I am experiencing a very puzzling issue… I set up klipper for the first time 1-2 weeks ago and I already printed 1kg of filament, so I’d say that everything works nicely except for:
Power on printer
Start Print
Finish print
Start second print
Printer starts with the normal preprint routine: home, z-tilt, bed level, custom wipe&purge macro
The next move would be to start printing but here I always get the same “move out of range” error
Restart firmware
Start Print - all good
I have attached a trimmed log for your convenience. You can ctrl+f for “start first print” and “start second print”.
Haha, oh no… now, after the 3rd print or so I got “Extrude only move too long (-3892.157mm vs 160.000mm)”
Would you mind to check my start gcode again? I guess it has to do with the purge step right at the end of the macro but I still have too little understanding for gcode stuff.