Variables for [save_z_home]

Sorry, but this an English speaking forum and other readers shall have the chance to participate as well.

Effectively you can do a lot with macros and as far as my understanding of your concept goes, this should be possible but requires quite some macro understanding and work.

You might want to have a look at various existing macros and at the macro tutorial to get an idea how to work with variables etc.
See especially the Macros - Klipper category and the excellent macro tutorial Macro Creation Tutorial - #22 by Mard0
Also a lot of inspiration can be obtained from GitHub - zellneralex/klipper_config: This is the config of my Voron 2.4 350mm3 Serial:V2.660

homing_override is described here Configuration reference - Klipper documentation
In the gcode block you can customize homing with macros