Help... STM32F401CEU6

Basic Information:

MCU / Printerboard: STM32F401CEU6

I’m trying to use this blackpill but I can’t even detect the mcu…


this time I managed to compile it

I can connect to the blackpill through st-link v2 to stm32cubeprogramer but after that I don’t even have any signal…

I can do the same by USB but… with klipper nothing

How did you flash the MCU?

hello… with st-link v2… bc I can’t flash it with kiauh since it doesn’t recognize it…

Hmm, this is not so easy. I have flashed some bluepills already and it worked quite well with dfu-util
Typically, when you have such connection issues then it is most likely that you either:

  1. Did not use the correct settings for building the firmware
  2. Did not flash it correctly and potnetially even accidentally overwrote its bootloader

For 1. I cannot be of much assistance since I do not have the needed settings for exactly this board. You would need to find out the needed settings WRT the make menuconfig options. A single wrong entry here will surely spoil your fun

Lets try to flash the katapult bootloader first.

  1. Try connecting the board via USB
  2. Put it in programming mode, e.g. by pressing and holding BOOT0 and resetting the board
  3. Post the result of the command sudo dfu-util -l

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