First point. Argggh. You’re right. I’ve updated the _HOME_X & _HOME_Y macros. Good catch thanx.
Second point. It’s been like this since I set homing_retract_dist:0
- you can see it in the second video of my post here: Problem with SHAPER_CALIBRATE & TMC2209s with Sensorless Homing - #7 by mykepredko
Third point. Which point above? [homing_override]
with “xyz” as the “axes” parameter didn’t go a good job of providing a single axis specified. I had a number of cases where it started doing all three axes when only one was specified or only the specified one when the higher order precedence one needed to be done.
Maybe I should retry it now that I’ve got a day or so of experience with macros (although I’m still making mistakes like the one you caught right at the top) but with overriding G28, I had things rock solid right from the start.
But, right now it’s 4:08AM here in Toronto, so I’m getting some sleep.