Changing stepper settings live via gcode?

I am setting up Klipper for the first time, and got most things working. I have other printers currently running Marlin. On my Marlin printers, I can adjust my TMC2209 driver settings using gcode via Octoprint terminal or the LCD screen, during printing as well.

Is this live editing a feature in Klipper? I noticed each change to the cfg file requires a restart, and I dont see any gcode to change any driver settings. All driver changes have to be made inside the cfg file?

Thanks in advance!

See here and here. It’s not recommended to change these settings at runtime as noted, and any changes you make won’t be persistent through a restart.


SET_TMC_CURRENT STEPPER=<name> CURRENT=<amps> HOLDCURRENT=<amps> : This will adjust the run and hold currents of the TMC driver. (HOLDCURRENT is not applicable to tmc2660 drivers.)


SET_TMC_FIELD STEPPER=<name> FIELD=<field> VALUE=<value> : This will alter the value of the specified register field of the TMC driver. This command is intended for low-level diagnostics and debugging only because changing the fields during run-time can lead to undesired and potentially dangerous behavior of your printer. Permanent changes should be made using the printer configuration file instead. No sanity checks are performed for the given values.

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