Basic Information:
Printer Model: ratrig v3
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus pro
Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log
file. Pasting your printer.cfg
is not needed
I’m trying to change the direction of the extruder… other times I’ve done it, but now I can’t. Despite changing it, it keeps turning backwards.
I have looked at the “klippy.log” and although I put ! in front of the direction pin, in the log it is still shown as it was before…
I attach extracts, the extruder motor, I have it connected to a SHT42… with this configuration.
step_pin: SHT42:PB4
dir_pin: !SHT42:PB3
enable_pin: !SHT42:PA15
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 33.50
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
max_extrude_only_velocity: 60
heater_pin: SHT42:PA8
sensor_pin: SHT42:PB0
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
pullup_resistor: 2200
control: pid
pid_Kp: 30.466
pid_Ki: 1.707
pid_Kd: 135.953
min_temp: -50
max_temp: 350
You can see like i have put ! in the dir_pin: “dir_pin: !SHT42:PB3”
but if you look attached log… the ! there isnt… i have saved and restart multiple times…
klippy.log (4.7 MB)