Help on troubleshooting random printer crashes

Basic Information:

Printer Model: CoreXY
MCU / Printerboard: BTT SKR 2 + OrangePi Zero + BTT U2C + EBB36
klippy.log: klippy.log (5.2 MB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed

Describe your issue:

I hope this is the right place here and allowed to ask such a question as maybe not related to Klipper.
Apparently since swapping my CANBus-cable the printer randomly “crashes”.

  • Mainsail does not update any temps; webcam seems to be lost as well
  • the LCD (BTT Mini 12864) has only the backlight on
  • OrangePi (Armbian 22.08.4 Jammy with Linux 5.15.72-sunxi) is lost in the network and is not accessible

This seemed to happen randomly either during a print or when the printer is idle.
It is not possible for me to cause this issue and I do not really know where to start troubleshooting.
One could say: just put back the old cable… Yes I can do so but if the issue is too random this might lead to wrong results.
And mostly I hit the search for updates button and update the system although you should never change a running system. :confused: So maybe there could be an issue as well?

What makes me wonder is the LCD with only backlight on. If I just power off the OrangePi during work the LCD stays on as still being fed by the SKR 2. So maybe the SKR 2 itself might shutdown but still provide power to the LCD.
But then why is the OrangePi no longer accessible?

At first sight I did not see any errors in the klippy.log but I’m not familiar with reading this log file.
But I do not know where to look in the Armbian either.

The attached klipper.log is from yesterday where at least one crash occured.

If someone can help me here this would be great!
This printer is a never ending construction site…
If there are pieces of information missing I’ll get it.

Check the following on your OPi

  • sudo dmesg
  • sudo /var/log/syslog
  • sudo cat /var/log/kern.log

If the logs are big, it might make sense to download them. Check these files for errors, likely connected to can0 interface and/or USB.

I’ll check this. Thank you @Sineos!

Just by mistake came on the emergency stop button in Mainsail and the LCD showed the same issue!
But the OPi was still reachable.
Don’t know yet whether the coldend fan was spinning too when the real crashes occured…

Today no crash occured though.

It looks like the printer is stable now. :slight_smile:

Replaced the OrangePi with a RaspPi4 now due to CPU overloads on high micro steps. However the RasPi at first showed the same or similar issues.
It then received a new DC-DC buck converter that outputs 5.1 V and can handle a couple of amps if needed.
And additionally I did follow those steps here:

So cross fingers it’ll stay stable now and I can work on the remaining to dos…

@Sineos thank you very much for your support directly and indirectly!

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