===== Config file ===== [stepper_x] step_pin = PE3 dir_pin = PE2 enable_pin = !PE4 rotation_distance = 40 microsteps = 16 endstop_pin = ^!PA15 position_endstop = 0 position_max = 180 homing_speed = 50 [stepper_y] step_pin = PE0 dir_pin = PB9 enable_pin = !PE1 rotation_distance = 40 microsteps = 16 endstop_pin = ^!PA12 position_endstop = 0 position_max = 180 homing_speed = 50 [stepper_z] step_pin = PB5 dir_pin = !PB4 enable_pin = !PB8 rotation_distance = 8 microsteps = 16 endstop_pin = probe:z_virtual_endstop position_min = -5 position_max = 180 homing_speed = 10 homing_retract_dist = 5.0 [extruder] step_pin = PD6 dir_pin = !PD3 enable_pin = !PB3 rotation_distance = 8.10126 microsteps = 16 nozzle_diameter = 0.400 filament_diameter = 1.750 heater_pin = PC3 sensor_type = ATC Semitec 104GT-2 sensor_pin = PC1 control = pid pid_kp = 14.669 pid_ki = 0.572 pid_kd = 94.068 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 250 [heater_bed] heater_pin = PA0 sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin = PC0 control = pid pid_kp = 325.10 pid_ki = 63.35 pid_kd = 417.10 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 130 [bed_screws] screw1 = 24,24 screw2 = 168,24 screw3 = 168,168 screw4 = 24,168 [probe] pin = ^!PA11 x_offset = -40 y_offset = 0 z_offset = 1.01 speed = 20 [bed_mesh] speed = 120 horizontal_move_z = 5 mesh_min = 10,20 mesh_max = 132,175 probe_count = 3,3 fade_start = 1 fade_end = 10 [safe_z_home] home_xy_position = 121,105 z_hop = 10 [fan] pin = PB1 [heater_fan Hotend_Fan] pin = PB0 heater = extruder heater_temp = 50.0 fan_speed = 1.0 [mcu] serial = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0 baud = 250000 restart_method = command [printer] kinematics = cartesian max_velocity = 220 max_accel = 3500 max_z_velocity = 25 max_z_accel = 100 square_corner_velocity = 5.0 [static_digital_output display_reset] pins = !PC6, !PD13 [virtual_sdcard] path = ~/home/pi/printer_data/gcodes on_error_gcode = CANCEL_PRINT [pause_resume] [display_status] [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT] description = Cancel the actual running print rename_existing = CANCEL_PRINT_BASE variable_park = True gcode = {% if printer.pause_resume.is_paused|lower == 'false' and park|lower == 'true'%} _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {% endif %} TURN_OFF_HEATERS M106 S0 CANCEL_PRINT_BASE [gcode_macro PAUSE] description = Pause the actual running print rename_existing = PAUSE_BASE gcode = PAUSE_BASE _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL [gcode_macro RESUME] description = Resume the actual running print rename_existing = RESUME_BASE gcode = {% set extrude = printer['gcode_macro _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL'].extrude %} {% if 'VELOCITY' in params|upper %} {% set get_params = ('VELOCITY=' + params.VELOCITY) %} {%else %} {% set get_params = "" %} {% endif %} {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower == 'true' %} M83 G1 E{extrude} F2100 {% if printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude |lower == 'true' %} M82 {% endif %} {% else %} {action_respond_info("Extruder not hot enough")} {% endif %} RESUME_BASE {get_params} [gcode_macro _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL] description = Helper: park toolhead used in PAUSE and CANCEL_PRINT variable_extrude = 1.0 gcode = {% set x_park = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float - 5.0 %} {% set y_park = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float - 5.0 %} {% set z_park_delta = 2.0 %} {% set max_z = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.z|float %} {% set act_z = printer.toolhead.position.z|float %} {% if act_z < (max_z - z_park_delta) %} {% set z_safe = z_park_delta %} {% else %} {% set z_safe = max_z - act_z %} {% endif %} {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower == 'true' %} M83 G1 E-{extrude} F2100 {% if printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude |lower == 'true' %} M82 {% endif %} {% else %} {action_respond_info("Extruder not hot enough")} {% endif %} {% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} G91 G1 Z{z_safe} F900 G90 G1 X{x_park} Y{y_park} F6000 {% if printer.gcode_move.absolute_coordinates|lower == 'false' %} G91 {% endif %} {% else %} {action_respond_info("Printer not homed")} {% endif %} ======================= Loaded MCU 'mcu' 100 commands (v0.10.0-419-g4490a584 / gcc: (15:7-2018-q2-6) 7.3.1 20180622 (release) [ARM/embedded-7-branch revision 261907] binutils: (2.31.1-11+rpi1+11) 2.31.1) MCU 'mcu' config: BUS_PINS_i2c1=PB6,PB7 BUS_PINS_i2c2=PB10,PB11 BUS_PINS_i2c1a=PB8,PB9 INITIAL_PINS=!PC6,!PD13 RESERVE_PINS_serial=PB11,PB10 BUS_PINS_spi1a=PB4,PB5,PB3 STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256 RECEIVE_WINDOW=192 STEPPER_BOTH_EDGE=1 SERIAL_BAUD=250000 ADC_MAX=4095 BUS_PINS_spi3=PB4,PB5,PB3 BUS_PINS_spi2=PB14,PB15,PB13 BUS_PINS_spi1=PA6,PA7,PA5 PWM_MAX=255 MCU=stm32f103xe CLOCK_FREQ=72000000 Configured MCU 'mcu' (1024 moves) Args: ['/home/pi/klipper/klippy/klippy.py', '/home/pi/printer_data/config/printer.cfg', '-I', '/home/pi/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial', '-l', '/home/pi/printer_data/logs/klippy.log', '-a', '/home/pi/printer_data/comms/klippy.sock'] Git version: 'v0.10.0-623-g5b1a6676' CPU: 4 core ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) Python: '2.7.18 (default, Jul 14 2021, 08:11:37) \n[GCC 10.2.1 20210110]' webhooks client 3025764600: {'program': 'Moonraker', 'version': 'v0.7.1-758-g5a3b1b6'} =============== Log rollover at Fri Nov 11 00:10:16 2022 =============== virtual_sdcard file open Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/virtual_sdcard.py", line 178, in _load_file fname = files_by_lower[fname.lower()] KeyError: 'test.gcode' Unable to open file Starting Klippy... Args: ['/home/pi/klipper/klippy/klippy.py', '/home/pi/printer_data/config/printer.cfg', '-I', '/home/pi/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial', '-l', '/home/pi/printer_data/logs/klippy.log', '-a', '/home/pi/printer_data/comms/klippy.sock'] Git version: 'v0.10.0-623-g5b1a6676' CPU: 4 core ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) Python: '2.7.18 (default, Jul 14 2021, 08:11:37) \n[GCC 10.2.1 20210110]' Start printer at Fri Nov 11 00:12:00 2022 (1668125520.2 26.0) ===== Config file ===== [stepper_x] step_pin = PE3 dir_pin = PE2 enable_pin = !PE4 rotation_distance = 40 microsteps = 16 endstop_pin = ^!PA15 position_endstop = 0 position_max = 180 homing_speed = 50 [stepper_y] step_pin = PE0 dir_pin = PB9 enable_pin = !PE1 rotation_distance = 40 microsteps = 16 endstop_pin = ^!PA12 position_endstop = 0 position_max = 180 homing_speed = 50 [stepper_z] step_pin = PB5 dir_pin = !PB4 enable_pin = !PB8 rotation_distance = 8 microsteps = 16 endstop_pin = probe:z_virtual_endstop position_min = -5 position_max = 180 homing_speed = 10 homing_retract_dist = 5.0 [extruder] step_pin = PD6 dir_pin = !PD3 enable_pin = !PB3 rotation_distance = 8.10126 microsteps = 16 nozzle_diameter = 0.400 filament_diameter = 1.750 heater_pin = PC3 sensor_type = ATC Semitec 104GT-2 sensor_pin = PC1 control = pid pid_kp = 14.669 pid_ki = 0.572 pid_kd = 94.068 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 250 [heater_bed] heater_pin = PA0 sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin = PC0 control = pid pid_kp = 325.10 pid_ki = 63.35 pid_kd = 417.10 min_temp = 0 max_temp = 130 [bed_screws] screw1 = 24,24 screw2 = 168,24 screw3 = 168,168 screw4 = 24,168 [probe] pin = ^!PA11 x_offset = -40 y_offset = 0 z_offset = 1.01 speed = 20 [bed_mesh] speed = 120 horizontal_move_z = 5 mesh_min = 10,20 mesh_max = 132,175 probe_count = 3,3 fade_start = 1 fade_end = 10 [safe_z_home] home_xy_position = 121,105 z_hop = 10 [fan] pin = PB1 [heater_fan Hotend_Fan] pin = PB0 heater = extruder heater_temp = 50.0 fan_speed = 1.0 [mcu] serial = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0 baud = 250000 restart_method = command [printer] kinematics = cartesian max_velocity = 220 max_accel = 3500 max_z_velocity = 25 max_z_accel = 100 square_corner_velocity = 5.0 [static_digital_output display_reset] pins = !PC6, !PD13 [virtual_sdcard] path = ~/home/pi/printer_data/gcodes on_error_gcode = CANCEL_PRINT [pause_resume] [display_status] [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT] description = Cancel the actual running print rename_existing = CANCEL_PRINT_BASE variable_park = True gcode = {% if printer.pause_resume.is_paused|lower == 'false' and park|lower == 'true'%} _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {% endif %} TURN_OFF_HEATERS M106 S0 CANCEL_PRINT_BASE [gcode_macro PAUSE] description = Pause the actual running print rename_existing = PAUSE_BASE gcode = PAUSE_BASE _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL [gcode_macro RESUME] description = Resume the actual running print rename_existing = RESUME_BASE gcode = {% set extrude = printer['gcode_macro _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL'].extrude %} {% if 'VELOCITY' in params|upper %} {% set get_params = ('VELOCITY=' + params.VELOCITY) %} {%else %} {% set get_params = "" %} {% endif %} {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower == 'true' %} M83 G1 E{extrude} F2100 {% if printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude |lower == 'true' %} M82 {% endif %} {% else %} {action_respond_info("Extruder not hot enough")} {% endif %} RESUME_BASE {get_params} [gcode_macro _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL] description = Helper: park toolhead used in PAUSE and CANCEL_PRINT variable_extrude = 1.0 gcode = {% set x_park = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float - 5.0 %} {% set y_park = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float - 5.0 %} {% set z_park_delta = 2.0 %} {% set max_z = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.z|float %} {% set act_z = printer.toolhead.position.z|float %} {% if act_z < (max_z - z_park_delta) %} {% set z_safe = z_park_delta %} {% else %} {% set z_safe = max_z - act_z %} {% endif %} {% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower == 'true' %} M83 G1 E-{extrude} F2100 {% if printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude |lower == 'true' %} M82 {% endif %} {% else %} {action_respond_info("Extruder not hot enough")} {% endif %} {% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} G91 G1 Z{z_safe} F900 G90 G1 X{x_park} Y{y_park} F6000 {% if printer.gcode_move.absolute_coordinates|lower == 'false' %} G91 {% endif %} {% else %} {action_respond_info("Printer not homed")} {% endif %} ======================= Extruder max_extrude_ratio=0.266081 mcu 'mcu': Starting serial connect mcu 'mcu': got {'#receive_time': 27.060397224000003, u'next_clock': 3643373568L, u'oid': 10, u'value': 31503, '#name': u'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 27.027110132} mcu 'mcu': got {'#receive_time': 27.130347002, u'next_clock': 3648413568L, u'oid': 17, u'value': 31441, '#name': u'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 27.081222483} mcu 'mcu': got {u'count': 167, '#receive_time': 27.300315317, u'sum': 187504, u'sumsq': 1140288, '#name': u'stats', '#sent_time': 27.297527057} mcu 'mcu': got {'#receive_time': 27.360374057, u'next_clock': 3664973568L, u'oid': 10, u'value': 31506, '#name': u'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 27.352024428} Loaded MCU 'mcu' 100 commands (v0.10.0-419-g4490a584 / gcc: (15:7-2018-q2-6) 7.3.1 20180622 (release) [ARM/embedded-7-branch revision 261907] binutils: (2.31.1-11+rpi1+11) 2.31.1) MCU 'mcu' config: BUS_PINS_i2c1=PB6,PB7 BUS_PINS_i2c2=PB10,PB11 BUS_PINS_i2c1a=PB8,PB9 INITIAL_PINS=!PC6,!PD13 RESERVE_PINS_serial=PB11,PB10 BUS_PINS_spi1a=PB4,PB5,PB3 STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256 RECEIVE_WINDOW=192 STEPPER_BOTH_EDGE=1 SERIAL_BAUD=250000 ADC_MAX=4095 BUS_PINS_spi3=PB4,PB5,PB3 BUS_PINS_spi2=PB14,PB15,PB13 BUS_PINS_spi1=PA6,PA7,PA5 PWM_MAX=255 MCU=stm32f103xe CLOCK_FREQ=72000000 Configured MCU 'mcu' (1024 moves) Starting heater checks for heater_bed bed_mesh: generated points Index | Tool Adjusted | Probe 0 | (50.0, 20.0) | (10.0, 20.0) 1 | (111.0, 20.0) | (71.0, 20.0) 2 | (172.0, 20.0) | (132.0, 20.0) 3 | (172.0, 97.5) | (132.0, 97.5) 4 | (111.0, 97.5) | (71.0, 97.5) 5 | (50.0, 97.5) | (10.0, 97.5) 6 | (50.0, 175.0) | (10.0, 175.0) 7 | (111.0, 175.0) | (71.0, 175.0) 8 | (172.0, 175.0) | (132.0, 175.0) Starting heater checks for extruder webhooks client 3045386480: New connection webhooks client 3045386480: Client info {'program': 'Moonraker', 'version': 'v0.7.1-758-g5a3b1b6'} webhooks: registering remote method 'shutdown_machine' for connection id: 3045386480 webhooks: registering remote method 'reboot_machine' for connection id: 3045386480 webhooks: registering remote method 'pause_job_queue' for connection id: 3045386480 webhooks: registering remote method 'start_job_queue' for connection id: 3045386480 virtual_sdcard file open Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/virtual_sdcard.py", line 178, in _load_file fname = files_by_lower[fname.lower()] KeyError: 'test.gcode' Unable to open file virtual_sdcard file open Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/virtual_sdcard.py", line 178, in _load_file fname = files_by_lower[fname.lower()] KeyError: 'ring.gcode' Unable to open file