A "virtual chamber heater" extra python module


i developed a little “extra” python module that uses an additional Fan and a Thermistor (or other temperature sensor) to heat the chamber up.

The idea is not new but i did only find macro based solutions to control the fan:
One or more fans moving air under the heatbed and transfer the heat into the chamber.
(if done properly you can smelt down the plastic parts in you chamber :smiley: )

Whats the difference to a macro based solution?

Not much…

  • It shows up like a real chamber heater, including output of current and target temperature-
  • Does wait for the bed to reach its target temperature before starting the fan, to avoid bed heater errors (I had this all the time when i started from cold)
  • it needs one simple config section
  • no complex startup gcode to heat up, somthing like M140 S100; M191 S50; M109 S240 (or
    M140 S115; M191 S50; M104 S240; M190 S100; M140 S240 to do it a bit faster/smarter)

Current features:

  • Supports M141 (set chamber temperarture) and M191 (set chamber temperarture) gecodes
  • Controls temperature while printing w/o infering with the print (less than 1° cooldown of the bed, air is cirulated as slow as possible to hold the temperature)
  • Waits for bed reaching its target temperature before the fan is started.


  • Using the control classes from pheaters (BangBang and PID) to control the fan speed instead of my KISS code.
  • Using a compartment fan to cool down the chamber when overheated
  • Complete documentation
  • Some checks and failure when temperature cant be reached (e.g. difference chamber / bed temp is below a certain level on M191)

For me, the current version is enougth…
Are there people here that want this extra?
I will spend the time to make it perfect if the community is intrested and the additional time is not wasted.


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Added the source into this and that repository:
thisandthat/Klipper/bedflow at main · motwok/thisandthat (github.com)

(motwok is just another form of mo2000)

Doesn’t work
in my case klipper says after past the script

Unknown heater ‘heater_bed’

Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the “RESTART”
command to reload the config and restart the host software.
Printer is halted

I found the bug :

the heater_bed section of the printer.cfg must be loadet befor it loads the heater chamber section

and klipper screen show also an error with the script :-/

what error is shown?

I will make a pic, next Time