I wanted to share an improvement to the nozzle preparation config for printing, its cleaning. The improvement concerns the version “Adventurer5M-KlipperMod-v00.05-beta-klipperscreen.tgz”
I liked the nozzle preparation settings on the Elegoo N4 much more than on the AD5M, in the end I did it similarly to the N4 from OrcaSlicer.
The scum from the nozzle is collected well and the defects of the plastic on the strip are immediately visible, as a result of it not being dried enough.
klipper AD5M, file: spec.cfg
[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
{% set bed_temp = params.BED_TEMP|default(60)|float %} ; bed temp, usually set by slicer
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
G1 Z10 F1800 ; move the nozzle near the bed
# wait for bed to reach temp, don't wait for stabilization
# added >>>
# before heating the nozzle, move and rest against the tablе:
G90 ; use absolute coordinate system.
M83 ; set the extruder to the relative coordinate system.
G1 X110 Y-110 F6000 ; move in coordinates from _PRIME_NOZZLE (see below in the config).
G1 Y-110 X55 Z0.8 F4800 ; move to coordinates located closer to the test print layer.
G1 Z0 F400 ; rest the nozzle against the table (Z0) before heating the nozzle.
# <<< added
M109 S{extruder_temp} ; set and wait for nozzle to reach temperature
# modify >>>
[gcode_macro _PRIME_NOZZLE]
G1 E10 F800 ; press a bun of size E10 or E30 (large)
G1 Y-110 X55 Z0.4 F800
G1 X-55 E30 F800 ; move along X with extrusion of size E30
G1 Y-109.6 F800
G92 E0 ;
# <<< modify