Basic Information:
Printer Model: neptune 3 pro
MCU / Printerboard: robin nano dw v2.2 stm32f401
can anyone tell me how to change pin definitions for uart and usb? i need to swap the pins on uart and usb. made a post in the dev forum but if someone can point me to the files that need changing i’d like to get my uart working asap.
The USB pins usually are hardwired to the USB controller and can’t be changed.
Why don’t the genuine UART pins do not work for their purpose?
H43 and USB are swapped.
USB firmware will not connect USB or uart. Uart firmware will not connect uart but will connect USB.
H43 is the front serial connection.
The le potato board I’m using is verified to work at 250000 baud by connecting to a different device.
The only other option would be to use the wifi header on pa3/pa2 but that involves opening up the machine and soldering, plus there’s a perfectly good port on the front for a phone cable and the other end came with a rj → jst adapter so hooking up to the potato is extremely simple this way. made a hat for the uart and spi connections. Really don’t want to hack it up using the internal header.