Bed mesh not working as it should

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: SKR mini E3 V3
klippy (2).log (7.0 MB)

Describe your issue: I just upgraded to an Orbitor V2.0 which involved moving my CR Touch mount to the front of my hotend fan and now my bed mesh is not working as it should, when I make a mesh it looks fine but when I start printing the left side of the print the z offset is too high but on the right side it is too low, I have done many screw tilt calibrations and z offset changes but nothing helps, I have dual z axis with 2 stepper motors and I am using a 7 by 7 mesh (was 5 by 5 but I thought 7 by 7 might fix the issue.)

If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it!

You might have a twisted x axis, take a look at this pr: Add X twist compensation module by blastrock · Pull Request #6149 · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub

I will thank you. What is a twisted x axis?

If the extrusion for your x axis is twisted a little it will result in different probe offsets depending on your x coordinate.
More information/explanation can be found here:

This fixed it thank you so much!

Thank you so much this fixed it!