BIQU MicroProbe V2.0 on Spider with Klipper?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Tronxy 500
MCU / Printerboard: Spder V2.2
klippy.log (2.2 MB)

Do want to change my Probe, the BLTouch again drops the pin.
BIQU MicroProbe V2.0

Did anybody use this probe on klipper? would it be just a change or does it need cfg-changes?

found this important, a strong pull-up resistor?

See MicroProbe/MicroProbe V2 User Manual_20231115.pdf at master · bigtreetech/MicroProbe · GitHub for examples how to configure Klipper.

On your board make sure to connect to a pin with a pull-up. Endstop pins often have a pull-up, but you should verify against the schematics, e.g:

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Thank you!!
that means I have to find out, that the Spider board has a pull-up on board, I think so, but I have to verify

Spider V2.2 has no pull-ups, only on Z-Max.
BLTouch uses Z-Min.
that means I have to change the connected pins on the board for the Biqu and change the printer.cfg.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-14 um 06.14.39
needs PA3 for Z-Max Probe input?

When I look at the schematic for the Spider 2.2, it seems that PA0 is connected directly to the MCU which means that you can enable the pin’s internal pullup using the ^ modifier when you define the pin in your printer.cfg.

I just did a search for “spider v2.2 printer.cfg bl touch” and at:

I see:

#	Bltouch

##	Bltouch - If you use this section , please comment the [probe] section
##	More infomation at :
##	This bltouch is not used for Z height, only Quad Gantry Leveling
##	In Z+ Position
#sensor_pin: PA0
##	In Y+ Position
#control_pin: PA2
#x_offset: 0
#y_offset: 25.0
#z_offset: 0
#speed: 10.0
#samples: 3
#samples_result: median
#sample_retract_dist: 3.0
#samples_tolerance: 0.006
#samples_tolerance_retries: 3

which doesn’t have the pull up enabled, so I think you’ll be fine.

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just adding the modifier and I will be good, did I understand correctly? thx!

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I would recommend putting it in, even if the sample printer.cfg doesn’t have it.

As I said, the sensor pin is connected directly the MCU pin so enabling the internal pull up will give you an added level of security.

Good luck!

Thx, that means the external pull-up will be more safety for the board?

It’s not an external pull up - it’s built into the MCU and enabled using the ^ modifier.

There’s no reason to add anything to the board.

then I do not understand, the Z-max shows the pull-up electric, is it inside the MCU made to have all inputs an pull-up?

Z-Max is designed for a sensor that requires more than 3.3V power which may produce a larger than 3.3V logic “high” level that can damage the MCU. The diode is in series to prevent any damaging voltages from reaching the MCU.

When you connect the BL Touch to the recommended pins, your logic levels will be fine for the MCU.

You do not require any resistors that are external to the MCU.

OK thank you!
If I connect the BIQU instead of the BLTouch, I just have to add the modifier in the printer .cfg ?

Yes. It should work fine.

Let me know if you have any issues.

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@mykepredko the issue is specifically about the Microprobe’s instructions mentioning that the internal pull-up may be too weak. The diode will not change this.

@4711Austria since they explicitly mention it: You could be lucky and it is working, but it could happen that you get strange issues. YMMV

Just had a look at the schematic:

Z-Max has a strong external pull-up. So everything is fine and the internal pull-up via ^ should not be needed (it does not hurt though).

I am a bit confused what should I do now, change nothing and run on Z-Min
or change wiring to Z-Max

No idea how strong / important this requirement regarding the external pull-up is. Also, no idea if the Spider’s internal pull-ups qualify as weak.
As it is explicitly mentioned under the heading “Important”, I would go for Z-Max.

Up to you to decide and evaluate how stable it is working

I think the problem is @4711Austria is trying to understand what to do. I also suspect that he is using something like Google Translate and is not getting an answer he can be fully confident in.

I suggested that he go forward with the Spider recommended wiring so that we have a starting point that we can work with.

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recommended is which one? Z-Max?

Just for mutual understanding: The MicroProbe is not a BLTouch clone and uses a totally different configuration compared to a BLTouch.
The only thing that they have in common is the electrical connection.

I would use Z-max, but it is your printer. Do whatever you seem fit. Topic closed from my side.

Go with what @Sineos says.

He seems to know more about it than I do so if you have any issues, I’m sure he can help you though them.