Chamber heater help

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Zero G mercury
MCU / Printerboard: CB1 with Manta M8p
klippy (1).log (73.9 KB)

So my issue seems to be odd. i have installed a chamber heater to help with maintaining higher temps and also heat the large chamber i have faster. i have narrowed it down to a certain macro causing issue but it seems to be an issue for me since i have had someone else try it and they have no issues like i do.

basically i try to pre heat my chamber to 50 in temp with the heater. i input the temp into the fluid thermals interface. i get this error

if i comment out my bedfans dual control the chamber heater works. it has to do with the renamed macro in the bed fans section called SET_HEATER_TEMPERTURE. i got the section from below. if you have any input please let me know. plan is if nothing fixes it i plan to make a simple bed fans macro. i have tried reinstalling python as well as klipper.

If you comment out [delayed_gcode bedfanloop] your code works?

if i comment out that section if gives me the same error. if i comment this part out “[include bedfans-dualcontrol.cfg]” of the printer cfg. the chamber heater works. it seems to be an issue with the “[gcode_macro SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE]” macro.

What is the content of it?

the content of that cfg is the ellis macros

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