Heater_generic not supported

I don’t really think the macro is the problem. We’ve attempted several ways to define a [heater_generic], not and cannot reference it–klipper acts like the configuration isn’t present.

For example, from my current configuration:

[heater_generic test]
gcode_id: C
heater_pin: PB11
#heater_pin: z:P2.5
max_power: 1.0
sensor_type: Generic 3950
sensor_pin: PA0
#sensor_pin: z:P0.24
control: watermark
min_temp: -200
max_temp: 130

And when trying to use it:

set_heater_temperature heater=test target=65
Heater test not supported
set_heater_temperature heater="heater_generic test" target=65
Heater heater_generic test not supported

We cannot find a way to actually reference [heater_generic test]

Everything returns “Heater X not supported”

Read the post from @koconnor again - he knows of what he speaks.

Why don’t you try renaming the macro to something like SET_CHAMBER_TEMPERATURE and work with that?

I’m sure he does, more than anyone that’s willing to even answer. But the macro is commented out in my current configuration. I don’t understand how it’s even in contention. Attempting to access the heater_generic with console commands (not the commented macro) results in… “heater X not supported”.

That screenshot doesn’t show the set_heater_temperature macro commented out. The error you’re receiving is one of the lines in the macro itself. Anything other than extruder or heater_bed will give you that error. You need to spend some time examining and understanding all of your macros.

rename_existing = _SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE
gcode = 
	{% set HEATER = params.HEATER|default("None") %}
	{% set TARGET = params.TARGET|default(0)|int %}
	{% set THRESHOLD = printer["gcode_macro _BEDFANVARS"].threshold|int %}
	{% if HEATER|lower == "extruder" %}
	{% elif HEATER|lower == "heater_bed" %}
	M99140 S{TARGET}
	{% else %}
	{action_respond_info("Heater %s not supported" % HEATER)}
	{% endif %}
	{% if HEATER|lower == "heater_bed" %}
	{% else %}
	{% endif %}
	{% endif %}

My apologies to all involved. I was focused on the most recent configuration added. I went digging again just as @jakep_82 posted what they did. I’ll go back to my corner.

Sorry for having missed this, Kevin. Gnaaah … :sweat_smile:

@telxoid if you do not find the offending position, post a new klippy.log. In your latest log above it is line 5232 and it is not commented out.

I found it just as jake was posting. I was debating a couple ways to solve this chamber temp issue. I liked this one better, so focused in on it and completely forgot that I had pulled this one in as well. So sorry to have wasted everyone’s time.

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Well, at least it is fixed. I’ll add another cent to my macro-love-and-hate slush fund (If I had one, I’d be stinking rich by now)

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