Unknown pin chip name 'probe' Error after update

Basic Information:

Printer Model: RMS Core XY
MCU / Printerboard: MKS PI
Host / SBC Klipper 0.12

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there

Describe your issue:

All of a sudden my machine spits out a error that the probe is somehow undefined.
I use Beacon instead of probe and set up configuration according to the reference manual.

After updating my system somehow this error came up and I’m not able yet to resolve it myself.

I suspect that maybe Klipper changed and now this section is unvalid?


Help appreciated! Thank you!

klippy (4).log (389.1 KB)

PS: Heres the beacon source:

The beacon does not run a s probe, but as beacon.

[beacon]         #  <-----------------
serial = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Beacon_Beacon_RevH_15CF300B4E5737374D202020FF082D43-if00
contact_max_hotend_temperature = 180
home_xy_position = 160, 160
home_z_hop = 5
home_z_hop_speed = 30
home_xy_move_speed = 300
home_method = contact
home_method_when_homed = proximity
home_autocalibrate = unhomed
x_offset = 0
y_offset = 24.5
mesh_main_direction = y
mesh_runs = 2
z_settling_time = 1000

This doesn’t work either.
Renamed it despite the instructions directly from Beacon Homepage.


My configuration worked fine many month.
This error is coming up just now after I updated Klipper.
BTW I also pressed hard recovery button for Klipper because system said it was corrupt.
Maybe here lies an explanation?


Beacon repo was somehow not installed at all.
Githubbing into it solved this one.

But also other previous installed packages where lost. Like Shaketune etc…

Something horrible happened. I don’t know hat happened but I think I have to start from scratch.

Everytime I solve a piece a new problem comes up. Now MCU is undefined…


What could cause my installation to become “corrupt” all of a sudden?
It started with a problem where the heater_bed was running out of its corridor.
And not klippy.log was generated.

Crazy no?

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