Hi all, I’m trying to set up a PT100 temp sensor using a Fysetc MAX31865 stepstick on a Fysetc Spider V1.1 mainboard, but I am running into problems. I tried following the guide on the Fysetc Wiki (PT100_Stick Introduction - FYSETC WIKI) which appears to be an adaption of the instructions in the Voron documentation. It says to insert the following lines in the [extruder] section of the config file:
sensor_type: MAX31865
sensor_pin: PD11 # I pulg into Spider E4-MOT socket, cs pin is the sensor pin
spi_speed: 4000000
spi_software_sclk_pin: PE12
spi_software_mosi_pin: PE14
spi_software_miso_pin: PE13
rtd_nominal_r: 100
rtd_reference_r: 430
rtd_num_of_wires: 2
However when I do this, Klipper complains that the spi parameters are not valid in the [extruder] section. So, I set up a new temperature sensor like this:
Thanks very much for the reply. I’ve attached 2 log files, the first shows the error I get when I configure the PT100 in a separate [temperature_sensor] section, and the 2nd log file show the result of putting the PT100 configuration into the [extruder] section.
I set my jumpers as per this image on the Fysetc wiki: Jumpers