BTT Filament sensor

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3
MCU / Printerboard: BTT SKR mini E3V2

Hi all,
when the filament ends or there is no extrusion, this part of my printer.cfg

[filament_motion_sensor filament_sensor]
detection_length: 7.0
extruder: extruder
runout_gcode: M600

call the M600 that do the job:

[gcode_macro M600]
    M117 Rilevato fine filamento
    {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE'] | default({}) %}
    {% set X  = client.custom_park_x | default(0.0) %}
    {% set Y  = client.custom_park_y | default(0.0) %}
    {% set Z  = client.custom_park_dz | default(0.0) %}
    G1 E-.8 F2700
    G1 Z{Z}
    G1 X{X} Y{Y} F3000

the problem is if i’m not at home.
Klipper power off all heaters and i have to start the print again.
There is something wrong in my macro?

Hi, i open again this discussion cause meanwhile i have implemented the BTT smart filament sensor that, when filament ends, pause the print and wait for user.
I launch my prints almost before going to sleep and if there is a pause cause filament ended or nozzle is clogged, i had to start again the job cause idle_timeout turns off all heaters…
This is the point, is a nonsense to have a filament sensor if the timeout turns off all.

Moved to your thread. Better than zombify an one year old thread.

There are already a lot of thread on this topic:

Thank you but mine is not an issue , i think could be a feature cause i print mostly during my sleep time and the BTT smart sensor act also as filament jammer, not only as filament end.
And the idle timeout turning off all heaters and resetting the printer ruin my print and i have to start it again.

Add SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT to your pause logic with whatever value you like and use it again to set it back to your default upon resume.

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