Temperature_fan depending on the TMC2240 temperature?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: CoreXY BLV MGN Cube
MCU / Printerboard: OrangePi Zero3 / Octopus 1.1

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Describe your issue:

The fans cooling my Octopus board are actually depending on the mcu_temperature :

[temperature_fan MainBoard_fan] #2DO
pin: PD13 #FAN3
kick_start_time: 0.5
off_below: 0.2
max_power: 1.0
sensor_type: temperature_mcu #2DO plutot sur stepper_x
min_temp: -20 # Because it'cold out there
max_temp: 80
target_temp: 20
control: pid
pid_kp: 5.0
pid_ki: 0.1
pid_kd: 1.0
min_speed: 0
max_speed: 1

I’d like to have them to depend on the TMC2240 temperature that i can read here :

21:25 printer[‘tmc2240 stepper_x’].temperature : 35.32

Does anyone have an idea how to do this ?

Have a nice day !

klippy(2).log (71.6 KB)

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AFAIK, there isn’t much desire by the klipper team to make TMC2240 work in this fashion. Currently the TMC2240 reports as a temp monitor which, as i understand, klipper can not use like other temperature sensors to perform actions.

The issue mentioned is that the TMC2240 ,when the motors are disabled, does not report a temperature. It feels like in the specific case it shouldn’t be challenging to write a specific fan temperature sensor behavior to drive a fan, but the developers are concerned about the feature in a very general case for all potential uses.

That said, i also would like to use TMC2240 temp to run my fans.

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Just use a controller fan. It will turn on when the drivers are enabled, and turn off when they’re disabled.

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OK, that is quite understandable.

That’s what i’ll do, for sure, as there is no other solution at this time :wink:
By the way, thanks you for your answers !

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