Timelaps no webcam option

Basic Information:

Printer Model: creality k1c
MCU / Printerboard:
klippy.log.zip (3.0 MB)
moonraker.log.zip (14.9 KB)

Hello there
I got a creality k1c rooted running with mainsail
I thit instalt most of the script of this guide: How to Root & Improve the Creality K1 + recommended mods & upgrades | GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video Game Community
everthing is running well, now i was tinkering with the timelaps setup only i cant select the webcam

how do i fix this

Did you read this ?

yes, and config it, but dident solve my issue.
the strange thing was i got live feed but no record possibility.

Till i followd this guide https://youtu.be/n-BVPidUDLI?si=y52Mi9bcEGVOjGYW
I had to remove and some script and then boom i can select my cam and now it works

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