Timelapse video: Move print head out of the way

I’m finally getting my printer to work fairly reliably since changing to Klipper as well as changing to the Micro Swiss NG Direct Drive hot end. I still need to make a better camera mount but one thing I’ve noticed is when making a timelapse video, the video stops with the print head blocking the view of the top layers; it hasn’t risen up yet.

Here is a very short example of a quick print.

I’m thinking that there is probably some kind of line or so in either my slicer or in the timelapse config file to move the print head out of the way before the video stops.

With a good timelapse plugin, like Octolapse for OctoPrint, you can tell the printhead where to go when the image is taken.

I guess I forgot to say that I am using Mainsail at the moment. When I first started with my Ender 3 and was using Marlin, I was using OctoPi (OctoPrint) but when I went to Klipper, I found instructions were easier for me to set-up my printer.cfg file more easily in Mainsail. Maybe now that I finally worked out many of my kinks with the printer.cfg file, I may go back to OctoPi again… just bringing along the changes I’ve set in my config file. There are aspects I liked better in OctoPrint but then there are a few things I like better with Mainsail. I am still a relative “newbie” but I have learned a lot in the past several months.

Since you neither shared your klippy.log file (as indicated when opening this post) nor your slicer end gcode nor a sliced gcode file, I would guess you are pretty correct: Likely some line somwhere

Deleted my post because of reasons