Failed print due to following error message: Transition to shutdown state: Previous MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Timer too close


At the low level, the shutdown is caused by a queue_digital_out sent 1.48s past its clock= activation time:

Sent 99 2156.796124 2156.796124 64: seq: 16(64278), 
    tmcuart_send oid=0 write='\xea\x03\xe8\xad\xe1'(6f@0) read=10, 
    tmcuart_send oid=0 write='\xea\x03\xe8\xad\xe1'(6f@0) read=10, 
    tmcuart_send oid=0 write='\xea\x03\xe8\xad\xe1'(6f@0) read=10,
    tmcuart_send oid=0 write='\xea\x03\xe8\xad\xe1'(6f@0) read=10,
    queue_digital_out oid=16 clock=773824128(2155.315843) on_ticks=2446875,
    queue_digital_out oid=22 clock=781024128(2155.375843) on_ticks=11611092

Complete shutdown analysis: klippy.shutdown16430.log (65.7 KB)

This shouldn’t happen and you are right to suspect that something is overloading the raspberry pi, such as the webcam. You can try disabling the webcam service, and see if it helps. Additionally you can increase the priority of the klippy process, but I suspect it won’t help much in this case.
The sysload is not exceeding 75%, which is not too bad, unless you have a single core CPU. So it could also be an IO bandwidth issue.
What raspberry pi version and what webcam software are you using?

Also, the series of tmcuart_send that reads DRV_STATUS without getting a response is suggesting that you may have mild communications issues with a tmc driver at uart_address = 0. Possibly extruder_x, as I suspect that the queue_digital_out may be the enabling of its select_pin = PD0.
Klipper sending retries multiple times without throwing an error is expected, if it manage to get a response in the end. But having four duplicates of the same read command is just weird. The bundling could be explained by the pi overload causing transmission delays, I’m not sure.

Good luck.

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