Pi crashed 3 times mid-print, almost same place

Ok, so I had another failure. This time, I ran out of filament and the printer was in a paused state for like an hour (from 10-11PM), then it kicked on the fans and screen lost connection (like normal). This feels like it would be strange to have a kernel panic or thermal issues if it was sitting dormant after an hour and crashed.

However, when I pulled the journal, it ONLY shows data for today (nothing from yesterday, when it happened). Storage=persistent in the journal.conf, so I’m not sure what I’m missing. Hopefully you guys have some more ideas.

I did buy a replacement pi since this is the only one I have issues with. I hate that I can’t put long prints on this thing because it could randomly fail, and I really would like to figure it out, but if there’s no logs then I don’t know where else to check.

If I’m missing something, can you give me specific commands to put in to PuTTY so that I can get what’s needed?
Otherwise I will throw the new pi on it and see if it continues.

Ok, so I made some headway.
Got a new BTT Pi, and it had the same crash with no logs or journal entries. In the dmesg, it says that the previous journal was corrupted or not shut down properly so it was removed and replaced, which would explain why no journals exist. Very strange, but at least I know it’s not a hardware specific issue with that other pi. I also tried a stronger power supply (5V @ 3A) direct to the pi instead of the Printer PS. No change.

So then I dug into the USB UVC errors in the dmesg. Looks like that’s kinda common for uncommon webcams, and this printer is the ONLY printer I have with a Creality Nebula (infrared) camera. I got a firmware update for the camera, and loaded with:
“modprobe uvcvideo quirks=0x100”
but still got lots of errors (actually more):
“Failed to query (GET_DEF) UVC control 12 on unit 2: -32 (exp. 4)”

Looking into that more, sounds like spamming that error will eventually cause host firmware issues, so I’m guessing that’s my problem. I went back to a good old regular webcam and don’t have the issues for a whole weekend of printing, so I guess I’ll put this Nebula back in the box…

Anyway, thanks guys!

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