Change homing coordinates (z-axis)

Hello everyone, unfortunately I can’t find where I can adjust the homing coordinates.

The background is that I got a “new” glass printer bed, which is about 2mm thick

It’s thicker than the original.

I was able to get the Z axis “print” BUT I can’t find where to change the G28 value of the Z axis.

The Z is currently moving to 0, which is wrong in this case because it should be Z=2.

Here is the command that needs to be adjusted…



Of course, the hard (z) endstop doesn’t fit, but it should run over the soft endstop.

I can’t change the offset either, because that’s the offset for printing, which fits.

Thanks for your help -->Digedi

It depends on how you home.

The klippy.log should be quite helpful here. (Please do not delete the template when you open y new thread.)

As said → klippy.log

This command is hard to read. Is that spaghetti as it shows up there in your config file?

You also can have a look on this:

hey, thank you very much for your forwarding, but I don’t see there how I can explicitly adjust roaming, only how I move x and y to a safe position in front of z homed, or did I not look properly.?

That is why I asked you to share the klippy.log

Attached is my klipper log, I’m very curious if you can read something out there, since I don’t have any errors, only a Z-axis that goes too deep into bed without errors.

klippy.log (9).txt (67.8 KB)

And thank you for you help

-position_endstop = -0.172
=only changes the actual z-value from the print, but it’s correct

-printer.toolhead.homed_axes %}



If I change this value, nothing happens at all, it still moves into the printer bed no matter how high/low the value is.

No, this is not the correct value if you added glass on top of your bed and didn’t do a new calibration. You need to run Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE and go through the ‘paper test’ method to find the correct endstop position for your Z axis.

hello NO :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: I don’t need that, my anycubic calibrates the Z axis automatically, the Z axis is godd when printing. I can also print very well, but when I calibrate my axis home, it moves to the print bed. That’s a different value than the actual z -axis pressure value.

Klipper uses the endstop position to locate the nozzle after homing. The answer I’ve given you is the solution to what you’re describing.

hello ok first of all thanks for this answer, but I see the problem in that he always wants to move z to “0” for referencing, BUT my z “0” is not at 0 because my bed is higher. The real problem is that if he constantly drives onto the bed when homening, my calibrated Z-axis is misaligned again.

If it can’t physically reach the endstop, then you need to move the endstop. The other option is to eliminate the endstop and home with the probe.