All temeratures are 0 as soon as first layer starts / Slicer-Start Macro-Klipper interdependency

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Qidi xmax 3 vanlla klipper 0.12
MCU / Printerboard: MKSPI
Host / SBC


I use orcaslicer and a vanilla klipper printer and have not tuned in everything yet.
i.e. I have the problem that all temps are reduced to zero after initial warm up and print start.

I believe it has something to do with the start_print macro but wonder about it.

Can you please let me know a place where to go?
Im not sure if this is the right place here since I suspect rather a configuration issue in conjuction with the use of Orca than a Klipper problem.

Happy to hear your feedback about my macrosin case you find obvious flaws. Thank you!

klippy.log (112.1 KB)
macros.cfg (9.8 KB)

Git version: 'v0.12.0-171-g2f6e94c9-dirty'

Not quite vanilla.

The klippy.log is quite short (except the bedmesh coordinate: almost 1000 lines).
There is no heating up and/or cancelling to find.

Please start a print again, when the issue occurs, do a M112 and attach the new klippy.log to your next post. Also the Gcode file that you want to print and/or the start print script from OrcaSlicer.

yes sure, will do.
It is short because I set up the system fresh just before and this was the first print.

here is the gcode file:

adapterplate_2024_PETG_54m30s.gcode (973.2 KB)

This is the start Gcode in the slicer:

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[first_layer_temperature] BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature]

M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0

Here I reproduced the error and this time executed M112 after “Temp extruder too low” notification popped up.

klippy (1).log (1.4 MB)

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[first_layer_temperature] BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature]

M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temp waits separately  # <--------
M140 S0                                                        # <--------

You turn them off yourself.

This occurs:

Unknown command:"CHAMBER=0"

This in the gcode file


should be one line


So in the slicer

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[first_layer_temperature] BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] CHAMBER=[chamber_temperature]

Nice :+1:
Commented this out and removed excess line breaks. Works!!

Regarding chamber unknown command. I still had chamber_heater in the configuration. So I had to rename this one and this error is gone as well.

I copied the slicer start G codes from somewhere. I think Orca is having this as a recommendation. Didn’t give it a lot of thought but obviously it was completely wrong.

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That’s the problem with copy random scrips.
Check what they do before using them.

Well it’s the oem recommendation for this printer type in conjunction with Orcaslicer. I think that’s why I didn’t second guess the code. Really strange. Will double check since it really doesn’t make sense now when I look at it. The scary part is that I could have sworn that it worked quite good last week with the same slicer settings :man_shrugging:

Thanks again, really great feeling to have a good working machine.

PS: I have one last Linux issue and in depth questions regarding lsmod and kernel modules.
Where is a good place to go for these Linux-3D print-armbian questions?

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