I’m dumb, I just needed to install crowsnest and sonar…
Yes, it’s a CM3+ with 8GB eMMC. I’m not trying to cut things down, I just have a lot of them.
…I could try disabling the emmc and slap and SD card in there… or use a Pi4…
I just find it odd that the MainsailOS has everything installed + KIAUH and I still have over 1GB of space and the manual install with KIAUH the free space is about 3-400MB. It’s provably a Bullseye Bookworm thing…
I just find it odd that the MainsailOS has everything installed + KIAUH and I still have over 1GB of space and the manual install with KIAUH the free space is about 3-400MB. It’s provably a Bullseye Bookworm thing…
I observed the same thing regarding the image size and there are a number of people here that swear by the Mainsail OS Image.
It should be noted that my experience with Mainsail OS was around two years ago and I’ve ditched using U2C boards and only work with main controller boards that have a CAN port built in and I’m setting them up as as USB to CAN bridges.
Well… i killed my printer mainboard with a funky flash update, will see how to recover it later…
I tried to build a Raspi OS Minimal image and it turned out to be a Lite image, but it’s a bit smaller than the official Lite image at least… will try again…
It does look interesting. The only comment I have is that the wires inside the cable are a bit light for the current needed for a toolhead - I would want to see at least 2A (for the extruder heater) and 0.5mm^2 is good for 1.5A.
Which says that 20AWG (0.5mm^2) can transmit up to 1.5A of power which is why I said it’s “a bit light” - for a toolhead, I want to see a rating of at least 2A would be most comfortable with 2.5A.
Regardless, when it becomes available at Digi-Key and I can buy it in something less than 100m lengths, I’ll make up a cable or two and try it out.
Went back from the Pi4 to the CM3+.
I ended up building Armbian Minimal and I now have nearly 3GB of free space after installing everything and no can issues.
I don’t think that’s the right way to get the value of ampacity of a wire.
When I read that link, I find
“Voltage Drop Calculator by Gerald Newton http://www.electrician2.com”
That goes to nothing and there is no equation given how the voltage drop was calculated.
The equation I mentioned above includes temperature.
You mentioned
I totally agree, but we are talking about an 3D printer environment.
Without an enclosure we may have (just guessing) 10°C above ambient temperature. With an enclosure we may have 60°C to 80°C or more. Temperature is very important before giving an estimate about the ampacity of a cable.
I found another interesting cable (Lapp) from Lapp (1x2xAWG24 + 1x 2xAWG22). The wire gauges and diameter are interesting.