How do I do my own bed probing macro?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: MonoPrice Delta Pro
MCU / Printerboard: Lerdge X with TMC2209 in stand alone mode for a,b,c towers.

Describe your issue:

I just set up Klipper on my printer for the first time. I have some large prints to make and I needed the excellent pressure advance feature. Everything is working great except for the first layer. My first layer results in Klipper are worse than the previous FW. I have been printing on this printer for a couple of years.

My printer probe is a pressure sensor between the nozzle tip and the bed. Its repeatability is within 0.007mm.

The PROBE command shows changes to the Z height depending on from which direction it approaches the X,Y point (since it is a delta printer any tower could potentially affect the Z position). This reeks havoc with the resulting bed leveling mesh, because each row approaches from the opposite direction. The deviation can be up to 0.1mm on adjacent rows depending on how far it is away from the center of the bed. It looks like an accordion.

I have not been able to find any mechanical problem with the printer. Everything is stiff and does not change position from manually pushing on the effector. After days of trying to find a mechanical issue, I gave up and started looking for a software solution.

What I want to do my own mesh probing that uses a consistent approach direction for each probe point (or even average the results from probing the same point from multiple approach directions). Then substitute that mesh for bed leveling. This will at least get the bed mesh correct. My bed is actually pretty flat. It only deviates from a plane by about 0.1mm and is pretty smooth.

I wrote a little macro to start the process as a proof of concept, but immediately ran into a problem of being able to pick up the result of the probe into a variable. So, I don’t even know if what I want to do is possible. It seems that you can not do a PROBE and get the result in the same macro.

So, I would like to know how I can approach this problem in a reasonable timeframe. I need to get printing again. Reading the macro tutorial, I am sure I can learn to write Klipper macros, but I am not a Python programmer. TIA

I have found that I can do my own gcode print file to do the probes my way, then edit the points in the printer.cfg saved bed mesh to get what I need. It is a PIA to have to do it this way, but doable by me.