_clock=3397760000 Receive: 45 256.980180 256.774696 18: seq: 1c, counter_state oid=10 next_clock=3704282112 count=1 count_clock=3398400000 Receive: 46 257.022855 256.774696 14: seq: 1c, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3725658112 value=3059 Receive: 47 257.122796 257.074695 15: seq: 1d, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3732058112 value=31672 Receive: 48 257.212801 257.074695 15: seq: 1d, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3737818112 value=31669 Receive: 49 257.222832 257.074695 15: seq: 1d, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3738458112 value=31684 Receive: 50 257.252803 257.074695 14: seq: 1d, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3740378112 value=7550 Receive: 51 257.322832 257.074695 14: seq: 1d, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3744858112 value=3069 Receive: 52 257.422832 257.374676 15: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3751258112 value=31678 Receive: 53 257.512804 257.374676 15: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3757018112 value=31664 Receive: 54 257.522849 257.520480 15: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3757658112 value=31684 Receive: 55 257.524777 257.520480 18: seq: 1f, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfa\xef-\xe0\x02\x02\x08\xa0\xfb' Receive: 56 257.530572 257.526244 18: seq: 10, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfa/ \x80\x00\x02\x08\xa0\x89' Receive: 57 257.531030 257.530634 11: seq: 11, clock clock=3739443507 Receive: 58 257.552775 257.530634 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3759578112 value=7552 Receive: 59 257.622855 257.530634 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3764058112 value=3068 Receive: 60 257.722853 257.530634 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3770458112 value=31657 Receive: 61 257.812819 257.530634 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3776218112 value=31663 Receive: 62 257.822857 257.530634 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3776858112 value=31686 Receive: 63 257.852790 257.530634 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3778778112 value=7547 Receive: 64 257.922842 257.530634 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3783258112 value=3083 Receive: 65 257.970714 257.530634 18: seq: 11, counter_state oid=9 next_clock=3767674112 count=1 count_clock=3397760000 Receive: 66 257.970759 257.530634 15: seq: 11, stats count=824 sum=1051641 sumsq=8649706 Receive: 67 257.980603 257.974850 18: seq: 12, counter_state oid=10 next_clock=3768314112 count=1 count_clock=3398400000 Receive: 68 258.022811 257.974850 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3789658112 value=31665 Receive: 69 258.112795 257.974850 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3795418112 value=31658 Receive: 70 258.122834 257.974850 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3796058112 value=31686 Receive: 71 258.152874 257.974850 14: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3797978112 value=7548 Receive: 72 258.222871 257.974850 14: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3802458112 value=3068 Receive: 73 258.323039 258.274707 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3808858112 value=31666 Receive: 74 258.412800 258.274707 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3814618112 value=31670 Receive: 75 258.422817 258.274707 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3815258112 value=31684 Receive: 76 258.452818 258.274707 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3817178112 value=7561 Receive: 77 258.515432 258.514971 11: seq: 14, clock clock=3802442774 Receive: 78 258.522987 258.521151 14: seq: 15, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3821658112 value=3071 Receive: 79 258.525549 258.521151 18: seq: 15, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfa\xef-\x802\x02\x08 \x9f' Receive: 80 258.531533 258.527164 18: seq: 16, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfa/ \x80\x00\x02\x08\xa0\x89' Receive: 81 258.622910 258.527164 15: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3828058112 value=31660 Receive: 82 258.712871 258.527164 15: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3833818112 value=31665 Receive: 83 258.723013 258.527164 15: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3834458112 value=31683 Receive: 84 258.752798 258.527164 14: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3836378112 value=7560 Receive: 85 258.822860 258.527164 14: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3840858112 value=3071 Receive: 86 258.922862 258.527164 15: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3847258112 value=31663 Receive: 87 258.971191 258.527164 18: seq: 16, counter_state oid=9 next_clock=3831706112 count=1 count_clock=3397760000 Receive: 88 258.981189 258.527164 18: seq: 16, counter_state oid=10 next_clock=3832346112 count=1 count_clock=3398400000 Receive: 89 259.012700 258.527164 15: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3853018112 value=31661 Receive: 90 259.022855 258.527164 15: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3853658112 value=31685 Receive: 91 259.052686 258.527164 14: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3855578112 value=7553 Receive: 92 259.122846 258.527164 14: seq: 16, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3860058112 value=3075 Receive: 93 259.222741 259.174616 15: seq: 17, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=3866458112 value=31682 Receive: 94 259.312690 259.174616 15: seq: 17, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=3872218112 value=31653 Receive: 95 259.322947 259.174616 15: seq: 17, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=3872858112 value=31683 Receive: 96 259.352694 259.174616 14: seq: 17, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=3874778112 value=7559 Receive: 97 259.422742 259.174616 14: seq: 17, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=3879258112 value=3069 Receive: 98 259.499722 259.499246 11: seq: 19, clock clock=3865439181 Receive: 99 259.513144 259.512152 12: seq: 1a, shutdown clock=3866267201 static_string_id=Command request Internal error on command:"FILAMENT_LOAD" Script running error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/gcode_button.py", line 41, in button_callback self.gcode.run_script(template.render()) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 229, in run_script self._process_commands(script.split('\n'), need_ack=False) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 211, in _process_commands handler(gcmd) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 137, in func = lambda params: origfunc(self._get_extended_params(params)) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/gcode_macro.py", line 189, in cmd self.template.run_gcode_from_command(kwparams) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/gcode_macro.py", line 68, in run_gcode_from_command self.gcode.run_script_from_command(self.render(context)) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 226, in run_script_from_command self._process_commands(script.split('\n'), need_ack=False) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/gcode.py", line 211, in _process_commands handler(gcmd) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 608, in cmd_M400 self.wait_moves() File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 477, in wait_moves self._flush_lookahead() File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 356, in _flush_lookahead self.move_queue.flush() File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 176, in flush self.toolhead._process_moves(queue[:flush_count]) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 353, in _process_moves self._advance_move_time(next_move_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 311, in _advance_move_time self._advance_flush_time(flush_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 302, in _advance_flush_time m.flush_moves(flush_time, clear_history_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/mcu.py", line 971, in flush_moves raise error("Internal error in MCU '%s' stepcompress" mcu.error: Internal error in MCU 'mcu' stepcompress Pausing toolhead to calculate extruder phase offset Dumping stepper 'extruder' (mcu) 1 queue_step: queue_step 0: t=16686278975 p=9 i=18548 c=10334 a=0 Stats 259.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.016 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000016 bytes_write=8387 bytes_read=71061 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=747 receive_seq=747 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000808 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.0 M8P: temp=31.5 sysload=0.48 cputime=14.322 memavail=666260 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=21.856 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.1 pwm=0.259 Stats 260.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.016 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000016 bytes_write=8453 bytes_read=71344 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=752 receive_seq=752 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=11 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000808 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=32.5 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.44 cputime=14.364 memavail=666316 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=20.855 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.1 pwm=0.257 b'stepcompress o=23 i=-313291 c=1 a=0: Invalid sequence' Exception in flush_handler Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 437, in _flush_handler self._advance_flush_time(min(self.need_flush_time, ftime)) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/toolhead.py", line 302, in _advance_flush_time m.flush_moves(flush_time, clear_history_time) File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/mcu.py", line 971, in flush_moves raise error("Internal error in MCU '%s' stepcompress" mcu.error: Internal error in MCU 'mcu' stepcompress Stats 261.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.016 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000016 bytes_write=8550 bytes_read=71666 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=759 receive_seq=759 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000807 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=31.4 sysload=0.44 cputime=14.407 memavail=666064 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=19.851 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=195.1 pwm=0.185 Stats 262.6: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.016 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000016 bytes_write=8600 bytes_read=71967 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=763 receive_seq=763 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000807 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.1 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.44 cputime=14.443 memavail=665368 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=18.849 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=194.9 pwm=0.360 Stats 263.7: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=8682 bytes_read=72305 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=769 receive_seq=769 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=11 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000810 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.44 cputime=14.484 memavail=664684 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=17.847 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=194.5 pwm=0.553 Unable to obtain tmc extruder phase Stats 264.7: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=8748 bytes_read=72603 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=774 receive_seq=774 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000808 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.0 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.44 cputime=14.525 memavail=664820 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=16.843 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=194.2 pwm=0.617 Stats 265.7: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=8814 bytes_read=72915 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=779 receive_seq=779 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000807 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.41 cputime=14.562 memavail=664672 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=15.841 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=193.7 pwm=0.665 Stats 266.7: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=8864 bytes_read=73181 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=783 receive_seq=783 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=11 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000806 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.3 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.6 M8P: temp=31.2 sysload=0.41 cputime=14.600 memavail=664692 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=14.838 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=192.7 pwm=0.968 Stats 267.7: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000020 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=8962 bytes_read=73486 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=790 receive_seq=790 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000807 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.8 M8P: temp=31.4 sysload=0.41 cputime=14.639 memavail=664468 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=13.836 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=192.0 pwm=1.000 Stats 268.7: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.011 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000017 bytes_write=8996 bytes_read=73785 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=793 receive_seq=793 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000805 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.3 M8P: temp=31.1 sysload=0.41 cputime=14.675 memavail=663752 print_time=283.723 buffer_time=12.832 print_stall=0 extruder: target=195 temp=191.6 pwm=1.000 Attempting MCU 'mcu' reset command webhooks client 281472746224320: Disconnected Restarting printer Start printer at Sun Jan 14 09:53:44 2024 (1705244024.4 270.7) ===== Config file ===== [virtual_sdcard] path = ~/printer_data/gcodes on_error_gcode = CANCEL_PRINT [exclude_object] [display_status] [pause_resume] [stepper_x] step_pin = PE2 dir_pin = PB4 enable_pin = !PC11 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 40 endstop_pin = ^PF3 position_endstop = 386 position_max = 386 position_min = 0 homing_speed = 50 homing_retract_dist = 15 [stepper_y] step_pin = PF12 dir_pin = PF11 enable_pin = !PB3 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 40 endstop_pin = ^PF4 position_endstop = 370 position_max = 390 position_min = 0 homing_speed = 50 homing_retract_dist = 28 [extruder] step_pin = PD7 dir_pin = !PD6 enable_pin = !PF10 microsteps = 16 full_steps_per_rotation = 200 rotation_distance = 4.637 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 filament_diameter = 1.75 max_extrude_only_distance = 1000 max_extrude_only_velocity = 120 max_extrude_cross_section = 5.0 pressure_advance = 0.04 pressure_advance_smooth_time = 0.04 smooth_time = .50 heater_pin = PE3 max_power = 1.0 sensor_type = ATC Semitec 104GT-2 pullup_resistor = 4700 sensor_pin = PA1 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 300 control = pid pid_kp = 29.700 pid_ki = 2.152 pid_kd = 102.464 [stepper_z] step_pin = PD3 dir_pin = PD2 enable_pin = !PD5 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 4 endstop_pin = PC2 position_endstop = 2 position_max = 400 position_min = -3 homing_speed = 20 second_homing_speed = 5 homing_retract_dist = 3 [stepper_z1] step_pin = PC9 dir_pin = !PC8 enable_pin = !PD1 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 4 [stepper_z2] step_pin = PA10 dir_pin = !PA14 enable_pin = !PA15 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 4 [stepper_z3] step_pin = PD11 dir_pin = PD9 enable_pin = !PD15 microsteps = 16 rotation_distance = 4 [heater_bed] heater_pin = PB5 sensor_pin = PA0 sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F min_temp = 0 max_temp = 130 control = pid pid_kp = 57.282 pid_ki = 2.464 pid_kd = 332.949 [heater_fan hotend_fan] max_power = 1.0 fan_speed = 1 kick_start_time = 0.1 heater = extruder heater_temp = 35 pin = PE6 [fan] pin = !PE0 max_power = 1 shutdown_speed = 0 cycle_time = 0.002 hardware_pwm = false kick_start_time = .25 [controller_fan stepper_fan] pin = PE4 idle_timeout = 60 idle_speed = 1 heater = extruder, heater_bed stepper = stepper_x, stepper_y, stepper_z [mcu] canbus_uuid = 470895d943da [input_shaper] shaper_freq_x = 72 shaper_type_x = mzv shaper_freq_y = 51.4 shaper_type_y = mzv damping_ratio_x = 0.1 damping_ratio_y = 0.1 [printer] kinematics = corexy max_velocity = 1000 max_accel = 15000 max_z_velocity = 20 max_z_accel = 1000 [board_pins] aliases = EXP1_1=PE9, EXP1_2=PE10, EXP1_3=PE11, EXP1_4=PE12, EXP1_5=PE13, EXP1_6=PE14, EXP1_7=PE15, EXP1_8=PB10, EXP1_9=, EXP1_10=<5V>, EXP2_1=PB14, EXP2_2=PB13, EXP2_3=PF7, EXP2_4=PB12, EXP2_5=PE7, EXP2_6=PB11, EXP2_7=PE8, EXP2_8=, EXP2_9=, EXP2_10=PC5 [tmc2209 extruder] uart_pin = PF9 diag_pin = PF5 run_current = 0.80 hold_current = .05 stealthchop_threshold = 0 driver_tbl = 0 driver_hend = 6 driver_hstrt = 7 driver_toff = 4 interpolate = true sense_resistor = 0.11 [tmc2209 stepper_z] uart_pin = PD4 diag_pin = PC0 run_current = 0.650 stealthchop_threshold = 999999 [tmc2209 stepper_z1] uart_pin = PD0 run_current = 0.650 stealthchop_threshold = 999999 [tmc2209 stepper_z2] uart_pin = PF8 run_current = 0.6500 stealthchop_threshold = 999999 [tmc2209 stepper_z3] uart_pin = PD14 run_current = 0.6500 stealthchop_threshold = 999999 [tmc5160 stepper_x] cs_pin = PC10 spi_software_miso_pin = PA6 spi_software_mosi_pin = PA7 spi_software_sclk_pin = PA5 run_current = 1.7 hold_current = .5 stealthchop_threshold = 0 diag1_pin = PF3 [tmc5160 stepper_y] cs_pin = PF13 spi_software_miso_pin = PA6 spi_software_mosi_pin = PA7 spi_software_sclk_pin = PA5 run_current = 1.7 hold_current = .5 stealthchop_threshold = 0 diag1_pin = PF4 [quad_gantry_level] gantry_corners = -26.5, 15.5 392, 343.3 points = 10,0 10, 310 367, 310 367, 0 speed = 50 horizontal_move_z = 15 max_adjust = 5 retries = 5 retry_tolerance = .05 [respond] default_type = echo default_prefix = echo: [delayed_gcode clear_display] gcode = M117 [gcode_button sensor_fs] pin = PF5 press_gcode = {% if (printer.print_stats.state == "printing") %} filament_change_state1 {% else %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=0 {% endif %} UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_loadbusy DURATION=2 UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_unloadbusy DURATION=2 SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=filamentpresent VALUE=0 release_gcode = {% if (printer.print_stats.state != "printing") %} filament_load {% else %} M117 Printing! Can't load filament right now! M118 Printing! Can't load filament right now! UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_display DURATION=10 {% endif %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=filamentpresent VALUE=1 UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_changebusy DURATION=2 [gcode_button sensor_fu] pin = PC0 release_gcode = {% if (printer.print_stats.state != "printing")%} filament_unload {% else %} M117 Printing! Can't unload filament right now! M118 Printing! Can't unload filament right now! {% endif %} press_gcode = [delayed_gcode clear_changebusy] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_change_state1 VARIABLE=changebusy VALUE=0 M118 Clear Load busy! [delayed_gcode set_loadbusy] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=1 M118 Set Load busy! [delayed_gcode clear_loadbusy] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=0 M118 Clear Load busy! [gcode_macro filament_change_state1] variable_changebusy = 0 gcode = {% if changebusy == 0 %} PAUSE purge_bucket SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_change_state1 VARIABLE=changebusy VALUE=1 M118 Filament runnout! M117 Filament runnout! filament_change_state2 {% else %} {% endif %} [gcode_macro filament_change_state2] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=1 M118 Unloading filament... M117 Unloading filament... M82 G92 E0 {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower != 'true' %} M118 Hotend heating! M109 S235 T0 {% endif %} G0 E-5 F3600 G0 E-70 F300 M400 M117 Load new filament! Wait until is loaded, then resume printing. M118 Load new filament! Wait until is loaded, then resume printing. UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=set_loadbusy DURATION=2.5 [gcode_macro M600] gcode = filament_change_state1 [gcode_macro filament_load] variable_loadbusy = 0 gcode = {% if loadbusy == 0 %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=1 SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=unloadbusy VALUE=1 {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower != 'true' %} M104 S235 T0 {% endif %} M117 Filament loading! M118 Filament loading! M82 G92 E0 G4 P2000 FORCE_MOVE STEPPER=extruder DISTANCE=15 VELOCITY=5 ACCEL=1000 {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower != 'true' %} M118 Hotend heating! M109 S235 T0 {% endif %} G1 E100 F300 M400 M117 Filament load complete! M118 Filament load complete! UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_display DURATION=10 UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_unloadbusy DURATION=2 {% else %} M118 Filament already loaded! {% endif %} [gcode_macro filament_unload] variable_unloadbusy = 0 variable_filamentpresent = 0 gcode = purge_bucket {% if unloadbusy == 0 %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=unloadbusy VALUE=1 SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_load VARIABLE=loadbusy VALUE=1 M118 Filament unloading! M117 Filament unloading! M82 G92 E0 {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower != 'true' %} M118 Hotend heating! M109 S235 T0 {% endif %} G0 E-15 F3600 G0 E-70 F300 M400 M118 Filament unload complete! M117 Filament unload complete! UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=clear_display DURATION=10 {% else %} M118 Nothing to unload! {% endif %} [delayed_gcode clear_unloadbusy] gcode = SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=filament_unload VARIABLE=unloadbusy VALUE=0 M118 Clear Unload busy! [gcode_macro START_PRINT] gcode = M104 S0 {% set BED_TEMP = params.BED_TEMP|default|float %} {% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default|float %} {% set CHAMBER_TEMP = params.CHAMBER_TEMP|default(0)|int %} BEDFANSSLOW M140 S{BED_TEMP} {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xy" %} G28 X0 G28 Y0 {% endif %} {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "z" %} G28 Z0 {% endif %} HOME_POSITION M190 S{BED_TEMP} BEDFANSFAST BEDBLOWSLOW chamber_temp_wait CHAMBER_TEMP={CHAMBER_TEMP} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED=0 M109 S175 quad_gantry_level G90 SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.0 calibrate_z M104 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} purge_bucket M109 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} ADAPTIVE_PURGE [gcode_macro END_PRINT] gcode = SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE heater="Heater_Chamber" target=0 BEDFANSOFF SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED=0 G91 G1 E-5 Z+10 F3000 G90 G1 X188.5 Y370 M104 S0 M140 S0 M84 SET_TEMPERATURE_FAN_TARGET temperature_fan="chamber" target=30 [gcode_macro M109] rename_existing = M99109 gcode = {% set s = params.S|float %} M104 {% for p in params %}{'%s%s' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} {% if s != 0 %} TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=extruder MINIMUM={s} MAXIMUM={s+1} {% endif %} [gcode_macro LOAD_FILAMENT] gcode = {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(300) %} {% set max_velocity = printer.configfile.settings['extruder'].max_extrude_only_velocity %} SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=load_state M300 G91 G92 E0 G1 E350 F{max_velocity} G1 E25 F{speed} M300 M300 RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=load_state [gcode_macro UNLOAD_FILAMENT] gcode = {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(300) %} {% set max_velocity = printer.configfile.settings['extruder'].max_extrude_only_velocity %} SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=unload_state G91 M300 G92 E0 G1 E25 F{speed} G1 E-420 F{max_velocity} M300 M300 RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=unload_state [gcode_macro purge_bucket] gcode = {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %} G28 X0 Y0 {% endif %} G90 G1 X40 F2000 G1 Y380 F2000 [gcode_macro Clean_nozzle] gcode = {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %} G28 X0 Y0 {% endif %} {% set wipe_count = 8 %} SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=clean_nozzle_state G90 {% for wipe in range(wipe_count) %} {% for coordinate in [(70, 375),(110, 375)] %} G0 X{coordinate[0]} Y{coordinate[1] + 0.25 * wipe} F20000 {% endfor %} {% endfor %} RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=clean_nozzle_state [gcode_macro ADAPTIVE_PURGE] description = A purge macro that adapts to be near your actual printed objects variable_adaptive_enable = True variable_z_height = 0.4 variable_tip_distance = 15 variable_purge_amount = 15 variable_flow_rate = 10 variable_x_default = 10 variable_y_default = 10 variable_size = 20 variable_distance_to_object_x = 15 variable_distance_to_object_y = 0 variable_travel_speed = 300 gcode = {% if adaptive_enable == True %} {% set all_points = printer.exclude_object.objects | map(attribute='polygon') | sum(start=[]) %} {% set x_origin = (all_points | map(attribute=0) | min | default(x_default + distance_to_object_x + size)) - distance_to_object_x - size %} {% set y_origin = (all_points | map(attribute=1) | min | default(y_default + distance_to_object_y + size)) - distance_to_object_y - size %} {% set x_origin = ([x_origin, 0] | max) %} {% set y_origin = ([y_origin, 0] | max) %} {% else %} {% set x_origin = x_default | float %} {% set y_origin = y_default | float %} {% endif %} {% set purge_move_speed = 2.31 * size * flow_rate / (purge_amount * 2.405) %} {% set prepurge_speed = flow_rate / 2.405 %} { action_respond_info( "x: " + x_origin|string + " y: " + y_origin|string + " purge_move_speed: " + purge_move_speed|string + " prepurge_speed: " + prepurge_speed|string ) } G92 E0 G0 F{travel_speed*60} G90 G0 X{x_origin} Y{y_origin+size/2} G0 Z{z_height} M83 G1 E{tip_distance} F{prepurge_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.285} Y{y_origin+size} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.789} Y{y_origin+size} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.250} Y{y_origin} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.711} Y{y_origin} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size} Y{y_origin+size/2} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 X{x_origin+size*0.80} Y{y_origin+size/2} E{purge_amount/4} F{purge_move_speed*60} G1 E-.5 F2100 G92 E0 [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT] description = Cancel the actual running print rename_existing = CANCEL_PRINT_BASE gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set allow_park = client.park_at_cancel|default(false)|lower == 'true' %} {% set retract = client.cancel_retract|default(5.0)|abs %} {% set park_x = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_x|default(none) is none) else "X=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_x %} {% set park_y = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_y|default(none) is none) else "Y=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_y %} {% set custom_park = park_x|length > 0 or park_y|length > 0 %} {% if printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout > 0 %} SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout} {% endif %} {% if (custom_park or not printer.pause_resume.is_paused) and allow_park %} _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {park_x} {park_y} {% endif %} _CLIENT_RETRACT LENGTH={retract} TURN_OFF_HEATERS M106 S0 {client.user_cancel_macro|default("")} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=idle_state VALUE=False SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER ENABLE=0 SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER ENABLE=0 LAYER=0 CANCEL_PRINT_BASE [gcode_macro PAUSE] description = Pause the actual running print rename_existing = PAUSE_BASE gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set idle_timeout = client.idle_timeout|default(0) %} {% set temp = printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].target if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' else 0 %} {% set restore = False if printer.toolhead.extruder == '' else True if params.RESTORE|default(1)|int == 1 else False %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=last_extruder_temp VALUE="{{'restore': restore, 'temp': temp}}" {% if idle_timeout > 0 %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=restore_idle_timeout VALUE={printer.configfile.settings.idle_timeout.timeout} SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={idle_timeout} {% endif %} PAUSE_BASE {client.user_pause_macro|default("")} _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {rawparams} [gcode_macro RESUME] description = Resume the actual running print rename_existing = RESUME_BASE variable_last_extruder_temp = {'restore': False, 'temp': 0} variable_restore_idle_timeout = 0 variable_idle_state = False gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %} {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) %} {% set runout_resume = True if client.runout_sensor|default("") == "" else True if not printer[client.runout_sensor].enabled else printer[client.runout_sensor].filament_detected %} {% set can_extrude = True if printer.toolhead.extruder == '' else printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %} {% set do_resume = False %} {% set prompt_txt = [] %} {% if printer.idle_timeout.state|upper == "IDLE" or idle_state %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=idle_state VALUE=False {% if last_extruder_temp.restore %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"Restoring \"%s\" temperature to %3.1f\u00B0C, this may take some time" % (printer.toolhead.extruder, last_extruder_temp.temp) }' M109 S{last_extruder_temp.temp} {% set do_resume = True %} {% elif can_extrude %} {% set do_resume = True %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}' {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %} {% endif %} {% elif can_extrude %} {% set do_resume = True %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}' {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %} {% endif %} {% if runout_resume %} {% if do_resume %} {% if restore_idle_timeout > 0 %} SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={restore_idle_timeout} {% endif %} {client.user_resume_macro|default("")} _CLIENT_EXTRUDE RESUME_BASE VELOCITY={params.VELOCITY|default(sp_move)} {% endif %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]}' {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]) %} {% endif %} {% if not (runout_resume and do_resume) %} RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_begin RESUME aborted !!!" {% for element in prompt_txt %} RESPOND TYPE=command MSG='{"action:prompt_text %s" % element}' {% endfor %} RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_footer_button Ok|RESPOND TYPE=command MSG=action:prompt_end|info" RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_show" {% endif %} [gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER] description = Enable a pause if the next layer is reached gcode = {% set pause_next_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_next_layer %} {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|default(1)|int != 0 %} {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(pause_next_layer.call, True) %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO VARIABLE=pause_next_layer VALUE="{{ 'enable': ENABLE, 'call': MACRO }}" [gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER] description = Enable/disable a pause if a given layer number is reached gcode = {% set pause_at_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_at_layer %} {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|int != 0 if params.ENABLE is defined else params.LAYER is defined %} {% set LAYER = params.LAYER|default(pause_at_layer.layer)|int %} {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(pause_at_layer.call, True) %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO VARIABLE=pause_at_layer VALUE="{{ 'enable': ENABLE, 'layer': LAYER, 'call': MACRO }}" [gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO] rename_existing = SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO_BASE description = Overwrite, to get pause_next_layer and pause_at_layer feature variable_pause_next_layer = { 'enable': False, 'call': "PAUSE" } variable_pause_at_layer = { 'enable': False, 'layer': 0, 'call': "PAUSE" } gcode = {% if pause_next_layer.enable %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_next_layer" % pause_next_layer.call}' {pause_next_layer.call} SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER ENABLE=0 {% elif pause_at_layer.enable and params.CURRENT_LAYER is defined and params.CURRENT_LAYER|int == pause_at_layer.layer %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_at_layer [%d]" % (pause_at_layer.call, pause_at_layer.layer)}' {pause_at_layer.call} SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER ENABLE=0 {% endif %} SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO_BASE {rawparams} [gcode_macro _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL] description = Helper: park toolhead used in PAUSE and CANCEL_PRINT gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %} {% set use_custom = client.use_custom_pos|default(false)|lower == 'true' %} {% set custom_park_x = client.custom_park_x|default(0.0) %} {% set custom_park_y = client.custom_park_y|default(0.0) %} {% set park_dz = client.custom_park_dz|default(2.0)|abs %} {% set sp_hop = client.speed_hop|default(15) * 60 %} {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) * 60 %} {% set origin = printer.gcode_move.homing_origin %} {% set act = printer.gcode_move.gcode_position %} {% set max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum %} {% set cone = printer.toolhead.cone_start_z|default(max.z) %} {% set round_bed = True if printer.configfile.settings.printer.kinematics is in ['delta','polar','rotary_delta','winch'] else False %} {% set z_min = params.Z_MIN|default(0)|float %} {% set z_park = [[(act.z + park_dz), z_min]|max, (max.z - origin.z)]|min %} {% set x_park = params.X if params.X is defined else custom_park_x if use_custom else 0.0 if round_bed else (max.x - 5.0) %} {% set y_park = params.Y if params.Y is defined else custom_park_y if use_custom else (max.y - 5.0) if round_bed and z_park < cone else 0.0 if round_bed else (max.y - 5.0) %} _CLIENT_RETRACT {% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} G90 G1 Z{z_park} F{sp_hop} G1 X{x_park} Y{y_park} F{sp_move} {% if not printer.gcode_move.absolute_coordinates %} G91 {% endif %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Printer not homed' {% endif %} [gcode_macro _CLIENT_EXTRUDE] description = Extrudes, if the extruder is hot enough gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set use_fw_retract = (client.use_fw_retract|default(false)|lower == 'true') and (printer.firmware_retraction is defined) %} {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.unretract)|default(1.0)|float %} {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_unretract)|default(35) %} {% set absolute_extrude = printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude %} {% if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' %} {% if printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %} {% if use_fw_retract %} {% if length < 0 %} G10 {% else %} G11 {% endif %} {% else %} M83 G1 E{length} F{(speed|float|abs) * 60} {% if absolute_extrude %} M82 {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"\"%s\" not hot enough" % printer.toolhead.extruder}' {% endif %} {% endif %} [gcode_macro _CLIENT_RETRACT] description = Retracts, if the extruder is hot enough gcode = {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.retract)|default(1.0)|float %} {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_retract)|default(35) %} _CLIENT_EXTRUDE LENGTH=-{length|float|abs} SPEED={speed|float|abs} [gcode_macro Home_Position] gcode = {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %} G28 {% endif %} G90 G1 X188.5 Y185 Z150 F2000 [gcode_macro Set_Z_Offset] gcode = M109 S180 {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %} G28 {% endif %} calibrate_z [probe] pin = ^PC1 x_offset = 0 y_offset = -18 z_offset = 11 speed = 5 samples = 2 samples_result = median sample_retract_dist = 5.0 samples_tolerance = 0.01 samples_tolerance_retries = 3 lift_speed = 30 [gcode_macro _User_Variables] variable_verbose = True variable_debug = False variable_travel_speed = 200 variable_move_accel = 5000 variable_dock_speed = 50 variable_release_speed = 75 variable_z_drop_speed = 20 variable_safe_z = 15 variable_enable_z_hop = True variable_max_bed_y = 370 variable_max_bed_x = 377 variable_z_endstop_x = 358 variable_z_endstop_y = 371 variable_docklocation_x = 295 variable_docklocation_y = 380 variable_docklocation_z = -128 variable_enable_dock_servo = False variable_servo_name = 'NAME' variable_servo_deploy = 10 variable_servo_retract = 11 variable_servo_delay = 250 variable_dockmove_x = 30 variable_dockmove_y = 0 variable_dockmove_z = 0 variable_attachmove_x = 0 variable_attachmove_y = 20 variable_attachmove_z = 0 variable_umbilical = False variable_umbilical_x = 15 variable_umbilical_y = 15 variable_park_toolhead = False variable_parkposition_x = 125 variable_parkposition_y = 125 variable_parkposition_z = 30 variable_version = 1 variable_attachmove2_x = 0 variable_attachmove2_y = 0 variable_attachmove2_z = 0 variable_home_backoff_x = 10 variable_home_backoff_y = 10 variable_override_homing = '' variable_dock_on_zhome = True gcode = {% set Mx = printer['configfile'].config["stepper_x"]["position_max"]|float %} {% set My = printer['configfile'].config["stepper_y"]["position_max"]|float %} {% set Ox = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["x_offset"]|float %} {% set Oy = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["y_offset"]|float %} {% set Oz = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["z_offset"]|float %} {% if z_endstop_x != 0 or z_endstop_y != 0 %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=z_endstop_x VALUE={ z_endstop_x } SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=z_endstop_y VALUE={ z_endstop_y } {% else %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=z_endstop_x VALUE={ (Mx * 0.5) - Ox } SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=z_endstop_y VALUE={ (My * 0.5) - Oy } {% endif %} [gcode_macro _Probe_Variables] variable_probe_attached = False variable_probe_state = False variable_probe_lock = False variable_probe_z_homed = False variable_z_endstop_x = 0 variable_z_endstop_y = 0 gcode = [gcode_macro _klicky_check_variables_version] gcode = {% set version = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].version|default(0) %} {% if version != 1 %} { action_raise_error("Please update your klicky variables, there are some functionality changes") } {% endif %} [gcode_macro _KlickyDebug] gcode = {% set message = params.MSG %} {% set debug = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].debug|default(False) %} {% if debug %} { action_respond_info(message) } {% endif %} [gcode_macro _exit_point] gcode = {% set function = 'pre_' ~ params.FUNCTION %} {% set move = params.MOVE|default(0) %} {% set speed = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed %} M400 SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT ACCEL={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel} SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT ACCEL_TO_DECEL={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel_to_decel} RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME={function} MOVE={move} MOVE_SPEED={speed} [gcode_macro _entry_point] gcode = {% set function = 'pre_' ~ params.FUNCTION %} {% set move_accel = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].move_accel|default(1000) %} M400 SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME={function} SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0 G90 SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT ACCEL={move_accel} [gcode_macro _Homing_Variables] gcode = {% set reset = params.RESET|default(0) %} {% if reset %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_lock VALUE={ False } {% endif %} [gcode_macro Attach_Probe_Lock] description = Attaches Klicky Probe, can only be docked after unlocking gcode = Attach_Probe _Probe_Lock [gcode_macro Dock_Probe_Unlock] description = Docks Klicky Probe even if it was locked gcode = _Probe_Unlock Dock_Probe [gcode_macro _Probe_Unlock] description = Unlocks Klicky Probe state gcode = _KlickyDebug msg="_Probe_Lock setting probe_lock variable to False" SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_lock VALUE={ False } [gcode_macro _Probe_Lock] description = Locks Klicky Probe state gcode = _KlickyDebug msg="_Probe_Lock setting probe_lock variable to True" SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_lock VALUE={ True } [gcode_macro _DeployKlickyDock] description = Deploys Klicky servo-controlled dock gcode = {% set enable_dock_servo = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].enable_dock_servo|default(False) %} {% set servo_delay = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_delay|default(1000) %} {% set servo_name = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_name %} {% set servo_deploy = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_deploy|default(360) %} M400 {% if enable_dock_servo != False %} _KlickyDebug msg="_DeployKlickyDock Klicky servo configuration enabled" {% if servo_deploy == 360 %} { action_raise_error("Klicky: servo active on klicky-variables, but no servo deploy angle specified") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="_DeployKlickyDock SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} ANGLE={servo_deploy|int}" SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} ANGLE={servo_deploy|int} M400 G4 P{servo_delay|int} _KlickyDebug msg="_DeployKlickyDock SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} WIDTH=0" SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} WIDTH=0 {% elif printer["gcode_macro _DeployDock"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_DeployKlickyDock calling _DeployDock" _DeployDock {% endif %} [gcode_macro _RetractKlickyDock] description = Retracts Klicky servo-controlled dock gcode = {% set enable_dock_servo = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].enable_dock_servo|default(False) %} {% set servo_delay = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_delay|default(1000) %} {% set servo_name = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_name %} {% set servo_retract = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].servo_retract|default(360) %} M400 {% if enable_dock_servo != False %} _KlickyDebug msg="_RetractKlickyDock Klicky servo configuration enabled" {% if servo_retract == 360 %} { action_raise_error("Klicky: servo active on klicky-variables, but no servo retract angle specified") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="_RetractKlickyDock SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} ANGLE={servo_retract|int}" SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} ANGLE={servo_retract|int} M400 G4 P{servo_delay|int} _KlickyDebug msg="_RetractKlickyDock SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} WIDTH=0" SET_SERVO SERVO={servo_name|string} WIDTH=0 {% elif printer["gcode_macro _RetractDock"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_RetractKlickyDock calling _RetractDock" _RetractDock {% endif %} [gcode_macro Attach_Probe] description = Attaches Klicky Probe gcode = {% set goback = params.BACK|default(0) %} {% set probe_attached = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].probe_attached %} {% set probe_lock = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].probe_lock %} {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} {% set dockmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_x|default(0) %} {% set dockmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_y|default(0) %} {% set dockmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_z|default(0) %} {% set docklocation_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_x %} {% set docklocation_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_y %} {% set docklocation_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_z %} {% set attachmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_x|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_y|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_z|default(0) %} {% set attachmove2_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove2_x|default(0) %} {% set attachmove2_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove2_y|default(0) %} {% set attachmove2_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove2_z|default(0) %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z %} {% set enable_z_hop = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].enable_z_hop %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set dock_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dock_speed * 60 %} {% set release_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].release_speed * 60 %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set bypass_probe_docking = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].bypass_probe_docking|default(False) %} _entry_point function=Attach_Probe {% if bypass_probe_docking == False %} {% if not 'xy' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} { action_raise_error("Must Home X and Y Axis First!") } _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe Axis homed" {% elif not probe_attached and not probe_lock %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe going to attach probe" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Attaching Probe") } {% endif %} _KLICKY_STATUS_BUSY {% if not 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Resetting Z position to zero") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe Z not homed, setting position as X=Y=Z=0" SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z=0 {% if not enable_z_hop %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe z_hop disabled" {% set safe_z = 0 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe toolhead too low, raising it to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if not 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Resetting Z position to zero, duplicate?") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe Z not homed, setting position as X=Y=Z=0" SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z=0 {% endif %} {% if printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe toolhead too low, raising it to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _Umbilical_Path _entry_point function=Attach_Probe_intern _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving near the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{travel_feedrate} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving near the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int - attachmove2_z|int} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int - attachmove2_z|int} F{dock_feedrate} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving near the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{dock_feedrate} {% endif %} _DeployKlickyDock {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z} F{dock_feedrate} {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{dock_feedrate} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving from the dock to G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{z_drop_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving from the dock to G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate} _RetractKlickyDock {% if ((printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z) or (docklocation_z != -128 and docklocation_z < safe_z ))%} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to a safe Z position: G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _Park_Toolhead _CheckProbe action=attach _exit_point function=Attach_Probe_intern move={goback} _KLICKY_STATUS_READY {% elif probe_lock %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Probe locked!") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe probe locked not attaching probe" _CheckProbe action=query {% else %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Probe already attached!") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe probe already attached, doing nothing" _CheckProbe action=query {% endif %} _exit_point function=Attach_Probe {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe probe docking bypassed, doing nothing" {% endif %} [gcode_macro Dock_Probe] description = Docks Klicky Probe gcode = {% set goback = params.BACK|default(0) %} {% set probe_attached = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].probe_attached %} {% set probe_lock = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].probe_lock %} {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} {% set dockmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_x|default(0) %} {% set dockmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_y|default(0) %} {% set dockmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dockmove_z|default(0) %} {% set docklocation_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_x %} {% set docklocation_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_y %} {% set docklocation_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].docklocation_z %} {% set attachmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_x|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_y|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_z|default(0) %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set dock_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dock_speed * 60 %} {% set release_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].release_speed * 60 %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set bypass_probe_docking = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].bypass_probe_docking|default(False) %} {% if bypass_probe_docking == True %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe probe docking bypassed, doing nothing" {% endif %} {% if bypass_probe_docking != True %} _entry_point function=Dock_Probe {% if probe_attached and not probe_lock %} _KLICKY_STATUS_BUSY {% if printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe toolhead too low, raising it to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _Umbilical_Path _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving near the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving near the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int - attachmove_z|int} F{dock_feedrate} {% endif %} _DeployKlickyDock _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving to the dock with G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Attach_Probe moving to the dock with G0 Z{docklocation_z} F{dock_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z} F{dock_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if docklocation_z != -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving from the dock to G0 Z{docklocation_z|int + dockmove_z|int} F{release_feedrate}" G0 Z{docklocation_z|int + dockmove_z|int} F{release_feedrate} {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving from the dock to G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate} _RetractKlickyDock _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving away from the dock to G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate}" G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate} {% if (printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z < safe_z) %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe moving to a safe Z position: G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _Park_Toolhead G4 P1000 _CheckProbe action=dock _KLICKY_STATUS_READY {% elif probe_lock %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Probe locked") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe probe locked not docking probe" _CheckProbe action=query {% else %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Probe already docked") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe probe already docked, doing nothing" _CheckProbe action=query {% endif %} _exit_point function=Dock_Probe move={goback} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="Dock_Probe probe docking bypassed, doing nothing" {% endif %} [gcode_macro PROBE_CALIBRATE] rename_existing = _PROBE_CALIBRATE description = Calibrate the probes z_offset with klicky automount gcode = {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set max_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].max_bed_x|float %} {% set max_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].max_bed_y|float %} {% set probe_offset_x = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["x_offset"]|float %} {% set probe_offset_y = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["y_offset"]|float %} {% set bypass_probe_docking = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].bypass_probe_docking|default(False) %} {% if not 'xyz' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} { action_raise_error("Must Home X, Y and Z Axis First!") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate Axis homed" _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate Variables max_x={max_x},max_y={max_y},probe_offset_x={probe_offset_x},probe_offset_y={probe_offset_y}" {% if printer['gcode_move'].position.y > (max_y - probe_offset_y) or printer['gcode_move'].position.y < - probe_offset_y or printer['gcode_move'].position.x > (max_x - probe_offset_x) or printer['gcode_move'].position.x < - probe_offset_x %} { action_raise_error("Must perform PROBE_CALIBRATE with the probe above the BED, check klicky_variables bed size!") } {% endif %} {% if bypass_probe_docking == False %} _CheckProbe action=query G90 Attach_Probe back=1 _KLICKY_STATUS_CALIBRATING_Z _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate calling klipper probe_calibrate" _PROBE_CALIBRATE {% for p in params %}{'%s=%s ' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} M118 moving the toolhead 20 mm from the bed _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate Moving Z up by 20mm" TESTZ Z=20 M118 remove manually the probe and continue calibration _KLICKY_STATUS_READY {% else %} _KLICKY_STATUS_CALIBRATING_Z _KlickyDebug msg="probe_calibrate calling klipper probe_calibrate" _PROBE_CALIBRATE {% for p in params %}{'%s=%s ' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} _KLICKY_STATUS_READY {% endif %} [gcode_macro PROBE_ACCURACY] rename_existing = _PROBE_ACCURACY description = Probe Z-height accuracy at current XY position with klicky automount gcode = {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set max_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].max_bed_x|float %} {% set max_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].max_bed_y|float %} {% set probe_offset_x = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["x_offset"]|float %} {% set probe_offset_y = printer['configfile'].config["probe"]["y_offset"]|float %} {% if not 'xyz' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} { action_raise_error("Must Home X, Y and Z Axis First!") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="probe_accuracy Axis homed" _KlickyDebug msg="probe_accuracy Variables max_x={max_x},max_y={max_y},probe_offset_x={probe_offset_x},probe_offset_y={probe_offset_y}" _entry_point function=PROBE_ACCURACY {% if printer['gcode_move'].position.y > (max_y - probe_offset_y) or printer['gcode_move'].position.y < - probe_offset_y or printer['gcode_move'].position.x > (max_x - probe_offset_x) or printer['gcode_move'].position.x < - probe_offset_x %} { action_raise_error("Must perform PROBE_ACCURACY with the probe above the BED, check klicky_variables bed size!") } {% endif%} _CheckProbe action=query Attach_Probe back=1 _KlickyDebug msg="probe_accuracy calling klipper probe accuracy" _PROBE_ACCURACY {% for p in params %}{'%s=%s ' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} Dock_Probe back=1 _exit_point function=PROBE_ACCURACY move=1 [force_move] enable_force_move = true [homing_override] axes = xyz gcode = _User_Variables {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z %} {% set enable_z_hop = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].enable_z_hop %} {% set kinematic_z = 0 %} {% set dock_on_zhome = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].dock_on_zhome|default(True) %} {% set attachmove_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_x|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_y|default(0) %} {% set attachmove_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].attachmove_z|default(0) %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set home_backoff_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].home_backoff_x|default(0) %} {% set home_backoff_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].home_backoff_y|default(0) %} {% set override_homing = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].override_homing|default('') %} _klicky_check_variables_version _CheckProbe action=query {% set home_x, home_y, home_z, leave_probe_attached = False, False, False, False %} {% if 'PROBE_LOCK' in params%} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("PROBE_LOCK = True") } {% endif %} {% set leave_probe_attached = True %} {% endif %} {% if not 'X' in params and not 'Y' in params and not 'Z' in params %} {% set home_x, home_y, home_z = True, True, True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home all axes" {% else %} {% if 'X' in params %} {% set home_x = True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home X" {% endif %} {% if 'Y' in params %} {% set home_y = True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home Y" {% endif %} {% if 'Z' in params %} {% set home_z = True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home Z" {% endif %} {% if 'X' in params and 'Y' in params and 'Z' in params %} _Homing_Variables reset=1 _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override goint to home all axes" {% endif %} {% endif %} _entry_point function=homing_override _KLICKY_STATUS_HOMING {% if 'z' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if enable_z_hop == False %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override z_hop disabled" {% set kinematic_z = safe_z %} {% set safe_z = safe_z %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 'x' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes and 'y' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes and 'z' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes%} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("No axis homed") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override no axis homed, setting position as X=Y=0 Z={kinematic_z}" SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION X=0 Y=0 Z={kinematic_z} M400 _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% if home_z != True %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override clearing axis homed state if not already homing Z" M84 {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if home_z %} {% if 'x' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes and 'y' not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes%} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("X or Y not homed, forcing full G28") } {% endif %} {% set home_x, home_y, home_z = True, True, True %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if ((attachmove_y == 0 and override_homing == '' ) or (override_homing == 'Y'))%} {% if home_y %} {% if override_homing == 'Y' %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Y homing first override, due to override_homing = Y" {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Y homing first override, due to attachmove_y = 0" {% endif %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Homing Y") } {% endif %} {% if 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm in Y homing seq" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if printer["gcode_macro _HOME_Y"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override calling _HOME_Y external script to handle the Y homing" _HOME_Y {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Homing Y G28 Y0" G28 Y0 {% if home_backoff_y != 0 %} {% if (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop > (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_min|default(0) + printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_max)/2) %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off Y endstop, G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop-home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop - home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off Y endstop, G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop + home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop + home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {%endif %} {%endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% set home_y = False %} {% endif %} {% if home_x %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Homing X") } {% endif %} {% if 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm in X homing seq" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if printer["gcode_macro _HOME_X"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override calling _HOME_X external script to handle the X homing" _HOME_X {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Homing X, G28 X0" G28 X0 {% if home_backoff_x != 0 %} {% if (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop > (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_min|default(0) + printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_max)/2) %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off X endstop, G0 X{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop - home_backoff_x|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop - home_backoff_x|int} F{travel_feedrate} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off X endstop, G0 X{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop + home_backoff_x|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_endstop + home_backoff_x|int} F{travel_feedrate} {%endif %} {%endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if home_y %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Homing Y") } {% endif %} {% if 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm in Y homing seq" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if printer["gcode_macro _HOME_Y"] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override calling _HOME_Y external script to handle the Y homing" _HOME_Y {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override Homing Y, G28 Y0" G28 Y0 {% if home_backoff_y != 0 %} {% if (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop > (printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_min|default(0) + printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_max)/2) %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off Y endstop, G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop - home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop - home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override backing off Y endstop, G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop + home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 Y{printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_endstop + home_backoff_y|int} F{travel_feedrate} {%endif %} {%endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if home_z %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Homing Z") } {% endif %} {% if 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override moving toolhead to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm in Y homing seq" {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("moving to a safe Z distance") } {% endif %} G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} {% if 'z_virtual_endstop' in printer['configfile'].config["stepper_z"]["endstop_pin"] %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override probe configured as a virtual Z endstop attaching probe" Attach_Probe {% if leave_probe_attached %} _Probe_Lock {% endif %} {% elif dock_on_zhome == True %} Dock_Probe {% endif %} _Home_Z_ {% if 'z_virtual_endstop' in printer['configfile'].config["stepper_z"]["endstop_pin"] %} _KlickyDebug msg="homing_override probe no longer required, docking probe" Dock_Probe {% elif dock_on_zhome == False %} Dock_Probe {% endif %} {% endif %} _CheckProbe action=query _Park_Toolhead _exit_point function=homing_override _KLICKY_STATUS_READY [gcode_macro _Umbilical_Path] gcode = {% set umbilical = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].umbilical %} {% set umbilical_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].umbilical_x %} {% set umbilical_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].umbilical_y %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% if umbilical %} _entry_point function=Umbilical_Path _KlickyDebug msg="_Umbilical_Path moving to G0 X{umbilical_x} Y{umbilical_y} Z{safe_z} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{umbilical_x} Y{umbilical_y} Z{safe_z} F{travel_feedrate} _exit_point function=Umbilical_Path {% endif %} [gcode_macro _Home_Z_] gcode = {% set z_endstop_x = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].z_endstop_x %} {% set z_endstop_y = printer["gcode_macro _Probe_Variables"].z_endstop_y %} {% set safe_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].safe_z|float %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set z_drop_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].z_drop_speed * 60 %} {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} _entry_point function=Home_Z {% if not 'xy' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} { action_raise_error("Must Home X and Y Axis First!") } {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ XY Axis homed" {% if not 'z' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Resetting Z position to zero") } {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ Z not homed, setting position as X=Y=Z=0" SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z=0 {% endif %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ moving to Z endstop position G0 X{z_endstop_x} Y{z_endstop_y} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{z_endstop_x} Y{z_endstop_y} F{travel_feedrate} _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ Homing Z G28 Z" G28 Z0 _KlickyDebug msg="_Home_Z_ toolhead too low, raising it to {safe_z}mm from {printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z}mm" G0 Z{safe_z} F{z_drop_feedrate} {% endif %} _exit_point function=Home_Z [gcode_macro _CheckProbe] variable_probe_state = 0 gcode = Query_Probe _SetProbeState action={ params.ACTION } [gcode_macro _SetProbeState] gcode = {% set query_probe_triggered = printer.probe.last_query %} {% set action = params.ACTION|default('') %} {% if query_probe_triggered %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_attached VALUE={ False } {% else %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_attached VALUE={ True } {% endif %} {% if action == 'query' %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_Probe_Variables VARIABLE=probe_state VALUE={ query_probe_triggered } {% endif %} {% if not query_probe_triggered and action == 'dock' %} { action_raise_error("Probe dock failed!") } {% endif %} {% if query_probe_triggered and action == 'attach' %} { action_raise_error("Probe attach failed!") } {% endif %} [gcode_macro _Park_Toolhead] gcode = {% set park_toolhead = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].park_toolhead %} {% set parkposition_x = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].parkposition_x %} {% set parkposition_y = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].parkposition_y %} {% set parkposition_z = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].parkposition_z %} {% set travel_feedrate = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].travel_speed * 60 %} {% set verbose = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} _entry_point function=Park_Toolhead {% if park_toolhead and 'xyz' in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} {% if verbose %} { action_respond_info("Parking Toolhead") } {% endif %} {% if parkposition_z == -128 %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Park_Toolhead moving to G0 X{parkposition_x} Y{parkposition_y} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{parkposition_x} Y{parkposition_y} F{travel_feedrate} {% else %} _KlickyDebug msg="_Park_Toolhead moving to G0 X{parkposition_x} Y{parkposition_y} Z{parkposition_z} F{travel_feedrate}" G0 X{parkposition_x} Y{parkposition_y} Z{parkposition_z} F{travel_feedrate} {% endif %} {% endif %} _exit_point function=Park_Toolhead [gcode_macro _klicky_status_ready] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_ready'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_ready activating the LED STATUS_READY" STATUS_READY {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_busy] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_busy'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_busy activating the LED STATUS_BUSY" STATUS_BUSY {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_leveling] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_leveling'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_leveling activating the LED STATUS_LEVELING" STATUS_LEVELING {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_homing] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_homing'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_homing activating the LED STATUS_HOMING" STATUS_HOMING {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_cleaning] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_cleaning'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_cleaning activating the LED STATUS_CLEANING" STATUS_CLEANING {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_meshing] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_meshing'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_meshing activating the LED STATUS_MESHING" STATUS_MESHING {% endif %} [gcode_macro _klicky_status_calibrating_z] gcode = {% if printer['gcode_macro status_calibrating_z'] is defined %} _KlickyDebug msg="_klicky_status_calibrating_z activating the LED STATUS_CALIBRATING_Z" STATUS_CALIBRATING_Z {% endif %} [gcode_macro QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL] rename_existing = _QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL description = Conform a moving, twistable gantry to the shape of a stationary bed with klicky automount gcode = {% set V = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %} {% if V %} { action_respond_info("QG Level") } {% endif %} _CheckProbe action=query G90 Attach_Probe _KLICKY_STATUS_LEVELING _QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL {% for p in params %}{'%s=%s ' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} Dock_Probe [z_calibration] nozzle_xy_position = 358,371 switch_xy_position = 359,350 bed_xy_position = 188.5,185 wiggle_xy_offsets = 1,0 switch_offset = 0.25 offset_margins = 5 speed = 200 probing_first_fast = false before_switch_gcode = ATTACH_PROBE end_gcode = DOCK_PROBE [gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS] variable_threshold = 85 variable_innerfast = 0.8 variable_outerfast = 0.8 variable_innerslow = 0.4 variable_outerslow = 0.4 gcode = [fan_generic BedInner] pin = PC12 kick_start_time = 0.5 [fan_generic BedOuter] pin = PE5 kick_start_time = 0.5 [gcode_macro BEDFANSSLOW] gcode = {% set INNERSLOW = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].innerslow|float %} {% set OUTERSLOW = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].outerslow|float %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedInner SPEED={INNERSLOW} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedOuter SPEED={OUTERSLOW} [gcode_macro BEDFANSFAST] gcode = {% set INNERFAST = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].innerfast|float %} {% set OUTERFAST = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].outerfast|float %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedInner SPEED={INNERFAST} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedOuter SPEED={OUTERFAST} [gcode_macro BEDFANSOFF] gcode = SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedInner SPEED=0 SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=BedOuter SPEED=0 [gcode_macro M190] rename_existing = M99190 gcode = {% set S = params.S|int %} {% set THRESHOLD = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].threshold|int %} {% if S >= THRESHOLD %} BEDFANSSLOW {% else %} BEDFANSOFF {% endif %} M140 {% for p in params %}{'%s%s' % (p, params[p])}{% endfor %} {% if S != 0 %} TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=heater_bed MINIMUM={S|int} MAXIMUM={S|int + 5} {% endif %} {% if S >= THRESHOLD %} BEDFANSFAST {% endif %} [gcode_macro M140] rename_existing = M99140 gcode = {% set S = params.S|float %} SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE HEATER=heater_bed TARGET={S} [gcode_macro TURN_OFF_HEATERS] rename_existing = _TURN_OFF_HEATERS gcode = BEDFANSOFF _TURN_OFF_HEATERS [temperature_fan chamber] pin = PB8 tachometer_pin = PC14 max_power = 1.0 shutdown_speed = 1.0 kick_start_time = 5.0 cycle_time = 0.01 off_below = 0.1 sensor_type = NTC 100K MGB18-104F39050L32 sensor_pin = PA2 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 90 max_delta = 5.0 target_temp = 30 control = watermark [gcode_macro chamber_fan_set_temp] gcode = {% set CHAMBER_TEMP = params.CHAMBER_TEMP|default(0)|float %} SET_TEMPERATURE_FAN_TARGET temperature_fan="chamber" target={CHAMBER_TEMP} [gcode_macro chamber_temp_wait] gcode = {% set CHAMBER_TEMP = params.CHAMBER_TEMP|default(0)|float %} SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE HEATER=Heater_Chamber TARGET={CHAMBER_TEMP} SET_TEMPERATURE_FAN_TARGET temperature_fan="chamber" target={CHAMBER_TEMP} TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR="heater_generic Heater_Chamber" MINIMUM={CHAMBER_TEMP-1} TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR="temperature_fan chamber" MINIMUM={CHAMBER_TEMP-1} [heater_generic Heater_Chamber] heater_pin = PB6 max_power = 1 sensor_type = NTC 100K MGB18-104F39050L32 sensor_pin = PA3 control = watermark max_delta = 1.0 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 90 pwm_cycle_time = 0.0166 [verify_heater Heater_Chamber] max_error = 150 check_gain_time = 150 hysteresis = 5 heating_gain = 1 [gcode_macro TEST_SPEED] gcode = {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_velocity)|int %} {% set iterations = params.ITERATIONS|default(5)|int %} {% set accel = params.ACCEL|default(printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel)|int %} {% set bound = params.BOUND|default(20)|int %} {% set smallpatternsize = SMALLPATTERNSIZE|default(20)|int %} {% set x_min = printer.toolhead.axis_minimum.x + bound %} {% set x_max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x - bound %} {% set y_min = printer.toolhead.axis_minimum.y + bound %} {% set y_max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y - bound %} {% set x_center = (printer.toolhead.axis_minimum.x|float + printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float ) / 2 %} {% set y_center = (printer.toolhead.axis_minimum.y|float + printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float ) / 2 %} {% set x_center_min = x_center - (smallpatternsize/2) %} {% set x_center_max = x_center + (smallpatternsize/2) %} {% set y_center_min = y_center - (smallpatternsize/2) %} {% set y_center_max = y_center + (smallpatternsize/2) %} SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=TEST_SPEED { action_respond_info("TEST_SPEED: starting %d iterations at speed %d, accel %d" % (iterations, speed, accel)) } SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT VELOCITY={speed} ACCEL={accel} ACCEL_TO_DECEL={accel / 2} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} Z{bound + 20} F{speed*60} {% for i in range(iterations) %} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_min+10} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_max-30} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_max-30} Y{y_min+10} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_max} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_max} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_min} Y{y_center_max} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_max} F{speed*60} G0 X{x_center_max} Y{y_center_min} F{speed*60} {% endfor %} SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT VELOCITY={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_velocity} ACCEL={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel} ACCEL_TO_DECEL={printer.configfile.settings.printer.max_accel_to_decel} RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=TEST_SPEED G0 X115 Y115 Z30 [gcode_macro _BEDBLOWVARS] variable_threshold = 85 variable_fast = 0.4 variable_slow = 0.2 gcode = [gcode_macro BEDBLOWSLOW] gcode = {% set SLOW = printer["gcode_macro _BEDBLOWVARS"].slow|float %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED={SLOW} [fan_generic Bed_Blower] pin = PB9 tachometer_pin = PC15 max_power = 1 shutdown_speed = 0 kick_start_time = 0.1 off_below = 0.10 [gcode_macro M106] rename_existing = G106 gcode = {% if params.P is defined %} {% if params.P|int == 2 %} {% if params.S is defined %} {% if params.S|int == 255 %} {% set realspeed = 1 %} {% else %} {% if params.S|int == 0 %} {% set realspeed = 0 %} {% else %} {% set realspeed = params.S|float/255 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% set realspeed = 1 %} {% endif %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED={realspeed} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if params.S is defined %} G106 S{params.S} {% else %} G106 S255 {% endif %} {% endif %} [gcode_macro M107] rename_existing = G107 gcode = {% if params.P is defined %} {% if params.P|int == 2 %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED=0 {% endif %} {% else %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Bed_Blower SPEED=0 G107 {% endif %} [gcode_arcs] resolution = 0.1 [temperature_sensor CB1] sensor_type = temperature_host min_temp = 0 max_temp = 100 [temperature_sensor M8P] sensor_type = temperature_mcu min_temp = 0 max_temp = 100 [bed_mesh default] version = 1 points = -2.126698, -2.415448, -2.499198, -2.527948, -2.489198, -2.504198, -2.370448 -2.465448, -2.565448, -2.637948, -2.654198, -2.635448, -2.630448, -2.612948 -2.611698, -2.690448, -2.745448, -2.735448, -2.710448, -2.702948, -2.665448 -2.730448, -2.782948, -2.811698, -2.826698, -2.789198, -2.816698, -2.731698 -2.784198, -2.871698, -2.882948, -2.889198, -2.874198, -2.852948, -2.796698 -2.901698, -2.925448, -2.971698, -2.949198, -2.911698, -2.900448, -2.849198 -2.915448, -3.010448, -3.037948, -3.030448, -2.964198, -2.944198, -2.867948 x_count = 7 y_count = 7 mesh_x_pps = 0 mesh_y_pps = 0 algo = direct tension = 0.2 min_x = 6.05 max_x = 364.67 min_y = 45.07 max_y = 308.72 [bed_mesh Whole bed] version = 1 points = -2.126698, -2.415448, -2.499198, -2.527948, -2.489198, -2.504198, -2.370448 -2.465448, -2.565448, -2.637948, -2.654198, -2.635448, -2.630448, -2.612948 -2.611698, -2.690448, -2.745448, -2.735448, -2.710448, -2.702948, -2.665448 -2.730448, -2.782948, -2.811698, -2.826698, -2.789198, -2.816698, -2.731698 -2.784198, -2.871698, -2.882948, -2.889198, -2.874198, -2.852948, -2.796698 -2.901698, -2.925448, -2.971698, -2.949198, -2.911698, -2.900448, -2.849198 -2.915448, -3.010448, -3.037948, -3.030448, -2.964198, -2.944198, -2.867948 x_count = 7 y_count = 7 mesh_x_pps = 0 mesh_y_pps = 0 algo = direct tension = 0.2 min_x = 6.05 max_x = 364.67 min_y = 45.07 max_y = 308.72 ======================= Extruder max_extrude_ratio=2.078758 mcu 'mcu': Starting CAN connect Created a socket webhooks client 281472830853072: New connection webhooks client 281472830853072: Client info {'program': 'Moonraker', 'version': 'v0.8.0-245-g27a0295'} Loaded MCU 'mcu' 114 commands (v0.12.0-9-gbb4711c5 / gcc: (15:8-2019-q3-1+b1) 8.3.1 20190703 (release) [gcc-8-branch revision 273027] binutils: (2.35.2-2+14+b2) 2.35.2) MCU 'mcu' config: ADC_MAX=4095 BUS_PINS_i2c1_PA9_PA10=PA9,PA10 BUS_PINS_i2c1_PB6_PB7=PB6,PB7 BUS_PINS_i2c1_PB8_PB9=PB8,PB9 BUS_PINS_i2c2_PB10_PB11=PB10,PB11 BUS_PINS_i2c2_PB13_PB14=PB13,PB14 BUS_PINS_i2c3_PB3_PB4=PB3,PB4 BUS_PINS_spi1=PA6,PA7,PA5 BUS_PINS_spi1a=PB4,PB5,PB3 BUS_PINS_spi2=PB14,PB15,PB13 BUS_PINS_spi2a=PC2,PC3,PB10 BUS_PINS_spi3=PB4,PB5,PB3 CANBUS_BRIDGE=1 CLOCK_FREQ=64000000 MCU=stm32g0b1xx PWM_MAX=255 RECEIVE_WINDOW=192 RESERVE_PINS_CAN=PD12,PD13 RESERVE_PINS_USB=PA11,PA12 RESERVE_PINS_crystal=PF0,PF1 STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256 STEPPER_BOTH_EDGE=1 mcu_temperature 'mcu' nominal base=-268.843931 slope=1301.878613 Sending MCU 'mcu' printer configuration... Configured MCU 'mcu' (1024 moves) Starting heater checks for heater_bed Starting heater checks for Heater_Chamber Starting heater checks for extruder Stats 275.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.000 mcu_task_avg=0.000000 mcu_task_stddev=0.000000 bytes_write=4308 bytes_read=7358 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=364 receive_seq=364 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64002198 heater_bed: target=0 temp=0.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=0.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=33.6 M8P: temp=0.0 sysload=0.58 cputime=19.436 memavail=661772 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=0.0 pwm=0.000 webhooks: registering remote method 'shutdown_machine' for connection id: 281472830853072 webhooks: registering remote method 'reboot_machine' for connection id: 281472830853072 webhooks: registering remote method 'pause_job_queue' for connection id: 281472830853072 webhooks: registering remote method 'start_job_queue' for connection id: 281472830853072 Stats 276.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.000 mcu_task_avg=0.000000 mcu_task_stddev=0.000000 bytes_write=4322 bytes_read=7455 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=366 receive_seq=366 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64001462 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=0.0 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=32.4 M8P: temp=0.0 sysload=0.58 cputime=19.495 memavail=662004 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=0.0 pwm=0.000 Stats 277.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.000 mcu_task_avg=0.000000 mcu_task_stddev=0.000000 bytes_write=4328 bytes_read=7755 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=367 receive_seq=367 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64002472 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=32.0 M8P: temp=30.3 sysload=0.58 cputime=19.558 memavail=662084 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=186.0 pwm=0.000 Stats 278.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.000 mcu_task_avg=0.000000 mcu_task_stddev=0.000000 bytes_write=4349 bytes_read=8045 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=369 receive_seq=369 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64001518 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.3 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.6 M8P: temp=30.5 sysload=0.58 cputime=19.608 memavail=656644 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=185.4 pwm=0.000 Stats 279.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.076 mcu_task_avg=0.000023 mcu_task_stddev=0.000024 bytes_write=4355 bytes_read=8377 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=370 receive_seq=370 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64001205 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.7 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=32.7 M8P: temp=30.6 sysload=0.58 cputime=19.645 memavail=661748 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=184.9 pwm=0.000 Stats 280.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.076 mcu_task_avg=0.000023 mcu_task_stddev=0.000024 bytes_write=4361 bytes_read=8676 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=371 receive_seq=371 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64001325 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.3 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.7 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.53 cputime=19.681 memavail=661496 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=184.1 pwm=0.000 Transition to shutdown state: Shutdown due to webhooks request Dumping gcode input 0 blocks Dumping 20 requests for client 281472830853072 Received 276.116869: b'{"id": 281473048710496, "method": "gcode/subscribe_output", "params": {"response_template": {"method": "process_gcode_response"}}}' Received 276.120985: b'{"id": 281473048591664, "method": "list_endpoints", "params": {}}' Received 276.127601: b'{"id": 281473048637200, "method": "objects/subscribe", "params": {"objects": {"webhooks": null, "print_stats": null, "bed_mesh": ["profile_name", "mesh_max", "mesh_min", "probed_matrix", "profiles"], "configfile": ["config"], "display_status": ["progress", "message"], "fan": ["speed"], "gcode_move": ["extrude_factor", "gcode_position", "homing_origin", "speed_factor", "speed"], "idle_timeout": ["state"], "pause_resume": ["is_paused"], "toolhead": ["homed_axes", "estimated_print_time", "print_time", "position", "extruder", "max_accel", "max_accel_to_decel", "max_velocity", "square_corner_velocity"], "virtual_sdcard": ["file_position", "is_active", "progress"], "firmware_retraction": ["retract_length", "retract_speed", "unretract_extra_length", "unretract_speed"], "motion_report": ["live_position", "live_velocity", "live_extruder_velocity"], "exclude_object": ["current_object", "objects", "excluded_objects"], "manual_probe": ["is_active"], "extruder": ["target", "temperature", "pressure_advance", "smooth_time", "power"], "heater_bed": ["target", "temperature", "power"], "heater_generic Heater_Chamber": ["target", "temperature", "power"], "temperature_sensor CB1": ["target", "temperature", "power"], "temperature_sensor M8P": ["target", "temperature", "power"], "temperature_fan chamber": ["target", "temperature", "power"], "controller_fan stepper_fan": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedInner": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedOuter": ["speed"], "fan_generic Bed_Blower": ["speed"], "heater_fan hotend_fan": ["speed"]}, "response_template": {"method": "process_status_update"}}}' Received 276.366052: b'{"id": 281472744295968, "method": "objects/list", "params": {}}' Received 276.370644: b'{"id": 281473048710496, "method": "objects/query", "params": {"objects": {"configfile": null}}}' Received 276.622235: b'{"id": 281472744295968, "method": "register_remote_method", "params": {"response_template": {"method": "shutdown_machine"}, "remote_method": "shutdown_machine"}}' Received 276.626687: b'{"id": 281473048710496, "method": "register_remote_method", "params": {"response_template": {"method": "reboot_machine"}, "remote_method": "reboot_machine"}}' Received 276.630071: b'{"id": 281473048710496, "method": "register_remote_method", "params": {"response_template": {"method": "pause_job_queue"}, "remote_method": "pause_job_queue"}}' Received 276.633483: b'{"id": 281473048710496, "method": "register_remote_method", "params": {"response_template": {"method": "start_job_queue"}, "remote_method": "start_job_queue"}}' Received 276.643676: b'{"id": 281473048556352, "method": "objects/query", "params": {"objects": {"heaters": null}}}' Received 276.644431: b'{"id": 281473048555728, "method": "objects/query", "params": {"objects": {"heaters": null}}}' Received 276.859540: b'{"id": 281473048591664, "method": "objects/subscribe", "params": {"objects": {"webhooks": null, "print_stats": null, "heater_bed": null, "temperature_fan chamber": null, "heater_generic Heater_Chamber": null, "temperature_sensor CB1": null, "temperature_sensor M8P": null, "extruder": null, "bed_mesh": ["profile_name", "mesh_max", "mesh_min", "probed_matrix", "profiles"], "configfile": ["config"], "display_status": ["progress", "message"], "fan": ["speed"], "gcode_move": ["extrude_factor", "gcode_position", "homing_origin", "speed_factor", "speed"], "idle_timeout": ["state"], "pause_resume": ["is_paused"], "toolhead": ["homed_axes", "estimated_print_time", "print_time", "position", "extruder", "max_accel", "max_accel_to_decel", "max_velocity", "square_corner_velocity"], "virtual_sdcard": ["file_position", "is_active", "progress"], "firmware_retraction": ["retract_length", "retract_speed", "unretract_extra_length", "unretract_speed"], "motion_report": ["live_position", "live_velocity", "live_extruder_velocity"], "exclude_object": ["current_object", "objects", "excluded_objects"], "manual_probe": ["is_active"], "controller_fan stepper_fan": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedInner": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedOuter": ["speed"], "fan_generic Bed_Blower": ["speed"], "heater_fan hotend_fan": ["speed"]}, "response_template": {"method": "process_status_update"}}}' Received 277.118602: b'{"id": 281473048654512, "method": "objects/subscribe", "params": {"objects": {"webhooks": null, "print_stats": null, "heater_bed": null, "temperature_fan chamber": null, "heater_generic Heater_Chamber": null, "temperature_sensor CB1": null, "temperature_sensor M8P": null, "extruder": null, "bed_mesh": ["profile_name", "mesh_max", "mesh_min", "probed_matrix", "profiles"], "configfile": ["config"], "display_status": ["progress", "message"], "fan": ["speed"], "gcode_move": ["extrude_factor", "gcode_position", "homing_origin", "speed_factor", "speed"], "idle_timeout": ["state"], "pause_resume": ["is_paused"], "toolhead": ["homed_axes", "estimated_print_time", "print_time", "position", "extruder", "max_accel", "max_accel_to_decel", "max_velocity", "square_corner_velocity"], "virtual_sdcard": ["file_position", "is_active", "progress"], "firmware_retraction": ["retract_length", "retract_speed", "unretract_extra_length", "unretract_speed"], "motion_report": ["live_position", "live_velocity", "live_extruder_velocity"], "exclude_object": ["current_object", "objects", "excluded_objects"], "manual_probe": ["is_active"], "controller_fan stepper_fan": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedInner": ["speed"], "fan_generic BedOuter": ["speed"], "fan_generic Bed_Blower": ["speed"], "heater_fan hotend_fan": ["speed"]}, "response_template": {"method": "process_status_update"}}}' Received 277.180615: b'{"id": 281473048321616, "method": "info", "params": {}}' Received 277.183273: b'{"id": 281473048634656, "method": "objects/list", "params": {}}' Received 277.371573: b'{"id": 281473048636624, "method": "objects/subscribe", "params": {"objects": {"gcode": null, 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"gcode_macro Clean_nozzle": null, "gcode_macro ADAPTIVE_PURGE": null, "gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT": null, "gcode_macro PAUSE": null, "gcode_macro RESUME": null, "gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER": null, "gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER": null, "gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO": null, "gcode_macro _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL": null, "gcode_macro _CLIENT_EXTRUDE": null, "gcode_macro _CLIENT_RETRACT": null, "gcode_macro Home_Position": null, "gcode_macro Set_Z_Offset": null, "probe": null, "gcode_macro _User_Variables": null, "gcode_macro _Probe_Variables": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_check_variables_version": null, "gcode_macro _KlickyDebug": null, "gcode_macro _exit_point": null, "gcode_macro _entry_point": null, "gcode_macro _Homing_Variables": null, "gcode_macro Attach_Probe_Lock": null, "gcode_macro Dock_Probe_Unlock": null, "gcode_macro _Probe_Unlock": null, "gcode_macro _Probe_Lock": null, "gcode_macro _DeployKlickyDock": null, "gcode_macro _RetractKlickyDock": null, "gcode_macro 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"gcode_macro _klicky_check_variables_version": null, "gcode_macro _KlickyDebug": null, "gcode_macro _exit_point": null, "gcode_macro _entry_point": null, "gcode_macro _Homing_Variables": null, "gcode_macro Attach_Probe_Lock": null, "gcode_macro Dock_Probe_Unlock": null, "gcode_macro _Probe_Unlock": null, "gcode_macro _Probe_Lock": null, "gcode_macro _DeployKlickyDock": null, "gcode_macro _RetractKlickyDock": null, "gcode_macro Attach_Probe": null, "gcode_macro Dock_Probe": null, "gcode_macro PROBE_CALIBRATE": null, "gcode_macro PROBE_ACCURACY": null, "gcode_macro _Umbilical_Path": null, "gcode_macro _Home_Z_": null, "gcode_macro _CheckProbe": null, "gcode_macro _SetProbeState": null, "gcode_macro _Park_Toolhead": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_ready": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_busy": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_leveling": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_homing": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_cleaning": null, "gcode_macro _klicky_status_meshing": null, 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gcode state: absolute_coord=True absolute_extrude=True base_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] last_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] homing_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] speed_factor=0.016666666666666666 extrude_factor=1.0 speed=25.0 Reactor garbage collection: (277.619826256, 0.0, 0.0) MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Command request clocksync state: mcu_freq=64000000 last_clock=745083296 clock_est=(275.577 390328386 64001133.532) min_half_rtt=0.000192 min_rtt_time=278.167 time_avg=275.577(2.814) clock_avg=390328386.567(180090019.076) pred_variance=2465121043.443 Dumping serial stats: bytes_write=4373 bytes_read=8841 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=373 receive_seq=373 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 Dumping send queue 100 messages Sent 0 275.702718 275.702718 13: seq: 11, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\x8b\x00\x00\x00\x8e' Sent 1 275.702910 275.702910 13: seq: 12, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 2 275.704590 275.704590 13: seq: 13, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\x90\x00\x06\x1f\x08' Sent 3 275.704737 275.704737 13: seq: 14, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 4 275.706315 275.706315 13: seq: 15, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xec4A\x01S' Sent 5 275.706472 275.706472 13: seq: 16, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 6 275.708011 275.708011 13: seq: 17, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe0\xaa\xaa\xb5T' Sent 7 275.708208 275.708208 13: seq: 18, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 8 275.709746 275.709746 13: seq: 19, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe1J\x95T\xaa' Sent 9 275.709900 275.709900 13: seq: 1a, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 10 275.711526 275.711526 13: seq: 1b, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe2$I))' Sent 11 275.711673 275.711673 13: seq: 1c, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 12 275.713128 275.713128 13: seq: 1d, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe3\x10\x10B"' Sent 13 275.713281 275.713281 13: seq: 1e, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 14 275.715026 275.715026 13: seq: 1f, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe4\xfb\xff\xff\xff' Sent 15 275.715173 275.715173 13: seq: 10, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 16 275.716748 275.716748 13: seq: 11, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe5\xb5\xbbw}' Sent 17 275.716902 275.716902 13: seq: 12, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 18 275.718559 275.718559 13: seq: 13, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe6I)UV' Sent 19 275.718711 275.718711 13: seq: 14, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 20 275.720229 275.720229 21: seq: 15, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe7\x00@B"', spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 21 275.721896 275.721896 13: seq: 16, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe8\xff\xff\x80V' Sent 22 275.722046 275.722046 13: seq: 17, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 23 275.723588 275.723588 13: seq: 18, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xe9\x00\xf7\x00\x00' Sent 24 275.723742 275.723742 13: seq: 19, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 25 275.725266 275.725266 13: seq: 1a, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\x93\x00\x0f\xff\xff' Sent 26 275.725419 275.725419 13: seq: 1b, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 27 275.727059 275.727059 13: seq: 1c, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\x80\x00\x00\x00\x0c' Sent 28 275.727201 275.727201 13: seq: 1d, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 29 275.728745 275.728745 13: seq: 1e, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xed\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 30 275.728892 275.728892 13: seq: 1f, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 31 275.730417 275.730417 13: seq: 10, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\x8a\x00\x00\x04\x00' Sent 32 275.730565 275.730565 13: seq: 11, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 33 275.732287 275.732287 13: seq: 12, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\xf0\xc4\x0c\x00\x1e' Sent 34 275.732437 275.732437 13: seq: 13, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 35 275.733874 275.733874 13: seq: 14, spi_send oid=5 data=b'\x91\x00\x00\x00\n' Sent 36 275.734028 275.734028 13: seq: 15, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 37 275.735822 275.735822 13: seq: 16, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\x8b\x00\x00\x00\x8e' Sent 38 275.735991 275.735991 13: seq: 17, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 39 275.737508 275.737508 13: seq: 18, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\x90\x00\x06\x1f\x08' Sent 40 275.737708 275.737708 13: seq: 19, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 41 275.739377 275.739377 13: seq: 1a, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xec4A\x01S' Sent 42 275.739525 275.739525 13: seq: 1b, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 43 275.741013 275.741013 13: seq: 1c, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe0\xaa\xaa\xb5T' Sent 44 275.741164 275.741164 13: seq: 1d, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 45 275.742805 275.742805 13: seq: 1e, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe1J\x95T\xaa' Sent 46 275.742980 275.742980 13: seq: 1f, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 47 275.744540 275.744540 13: seq: 10, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe2$I))' Sent 48 275.744694 275.744694 13: seq: 11, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 49 275.746151 275.746151 13: seq: 12, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe3\x10\x10B"' Sent 50 275.746352 275.746352 13: seq: 13, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 51 275.747914 275.747914 13: seq: 14, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe4\xfb\xff\xff\xff' Sent 52 275.748066 275.748066 13: seq: 15, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 53 275.749633 275.749633 13: seq: 16, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe5\xb5\xbbw}' Sent 54 275.749830 275.749830 13: seq: 17, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 55 275.751452 275.751452 13: seq: 18, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe6I)UV' Sent 56 275.751599 275.751599 13: seq: 19, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 57 275.753154 275.753154 13: seq: 1a, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe7\x00@B"' Sent 58 275.753309 275.753309 13: seq: 1b, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 59 275.754890 275.754890 13: seq: 1c, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe8\xff\xff\x80V' Sent 60 275.755048 275.755048 13: seq: 1d, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 61 275.756527 275.756527 13: seq: 1e, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xe9\x00\xf7\x00\x00' Sent 62 275.756679 275.756679 13: seq: 1f, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 63 275.758129 275.758129 13: seq: 10, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\x93\x00\x0f\xff\xff' Sent 64 275.758292 275.758292 13: seq: 11, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 65 275.759970 275.759970 13: seq: 12, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\x80\x00\x00\x00\x0c' Sent 66 275.760115 275.760115 13: seq: 13, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 67 275.761626 275.761626 13: seq: 14, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xed\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 68 275.761776 275.761776 13: seq: 15, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 69 275.763451 275.763451 13: seq: 16, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\x8a\x00\x00\x04\x00' Sent 70 275.763606 275.763606 13: seq: 17, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 71 275.765154 275.765154 13: seq: 18, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\xf0\xc4\x0c\x00\x1e' Sent 72 275.765311 275.765311 13: seq: 19, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 73 275.766807 275.766807 13: seq: 1a, spi_send oid=6 data=b'\x91\x00\x00\x00\n' Sent 74 275.767003 275.767003 13: seq: 1b, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 75 275.773362 275.773362 7: seq: 1c, stepper_get_position oid=11 Sent 76 275.775804 275.775804 13: seq: 1d, spi_send oid=5 data=b'j\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 77 275.776041 275.776041 13: seq: 1e, spi_transfer oid=5 data=b'j\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 78 275.779371 275.779371 7: seq: 1f, stepper_get_position oid=14 Sent 79 275.781597 275.781597 13: seq: 10, spi_send oid=6 data=b'j\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 80 275.781888 275.781888 13: seq: 11, spi_transfer oid=6 data=b'j\x00\x00\x00\x00' Sent 81 275.783609 275.783609 7: seq: 12, stepper_get_position oid=17 Sent 82 275.785230 275.785230 14: seq: 13, tmcuart_send oid=1 write=b'\xea\x03H-\xd5' read=10 Sent 83 275.791112 275.791112 7: seq: 14, stepper_get_position oid=20 Sent 84 275.792773 275.792773 14: seq: 15, tmcuart_send oid=2 write=b'\xea\x03H-\xd5' read=10 Sent 85 275.798527 275.798527 7: seq: 16, stepper_get_position oid=21 Sent 86 275.800339 275.800339 14: seq: 17, tmcuart_send oid=3 write=b'\xea\x03H-\xd5' read=10 Sent 87 275.806078 275.806078 7: seq: 18, stepper_get_position oid=22 Sent 88 275.807851 275.807851 14: seq: 19, tmcuart_send oid=4 write=b'\xea\x03H-\xd5' read=10 Sent 89 275.814180 275.814180 7: seq: 1a, stepper_get_position oid=23 Sent 90 275.816404 275.816404 14: seq: 1b, tmcuart_send oid=0 write=b'\xea\x03H-\xd5' read=10 Sent 91 276.197217 276.197217 6: seq: 1c, get_clock Sent 92 276.771083 276.771083 8: seq: 1d, buttons_ack oid=29 count=1 Sent 93 277.182242 277.182242 6: seq: 1e, get_clock Sent 94 277.926251 277.926251 15: seq: 1f, queue_digital_out oid=26 clock=547053091 on_ticks=640000 Sent 95 278.166768 278.166768 6: seq: 10, get_clock Sent 96 279.151452 279.151452 6: seq: 11, get_clock Sent 97 280.135903 280.135903 6: seq: 12, get_clock Sent 98 281.120044 281.120044 6: seq: 13, get_clock Sent 99 281.423326 281.423326 6: seq: 14, emergency_stop Dumping receive queue 100 messages Receive: 0 275.814620 275.814180 8: seq: 1b, stepper_position oid=23 pos=0 Receive: 1 275.820664 275.816404 18: seq: 1c, tmcuart_response oid=0 read=b'\n\xfaO-\x80\x00\x1a\x08-\xdd' Receive: 2 276.197672 276.197217 11: seq: 1d, clock clock=430018643 Receive: 3 276.570209 276.197217 18: seq: 1d, counter_state oid=9 next_clock=453952000 count=1 count_clock=453760000 Receive: 4 276.580166 276.197217 18: seq: 1d, counter_state oid=10 next_clock=454592000 count=1 count_clock=454400000 Receive: 5 276.725686 276.197217 15: seq: 1d, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=482560000 value=31676 Receive: 6 276.770664 276.197217 10: seq: 1d, buttons_state oid=29 ack_count=0 state=b'\x02' Receive: 7 276.815662 276.771083 15: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=488320000 value=31652 Receive: 8 276.825709 276.771083 15: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=488960000 value=31675 Receive: 9 276.855729 276.771083 14: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=490880000 value=7527 Receive: 10 276.925684 276.771083 14: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=495360000 value=3626 Receive: 11 277.025695 276.771083 15: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=501760000 value=31676 Receive: 12 277.115699 276.771083 15: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=507520000 value=31656 Receive: 13 277.125755 276.771083 15: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=508160000 value=31678 Receive: 14 277.155704 276.771083 14: seq: 1e, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=510080000 value=7526 Receive: 15 277.182760 277.182242 11: seq: 1f, clock clock=493065269 Receive: 16 277.225721 277.182242 14: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=514560000 value=3638 Receive: 17 277.325746 277.182242 15: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=520960000 value=31676 Receive: 18 277.415672 277.182242 15: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=526720000 value=31651 Receive: 19 277.425643 277.182242 15: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=527360000 value=31674 Receive: 20 277.455645 277.182242 14: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=529280000 value=7530 Receive: 21 277.525736 277.182242 14: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=533760000 value=3646 Receive: 22 277.570706 277.182242 18: seq: 1f, counter_state oid=9 next_clock=517984000 count=1 count_clock=453760000 Receive: 23 277.580692 277.182242 18: seq: 1f, counter_state oid=10 next_clock=518624000 count=1 count_clock=454400000 Receive: 24 277.625753 277.182242 15: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=540160000 value=31673 Receive: 25 277.715673 277.182242 15: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=545920000 value=31657 Receive: 26 277.725694 277.182242 15: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=546560000 value=31678 Receive: 27 277.755797 277.182242 14: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=548480000 value=7527 Receive: 28 277.825700 277.182242 14: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=552960000 value=3659 Receive: 29 277.925701 277.182242 15: seq: 1f, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=559360000 value=31678 Receive: 30 278.015680 277.926251 15: seq: 10, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=565120000 value=31662 Receive: 31 278.025656 277.926251 15: seq: 10, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=565760000 value=31672 Receive: 32 278.055644 277.926251 14: seq: 10, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=567680000 value=7528 Receive: 33 278.125744 277.926251 14: seq: 10, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=572160000 value=3663 Receive: 34 278.167152 278.166768 11: seq: 11, clock clock=556071237 Receive: 35 278.225681 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=578560000 value=31680 Receive: 36 278.315664 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=584320000 value=31661 Receive: 37 278.325654 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=584960000 value=31676 Receive: 38 278.355656 278.166768 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=586880000 value=7534 Receive: 39 278.425684 278.166768 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=591360000 value=3675 Receive: 40 278.525799 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=597760000 value=31675 Receive: 41 278.571242 278.166768 18: seq: 11, counter_state oid=9 next_clock=582016000 count=1 count_clock=453760000 Receive: 42 278.581247 278.166768 18: seq: 11, counter_state oid=10 next_clock=582656000 count=1 count_clock=454400000 Receive: 43 278.615746 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=603520000 value=31653 Receive: 44 278.625755 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=604160000 value=31677 Receive: 45 278.655725 278.166768 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=606080000 value=7532 Receive: 46 278.725753 278.166768 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=610560000 value=3690 Receive: 47 278.825747 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=616960000 value=31685 Receive: 48 278.915730 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=622720000 value=31651 Receive: 49 278.925737 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=623360000 value=31672 Receive: 50 278.955718 278.166768 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=625280000 value=7532 Receive: 51 279.025750 278.166768 14: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=629760000 value=3702 Receive: 52 279.125783 278.166768 15: seq: 11, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=636160000 value=31678 Receive: 53 279.151893 279.151452 11: seq: 12, clock clock=619092012 Receive: 54 279.215734 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=641920000 value=31655 Receive: 55 279.225726 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=642560000 value=31678 Receive: 56 279.255701 279.151452 14: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=644480000 value=7532 Receive: 57 279.325749 279.151452 14: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=648960000 value=3720 Receive: 58 279.425742 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=655360000 value=31672 Receive: 59 279.478593 279.151452 16: seq: 12, stats count=3259 sum=4853926 sumsq=57838240 Receive: 60 279.515671 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=661120000 value=31650 Receive: 61 279.525775 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=661760000 value=31679 Receive: 62 279.555685 279.151452 14: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=663680000 value=7534 Receive: 63 279.571589 279.151452 18: seq: 12, counter_state oid=9 next_clock=646048000 count=1 count_clock=453760000 Receive: 64 279.581588 279.151452 18: seq: 12, counter_state oid=10 next_clock=646688000 count=1 count_clock=454400000 Receive: 65 279.625773 279.151452 14: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=668160000 value=3725 Receive: 66 279.725693 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=674560000 value=31693 Receive: 67 279.815680 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=680320000 value=31657 Receive: 68 279.825661 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=680960000 value=31679 Receive: 69 279.855690 279.151452 14: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=682880000 value=7536 Receive: 70 279.925696 279.151452 14: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=687360000 value=3736 Receive: 71 280.025704 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=693760000 value=31676 Receive: 72 280.115725 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=699520000 value=31651 Receive: 73 280.125772 279.151452 15: seq: 12, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=700160000 value=31676 Receive: 74 280.136355 280.135903 11: seq: 13, clock clock=682100668 Receive: 75 280.155643 280.135903 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=702080000 value=7535 Receive: 76 280.225683 280.135903 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=706560000 value=3755 Receive: 77 280.325679 280.135903 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=712960000 value=31679 Receive: 78 280.415673 280.135903 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=718720000 value=31653 Receive: 79 280.425643 280.135903 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=719360000 value=31675 Receive: 80 280.455633 280.135903 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=721280000 value=7534 Receive: 81 280.525732 280.135903 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=725760000 value=3766 Receive: 82 280.572096 280.135903 18: seq: 13, counter_state oid=9 next_clock=710080000 count=1 count_clock=453760000 Receive: 83 280.582074 280.135903 18: seq: 13, counter_state oid=10 next_clock=710720000 count=1 count_clock=454400000 Receive: 84 280.625779 280.135903 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=732160000 value=31682 Receive: 85 280.715670 280.135903 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=737920000 value=31653 Receive: 86 280.725662 280.135903 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=738560000 value=31676 Receive: 87 280.755668 280.135903 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=740480000 value=7539 Receive: 88 280.825679 280.135903 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=744960000 value=3781 Receive: 89 280.925692 280.135903 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=751360000 value=31681 Receive: 90 281.015685 280.135903 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=757120000 value=31655 Receive: 91 281.025731 280.135903 15: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=757760000 value=31676 Receive: 92 281.055685 280.135903 14: seq: 13, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=759680000 value=7539 Receive: 93 281.120519 281.120044 11: seq: 14, clock clock=745083296 Receive: 94 281.125748 281.120044 14: seq: 14, analog_in_state oid=44 next_clock=764160000 value=3801 Receive: 95 281.225676 281.120044 15: seq: 14, analog_in_state oid=24 next_clock=770560000 value=31677 Receive: 96 281.315668 281.120044 15: seq: 14, analog_in_state oid=33 next_clock=776320000 value=31655 Receive: 97 281.325650 281.120044 15: seq: 14, analog_in_state oid=34 next_clock=776960000 value=31680 Receive: 98 281.355653 281.120044 14: seq: 14, analog_in_state oid=37 next_clock=778880000 value=7541 Receive: 99 281.424204 281.423326 12: seq: 15, shutdown clock=764500237 static_string_id=Command request Stats 281.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.076 mcu_task_avg=0.000023 mcu_task_stddev=0.000024 bytes_write=4373 bytes_read=8870 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=373 receive_seq=373 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64001133 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.5 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.53 cputime=19.740 memavail=661200 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=183.4 pwm=0.000 Stats 282.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.076 mcu_task_avg=0.000023 mcu_task_stddev=0.000024 bytes_write=4379 bytes_read=9135 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=374 receive_seq=374 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000999 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.2 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.8 M8P: temp=30.5 sysload=0.53 cputime=19.774 memavail=661784 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=182.9 pwm=0.000 Stats 283.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.076 mcu_task_avg=0.000023 mcu_task_stddev=0.000024 bytes_write=4385 bytes_read=9398 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=375 receive_seq=375 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000954 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.3 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.5 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.53 cputime=19.807 memavail=662084 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=182.1 pwm=0.000 Stats 284.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.008 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=4391 bytes_read=9663 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=376 receive_seq=376 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000969 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.4 M8P: temp=30.6 sysload=0.53 cputime=19.838 memavail=662160 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=181.5 pwm=0.000 Stats 285.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.008 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=4397 bytes_read=9928 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=377 receive_seq=377 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000923 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.0 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.3 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=30.9 M8P: temp=30.8 sysload=0.81 cputime=19.872 memavail=662676 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=180.9 pwm=0.000 Stats 286.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.008 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=4403 bytes_read=10191 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=378 receive_seq=378 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000965 heater_bed: target=0 temp=18.1 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.1 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.81 cputime=19.905 memavail=663128 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=180.1 pwm=0.000 Stats 287.8: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.008 mcu_task_avg=0.000019 mcu_task_stddev=0.000018 bytes_write=4409 bytes_read=10441 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=379 receive_seq=379 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=64000911 heater_bed: target=0 temp=17.9 pwm=0.000 Heater_Chamber: target=0 temp=18.4 pwm=0.000 CB1: temp=31.2 M8P: temp=30.7 sysload=0.81 cputime=19.936 memavail=663240 print_time=0.000 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=0 extruder: target=0 temp=179.4 pwm=0.000