Basic Information:
Printer Model: Voron 2.4
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Manta M8p
Host / SBC: CM4
klippy (3).log (84.7 KB)
I’ve added a secondary heater to a Voron 2.4 350. Printer is in a detached garage and winter is coming. When the garage is around 8c in the winter, it can take ~45 minutes to heat up for ABS prints.
For some reason the [heater_generic … ] throws an error when trying to change the set point temperature.
> ###################################
> # Chamber Heater Control
> ###################################
> [heater_generic Chamber_Heater]
> #gcode_id: d
> heater_pin: PB6 # HE2
> sensor_type: Generic 3950
> sensor_pin: PA2 # TH1
> control: watermark # use watermark control method (on/off)
> max_delta: 2 # set the delta temp to energize/deenergize chamber heater
> min_temp: 0 # set minimum temp before error/shutdown
> max_temp: 70 # SAFETY max chamber temperature, printer will shutdown above this temp
> #pwm_cycle_time: 0.01666 # Set this to avoid room lights flickering on higher power heaters. This value works well for 60Hz power. 0.1 is 10Hz
> [verify_heater Chamber_Heater]
> max_error: 120
> check_gain_time: 120
> hysteresis: 5
> heating_gain: 2
> ##########################
> # Chamber Heater Fan
> ##########################
> [heater_fan heater_fan]
> pin: PE1 #HE3
> max_power: 1.0
> heater: Chamber_Heater
> heater_temp: 30.0 # fan will turn off below this level
No errors are in the klippy log until I change the setpoint temperature either through the GUI or via command line:
The heater shows up as you’d expect on the Mainsail console and reports current temperature.
I can change the definitions to manually controlled fans for the heater’s fan, and the heater itself as well as defining the thermistor as a simple monitoring thermistor. The fan will run, the heater will heat, and the thermistor will work as you’d expect. (Obviously not a good idea to do this during operation, it’s just a test).
The above config is basically a copy/paste out of the klipper reference documents, but it won’t let me operate it.
(printer is a year or so old, everything else works great)