Sensible bed_mesh settings for a 220x220mm bed?

Hi All,
Just to start, fantastic work by Kevin, devs, mods on Klipper and the community, I’m very appreciative!

OK so I have a recurring issue on my home-made MK2S (skr 1.4T) where bed mesh once set does not seem to be honoured in prints. I realise that this issue could be many things from long-time reading of the klipper discord/ github /reddit. So I am trying to eliminate / narrow down the cause. One area I have not really looked into was if my bed mesh settings. I am currently using a genuine BL Touch however I won’t include the settings here as the same issue has been present whilst using 3 different other probe types.
I think I may be going too far with probe count and algorithm type for the relatively small size bed I have (i.e. physically 220x220mm). Could anyone with similar size bed suggest 'sensible/ safe settings that work for them to give me a reference point? Or just in general point to any glaring issues with the settings below?

speed: 150
horizontal_move_z: 5
mesh_min: 15,27
mesh_max: 205,161
probe_count: 5,5
mesh_pps: 2,2
algorithm: lagrange
move_check_distance: 5
split_delta_z: .025
fade_start: 1
fade_end: 10

p.s. dont want to clog up the post with full printer.cfg as I want to focus on this specific question rather than the general /vague issue of not being able to get bed levelling working.