Emergency stop button without supported LCD

Hi, my custom printer doesn’t have any supported LCD by Klipper. I used Marlin with Octoprint before with modification to bypass LCD and assign KILL_PIN to a physical button. However I did not see any similar configuration in Klipper. The only configuration for kill_pin is inside a Display section which I don’t have any.

I’ve tried with gcode_button to mimic that by sending M112, but it will not affect in some case such as if a G28 is on process (look like it has to wait in queue).

My question is how to have that Emergency stop button without LCD, or more specifically, to have a button that can call invoke_shutdown without LCD or inject M112 to head of queue?

Instead of using M112 try with {action_emergency_stop()} in the gcode_button - see Command templates - Klipper documentation for details.


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