Install on RPiZero+Atmega2560

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Hictop Athorbot01 3DB-18
MCU / Printerboard: MPX_V5.0 (Atmega2560)
Host / SBC : Raspberry Pi Zero W(V1.3)
klippy (4).log (209.7 KB)
printer.cfg (15.5 KB)

Hallo all,
I will try to start Klipper on the “Raspberry Pi Zero W(Ver.1.3)” as a Klipper-host and Hictop Atherbot01 (3DP-18) as a 3D printer. 3DP-18 is a replica, how based on Makerbot (MPX_V5.0) with Atmega2560 on board. The board is connected with RPi over USB-OTG interface, as an one us-device.

As configurations I had used from these source:
tld3pro_klipper/8bit_board/cfg at master · audiobrian/tld3pro_klipper · GitHub

… and do it with a description from : / RPi_microcontroller.html#install-the-rc-script

with little correction :

make flash FLASH_DEVICE = /dev / serial / by-id

/ usb-Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0042_55735323635351907132-if00

The flashing going very good and successed.

But if I open Web-interface of the Klipper, see folows status messages:

Klipper reports: STARTUP

Printer is not ready
The klippy host software is attempting to connect.  Please
retry in a few moments.

A couple minutes later I see this:

Klipper reports: ERROR

mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
"FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Error configuring printer

And I see in the klippy.log many messages about errors.

What is wrong and how can I fix it? I am not sure about [mcu].baud. I hat tried to use with “baud” and without, with “baud: 115200” - any variants are with same problem.

Not sure what you are reporting here. This seems all a bit messed up.

Generally the error you are experiencing either means:

  • Board not correctly flashed
  • Board not correctly connected to the host
  • Wrong serial path in the config
  • Linux distribution interfering with the connection process

Hard to tell from remote but judging by your log:

mcu 'mcu': Unable to open serial port: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0042_55735323635351907132-if00: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0042_55735323635351907132-if00'

With the key being No such file or directory.

The connection string also indicates that this seems to be an Arduino Due board (couldn’t find any further information on this board) and as such it typically has two USB ports. One for programming and one for connection.
For a USB connection, you need to use the connection one and not the programming one. On an original Due board it is the one that is furthest away from the power port.

Thank you!

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