Timer too Close on Voron 2.4

Aside from the standard reasons for such an error listed at Timer too close, you are using a heavily modified version of Klipper:

Git version: 'v0.11.0-271-g5f990f93-dirty'
Untracked files: klippy/extras/autotune_tmc.py, klippy/extras/ercf.py, klippy/extras/ercf_encoder.py, klippy/extras/ercf_servo.py, klippy/extras/manual_extruder_stepper.py, klippy/extras/motor_constants.py
Branch: master
Remote: origin
Tracked URL: https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper.git

Note that such changes, especially in combination, may cause this behavior. Further support can only be provided if the problem also occurs in an unmodified Klipper.