You do NOT have UART communications with the TMC2209s in your Flying Bear Ghost 5 printer.
When I look at the schematics that you posted (which are the same as what’s on the MKS Github page - MKS-Robin-Nano-V1.X/MKS Robin Nano V1.3_002 SCH.pdf at master · makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin-Nano-V1.X · GitHub) I don’t see any provision for a UART connection for a TMC2209 chip.
The stepper motor driver socket schematic is:
Which doesn’t have any UART connection - if it did, you would see something like (taken from the Robin Nano V3.1 schematic):
Note that in the V3 drive wiring there is the UART connection (as well as the “TMC” clocked serial) which isn’t present in the V1.3.
Doing a quick scan, I see that that the TMC2209s will work in the Robin Nano V1.3 but only in “Standalone Replacement” mode as shown in the TMC2209 datasheet (starting on page 2) here:
I just noticed that in the Flying Bear website, they have a page on installing TMC2209s that notes that you should buy the modules without the UART pins: Replace and Tune TMC2209 drivers | Flyingbear Ghost Wiki and they seem to indicate that reason to do the update is to get quieter printer operation.
I’ve spent this time noting this because it looks like you’re thinking that you are changing the TMC2209 max current in Klipper using the UART connection which isn’t the case. You will have to twiddle with the pots on the driver modules and check the VREF voltage levels with a DMM.
Where did you get the Klipper firmware for your printer? If you built it yourself, what parameters did you use? There’s a good chance that it was created for an STM32F MCU but with the wrong part number and the clock specification is wrong resulting it in not running at the correct speed or at a default speed, which I believe is 8MHz. I’m pointing this out because the actual pulse size for the 200ns specification is not as accurate as I would expect.
The MKS Robin Nano V1.3 uses the same PCB as the Robin Nano 1.2, just the MCU and some passive parts are changed. Looking around at various online comments about the Ghost 5 and controller problems as well as their own website, it seems like Flying Bear puts in whatever they can find and you may get different controllers and drivers.
To summarize.
- While you’re using the TMC2209s stepper motor drivers with your printer, your hardware does not have the capability of communicating with the driver chips using a UART; they are working as stand alone drivers.
- To change the maximum current driven by the stepper motor drivers you will have to access the pots on the stepper motor modules.
- You need to confirm the MCU on your controller board and verify that the Klipper firmware was built for it to ensure you are running the MCU at maximum speed.
The simplest (and least costly) solution to your issues will probably be to run with the 200ns STEP pulses as you are doing now.