Basic Information:
Printer Model: Two Trees SP-5
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Robin Nano v1.2
Host / SBC: Raspberry Pi 4
klippy (2).zip (926.1 KB)
Describe your issue:
By calling the two macros below, I am trying to move the nozzle to the bed after the tool head parks when a PAUSE command in initiated. Then raise the nozzle to a safe height on RESUME. The _z_to_resume macro below will result with the following error shown in the console, "Unable to parse move āG1 Zā ".
I assume the variable z_pos_at_pause is not being set with the object, but I do not understand why. Can you help me understand why I am receiving this error?
[gcode_macro _z_to_bed] # get Z axis position at end of PAUSE then move nozzle to Z0.00 to prevent nozzle oozing while paused
{% set z_pos_at_pause = printer.toolhead.position.z|float %} # get Z axis position at end of PAUSE then set to z_pos_at_pause
G1 Z0
[gcode_macro _z_to_resume] # move nozzle from bed to safe height to RESUME
G1 Z{z_pos_at_pause}