Cannot compile .uf2 file. Compiler always compiles as .bin

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 pro
MCU / Printerboard: Skr mini e3 v3
Host / SBC: BTT CB1

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Describe your issue:

I recently bought a Fly ADXL345. I got to work straight away, all seems fine until I saw that I flashed nothing on it. upon checking, the compiled file was .bin and not .uf2 . Tried recompiling (already cleaned) still .bin

Hoping anyon could help, thanks

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You are using the wrong settings to compile your firmware during make menuconfig.

Follow Fly-ADXL345-USB Klipper host configuration | Mellow Products Documentation, which also contains a guide to flash Katapult beforehand.
This will make updating the firmware in future easier.

I got this error now while installing numPY

UPDATE: IVE SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLLED ALL THE NECESSARY FILES, still cant compile to uf2. followed every bit of the documentation

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Apparently not.
If you followed the instructions, you have installed Katapult first and you have chosen Bootloader offset (16KiB bootloader) during the configuration of Klipper. In this case no .uf2 is built and it is not needed as you have Katapult.

Further, the instructions clearly tell you how to flash Klipper.

If you do not use Katapult (which strictly speaking is not needed for this board) then you must chose Bootloader offset (No bootloader) and then a .uf2 is created that you can either:

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