Sorry for my poor English and my modest technical and electrical skills.
A similar case has already been dealt with in closed error #4046. Unfortunately, the proposed solutions do not help me.
My Prusa Clone has been running since mid-2019 with the same hardware from Bigtreetech TMC2130 V3 and SKR-Pro 1.1. I have been using Klipper with this maschine since version 0.6 or 0.7. and upgraded it last year to 0.8. After some initial difficulties, all firmware upgrades were feasible for me without external help… Now I can’t get any further.
Now I want to switch to Fluidd and Klipper 0.91.
For demsontration reasons I have installed the stock SKR-Pro printer.cfg provided from Kevin.
The motors move fine in x and y direction.
As soon as I activate the Z-axis, I get an error: “TMC stepper_z failed to init: Unable to write tmc spi ‘stepper_z’ register CHOPCONF”.
I would be really(!!) grateful if someone could help me. I have attached the circuit diagrams of SKR-Pro and TMC2130 V3.
PLEASE ask me if you need further information.
Thanks for your help in advance Uli
klippy.2.log (36.9 KB)
Here ist the shematics of Bigtreetech TMC2130V3
That error indicates Klipper is not able to fully communicate with the trinamic stepper motor driver.–errors
Double check the jumpers on the board near the Z stepstick. From your description, I would guess one of the jumpers is missing or not seated properly.
Hello Kevin,
thank you very much for your super fast answer and for the time you spend on the development and support of “Klipper”. ( I have to make a small donation now
I have found the error! It was neither the wiring nor the jumpers. I would have been surprised, because everything worked fine with version 0.8 and I had changed NOTHING(!). (Except for the firmware upgrade)
It was the stepper motor driver itself. After cross-exchanging my stepper motor drivers, it turned out that one of them was probably damaged with - or by? - the firmware update?
After the exchange against the remaining Watterott TMC2130 drivers everything works as usual again.
Thanks anyway! Keep up the good work and good luck!
Klipper was recently changed to verify that commands written to Trinamic drivers are received correctly. If one of your drivers is no longer functioning correctly after the update, it likely means the “MISO” pin was always damaged on that driver - it just was not previously reported. Best is to replace the driver though.
There were some details on the change at