Input Shaper "Unknown pin chip name 'RPI'" Error

Basic Information:

Printer Model: CR10S
MCU / Printerboard:
Host / SBC Raspberry Pi 4

Hello! I am trying to tune resonance compensation with an ADXL345 Accelerometer.
I got to the part where you configure your Accelerometer in the printer.cfg file, and after I copy and pasted the printer.cfg code and entered my probe points, I get an error message saying,

"Klipper reports: ERROR

Unknown pin chip name ‘RPI’

Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the “RESTART”
command to reload the config and restart the host software.
Printer is halted

I don’t know what value to put in that line, and I don’t know how to get it. Could someone help?


Please to your next post.

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As stated, Post your log for more detailed help.

But the chip line is the name of the accelerometer you defined in your printer cfg on your toolhead.

[adxl345] is the default but if you gave it a name like [adxl345 toolhead] or [adxl345 gantry] then it will be ‘toolhead’ or ‘gantry’

klippy.log (2.8 MB)
Here is my log

[mcu rpi]

serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu


cs_pin: RPI:


accel_chip: adxl345


150, 150, 20  # an example

This is what my printer.cfg code looks like. The error line is the “cs_pin: RPI:” line.

Hello! Thanks for your guys’ help. I solved it by entering cs_pin: rpi:None in the code template.

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