Bed Mesh First Layer Issue

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 V3 KE
MCU / Printerboard: Ender 3 v3 KE
Host / SBC Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (1.5 MB)

Hi guys I suddenly had problems with my Ender 3 V3 KE running a forked klipper as it seems that its impossible to get a good first layer. The reason being is that the Left side of the bed is always too close to the nozzle while the right side of the bed is always too far from the nozzle. I first printed shims to compensate and try to make it as level as possible and I was able to bring it down to 0.25 range which is supposed to be okay. I then printed another first layer test and I had the same result, Nozzle is too low on the left and too high on the right. I then checked if the gantry is square, looked for any loose screws, changed the beds, added sampling to BL touch, loaded mesh manually, and printed multiple tests only to have the same result. Its been 2 days and I was hoping that someone here could give me any idea what else I am doing wrong.

Need help with uneven first layer. Too close on the left side of the bed and too far on the right side of the bed

Modifications to Ender 3 v3 KE:
-Gantry Support
-Linear Rails on Y Axis
-Part cooling fan upgrade
-Paver stone + Foam Mod

Tests done:

  1. Printed shims to have the mesh range at around 0.25
  2. Squared Gantry
  3. Checked for loose screws
  4. Tried different types of beds
  5. Added sampling to BL touch
  6. Loaded mesh manually rather than doing it before prints (gave worse results)

Any help would be great! Thanks!

See if Axis Twist Compensation - Klipper documentation provides an improvement.

The Ender series printers are notorious for twisted axes and for flawed belt path designs.

Hi! Just tried this and it gave me better results,almost perfect even. I used the bed mesh and it gave me a way different mesh than before. I also printed with the axis calibration and it seems to have improved by quite a lot. Do you think it is because of the bed or because of the x linear rails or maybe the belts?

I cannot tell as I also do not own such a machine. Generally it is a known issue with this printer

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Wow… Didn’t expect to see this today lol. I have the EXACT same problem! E3V3KE - printed fine for months and months. In the last several weeks I have noticed the same issue where the left side is always too close and the right side is always too far away.

I have meticulously leveled my gantry, mechanically flattened and leveled the bed frame, used shims, installed y rails, recalibrated probe offsets on the high side of the bed, etc. Nothing has worked.

I will try the twist compensation and see if that helps.

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