BTT Manta MP5 CANbus MCU Error

Printer Model: Voron trident
MCU / Printerboard: BTT/Manta MP5 w/CM4 & EBB36 V1.2

klippy.log (624.5 KB)
ssh output.txt (8.4 KB)

Hi all,

I have been attempting to setup a new board with a CANbus with having a plan to add a second CANbus.

I have previously been successfully in setting up both boards and have them communicate with each other to the point of getting all functions working (extruder, heater, temp sensor fans etc), but I have returned to my workstation after a couple of weeks (holiday) and I was unable to connect to the MCU. I had set everything up and had even got most of the components working, less the X/Y/Z steppers/limit switches and the bed heater.

The initial flashing session took me a good 6 hours of changing settings and getting it up and running, standard integration hell that I was expecting, but now I’m completely at a loss.

I have attempted to reflash the MCU using the commands I used last time and occasionally I receive the error of being unable to connect to the can board [mcu EBBCan], but on recycling the power or running a Firmware restart I lose this and the error reverts to the MCU unable to connect.

After initial flash I can see the Katapult node UUID, but after either a reboot or firmware restart I am unable to see it.

I have attached my ‘klippy.log’ and ‘ssh oputput.txt’

Any input or help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Menu Configs:
Klipper Firmware Configuration
[*] Enable extra low-level configuration options
Micro-controller Architecture (STMicroelectronics STM32) —>
Processor model (STM32G0B1) —>
Bootloader offset (8KiB bootloader) —>
Clock Reference (8 MHz crystal) —>
Communication interface (USB to CAN bus bridge (USB on PA11/PA12)) —>
CAN bus interface (CAN bus (on PB8/PB9)) —>
USB ids —>
(500000) CAN bus speed
() GPIO pins to set at micro-controller startup

Katapult Configuration v0.0.1-76-g081918a
Micro-controller Architecture (STMicroelectronics STM32) —>
Processor model (STM32G0B1) —>
Build Katapult deployment application (Do not build) —>
Clock Reference (8 MHz crystal) —>
Communication interface (CAN bus (on PB0/PB1)) —>
Application start offset (8KiB offset) —>
(500000) CAN bus speed
() GPIO pins to set on bootloader entry
[*] Support bootloader entry on rapid double click of reset button
Enable bootloader entry on button (or gpio) state
Enable Status LED

allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
bitrate 500000
up ifconfig $IFACE txqueuelen 1024

Edit: Update bitrate from 250000 to 500000

The CAN pins for the M5P ar PD0/PD1.

This has solve my issue. Its the problem of being unable to see the forest through the trees

When I originally flashed the board I did have it set to PD0/PD1, hence why it was working. In my haste today to get the printer up an running (hours of wiring today) I must have thought there was something wrong with the firmware, rather that the probably issue of bad wiring on my part. So I then started re-flashing… incorrectly.

Thanks @jakep_82

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