position_endstop in section ‘stepper_z’ must be between position_min and position_max Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the “RESTART” command to reload the config and restart the host software. Printer is halted
Can you share the klippy.log?
klippy.log (5.4 MB)
step_pin = PF11
dir_pin = PG3
enable_pin = !PG5
rotation_distance = 40
gear_ratio = 80:16
microsteps = 16
endstop_pin = PG10
position_max = 310
position_min = -5 <----
homing_speed = 8
second_homing_speed = 3
homing_retract_dist = 3
position_endstop = -5.500 <---- is less then position_min
You should decrease endstop_min
to make it same or less.
Hello, I have modified the in “printer. CFG”
“#*# [stepper_z];
#*# position_ ENDSTOP = - 5.500 ", but restart still has no effect
As I said:
You have to align the two values.
And you can not leave away the endstop position. Klipper has to know this position.