(Basic Information:
Printer Model: RatRig-V- Core
Printerboard: BIGTREETECH Octopus v1.1
Klipper / fluiddpi)

Hello together,
on my printer I have an End gcode written in printer.cfg file to shut down the printer after the print is finished by the Bigtreetech relay V1.2:

[output_pin PS_ON_OFF]
pin: PE11
value: 1

[gcode_macro End_GCode]
M104 S0 ; Extruder off
M140 S0 ; Heatbed off
M107 ; Fan off
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 E-5 F300 ; retract a little
G1 Z+20 ; lift print head
G28 X5 Y5 ; homing
M84 ; disable stepper motors
G90 ; absolute positioning
SET_PIN PIN=PS_ON_OFF VALUE=0 ; shut down the printer

So it works fine, but the printer gets shut down with the extruder at its high working temperature about 215 °C what is not good.
The goal would be to shut down the printer when the extruder temperature is below 60°C.
My question:
So I would like to have something like: “when printer temp is <60 then SET_PIN PIN=PS_ON_OFF VALUE=0”
How do I have to programm this line?

Thanks for your help!

Hello @TimoTimo !

Try with

[gcode_macro End_GCode]
M104 S0 ; Extruder off
M140 S0 ; Heatbed off
M107 ; Fan off
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 E-5 F300 ; retract a little
G1 Z+20 ; lift print head
G28 X5 Y5 ; homing
M84 ; disable stepper motors
G90 ; absolute positioning
TEMPERATURE_WAIT sensor=heater_extruder maximum=60
SET_PIN PIN=PS_ON_OFF VALUE=0 ; shut down the printer

Hey really thanks for your help. It’s working now

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You could use timeout too, in this way the printer will not stop after each print, and you’ll have time to prepare some new prints, without reset or restart it, and then, after half an hour, or after the time you need, the printer will be disconnected from mains ac supply

Hello Esrich, thats also a good idea with the timeout.
Can you help me to integrate the timout into this:

[gcode_macro End_GCode]
M104 S0 ; Extruder off
M140 S0 ; Heatbed off
M107 ; Fan off
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 E-5 F300 ; retract a little
G1 Z+20 ; lift print head
G28 X5 Y5 ; homing
M84 ; disable stepper motors
G90 ; absolute positioning
TEMPERATURE_WAIT sensor=heater_extruder maximum=60
SET_PIN PIN=PS_ON_OFF VALUE=0 ; shut down the printer