Bug: Unabe to build docs on python 3.11 or greater

Python3.11 removed support for the ability to place global flags in regexes anywhere besides the start of the regex (this was deprecated around 3.6).
However, the abandoned extension mdx_partial_gfm which klipper’s mkdocs configuration includes appears to still use this functionality, resulting mkdocs bailing out.

Transcript follows:

aaron@warforged:~/vcs/klipper> git describe --always --tags --long --dirty
aaron@warforged:~/vcs/klipper> source mkdocs-py310/bin/activate
(mkdocs-py310) aaron@warforged:~/vcs/klipper> mkdocs serve -f docs/_klipper3d/mkdocs.yml 
INFO     -  Building documentation...
INFO     -  Cleaning site directory
WARNING  -  Both index.md and readme.md found. Skipping readme.md from /home/aaron/vcs/klipper/docs
INFO     -  The following pages exist in the docs directory, but are not included in the "nav" configuration:
              - index.md
INFO     -  Documentation built in 0.93 seconds
INFO     -  [12:52:33] Serving on
^CINFO     -  Shutting down...
(mkdocs-py310) aaron@warforged:~/vcs/klipper> deactivate 
aaron@warforged:~/vcs/klipper> source mkdocs-py311/bin/activate
(mkdocs-py311) aaron@warforged:~/vcs/klipper> mkdocs serve -f docs/_klipper3d/mkdocs.yml 
INFO     -  Building documentation...
ERROR    -  Config value: 'markdown_extensions'. Error: global flags not at the start of the expression at position 6
Aborted with 1 Configuration Errors!
(mkdocs-py311) aaron@warforged:~/vcs/klipper> 

I’m unsure if the markdown extensions added by this module are actually used anywhere in the docs, so I’m not comfortable making a proposal to remove it at this time.

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