Hey guys, I’m working on trying to get the Creality Sonic Pad updated to the main repos. I’ve got root access to the OS which is OpenWRT. I’ve followed a long with some of the Information that is on the KlipperWRT GitHub and I’ve successfully gotten Moonraker, Fluidd and Mainsail updated and working. However I am having issues with Klipper as I’m getting errors with gcc when tuning Klipper. The opkg doesn’t work properly and haven’t been able to get it to work properly either to install gcc. It does have arm-none-eabi-gcc on it and I updated it to the latest I could find. Wanted to see if anyone would be able to help me out to get Klipper updated?
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since the latest github update for advanced sonic pad where you unbundled kiauh, it doesnt install mainsail, klipperscreen, i try to clone into kiauh, says certificates not found, tried to update those via manpage, failed, why would you unbundle the greatest klipper installer ever??? well thanks for the 5min of excitement, felt like the drive home after buying the sonic pad.
Any success? Github repo?
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