Duet 3 Mini 5+ and Expansion Mini 2+

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Hi guys, I am building a Voron 2.4, and that requires driving 7 steppers in total. They recommend using an Octopus or a Spider boards because of how many steppers these can support. I’d prefer to use a Duet, because of reportedly superior hardware quality. Because Duet Mini supports only five steppers, I’d need an expansion Duet board which plugs into Duet mini, to support two more steppers. I could not find out if Klipper supports such a config, because it should somehow be able to “talk” to that expansion board. Is my understanding correct?

Could somebody please suggest if Klipper supports Duet 3 Mini plus expansion board ? Would I need any special settings in the config?

Thanks a lot for any update!

See klipper/generic-duet3-mini.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub

The two additional driver slots are just a matter of pin mapping. In the comments on top of the file you will get the required information

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It supports it and works beautifully. I have it configured with the additional +2 drivers and with the PT100 daughter card that I modified to be used with PT1000 (Slice) RTD. It is running my Voron 2.4 that is still being finished.

With fairly recent Klipper updates the on-board CAN interface also works and can be used with CAN tool boards. Courtesy of Kevin.

Thank for the info - appreciated! Since the expansion kinda sits on top of the “main” Duet card, did you have to use any specific mounting options to attach it to Voron case? I am in the process of ordering printed parts for the Voron, and I guess the parts for SKR boards etc won’t work for the Duet?

The mounting bracket for the Duet is in the Fusion 360 models and in the STLs. Mind you I redesigned it a little bit to use threaded inserts and be a bit less flimsy. If you order printed parts I VERY HIGHLY recommend that you get them through the PIF program. You can then tell the provider what configuration you are making (Duet).

I am bit unsure about PIF after having read the review here: awesome-voron/pif-part-set-review.md at main · matthewlloyd/awesome-voron · GitHub

I am considering this one Voron 2.4 R2 Printed Parts Kit in ABS with New Stealthburner and PCCF upgrade option - JB3D, the guy said he’d be happy to accommodate my requests…

This is diverging into a subject that does not belong to Klipper, but FWIW I had no issues with the quality of PIF parts that I received from Stephan.

Were they perfect? No. I could possibly print them very slightly better looking on my modified CR-10S Pro, but likely not stronger without an enclosure. And it would take more than a week to do.

Were they excellent? Yes, and this is coming from someone who is EXTREMELY obsessive about quality in general.