MCU shutdown: move queue overflow

Thanks very much for your time looking at this Kevin!

Interestingly, I got another MCU shutdown on the following day but for for a completely different reason: “Missed scheduling of next digital out event”:

MCU missed scheduling digital out event

This happened almost immediately after I started heating up the printer with no motion at all. Intermittent issues drive me crazy, particularly when they seem to occur randomly :grinning:.

Since then, I reseated all Pi & MCU cable connectors and also pulled fresh Klipper from GitHub and recompiled & flashed the MCU with it (just in case). So far no more strange issues in four days. If anything else happens I will start suspecting the power supply perhaps. The CR-10S Pro power supply gets hit really hard with the ~400W DC bed heater and even though it’s a MW, perhaps it’s starting to deteriorate due to the ripple currents.

In either case, I attached the log from the second event.

Thank you again.

MCU missed scheduling digital out event - (49.8 KB)