Possible SKR mini E3 V3 Failure Unable to communicate with MCU

Hey @mykepredko thanks for any and all input. I appreciate you all jumping in to help out.

  1. Yes, there was in fact a jumper on these 2 pins (reference below picture). I have removed it. I saw the jumper a while back when I was first installing the MCU, but didn’t think twice about it :face_with_diagonal_mouth: my mistake. A question for you now, I am curious to know the purpose of that jumper and what it’s doing when in place on those 2 pins?

  2. Here is the link to the post that @Sineos has put together for fixing the issue I was referencing. It should hopefully explain what I was talking about a little better. Debian 11 (Bullseye) udev bug - No board or serial found