Filament . one or two forward... one back

voron 2.4 s.e.
monster8v2 + rpi 4

And now I encountered a situation… I extrude filament from the control panel “extruder command window”… the extruder drives the filament forward… then I repeat the command, it pushes it forward again… and I repeat the command, this time it pulls the filament back… I couldn’t catch any logic. one or two forward… one back… one or two forward… two back… it does the same thing when I press the “retract” button… what is the reason for this… how can I solve it… testing right now for doing “min_extrude_temp: 0”
klippy (3).log (3.7 MB)

Do you run the extruder in absolute or relative mode?

hi… Eddy. Believe me, I don’t know… I even just heard these two terms… so please, please don’t laugh… but I immediately did a short research on this subject. (it’s 3 a.m. in the city I live in now… I woke up from my sleep and check my posts… I’m a little self-obsessed) Now I understand :ok_hand: what you mean… I’m not near the 3D printer now… Just the process I’m doing for now… after turning on the printer. Without doing .home all… I just specified the speed and length values from the “extruder control” panel in the mainsail “control screen” section and pressed the “EXRTUDE” or “RETRACT” buttons. As I mentioned in my first message, it was moving either forward or backward according to its mind… How can I make the absolute value constant using this panel?
:pray: :grinning:Thank you for your help and valuable information…

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